The academy's secrets

Submitted into Contest #100 in response to: Write a story that involves a secret or magic ingredient.... view prompt


Adventure Suspense Fiction

My name is Layla and I went to Elodie Academy; a magic school! We didn’t really use magic wands, not yet. By the time being we were in the trainee phase.

By which we had to prepare the learner’s room, our immediate supervisors. We had to call it “prepare the learner’s room” when it was just cleaning. We would be severely told off or even punished if we didn‘t do so. In that instance we usually would be punished by the “instructors”.

Nevertheless we would call the “learners” as “5th levers” despite the instructors precisely ordering us to call them “learners”.

Instructors wouldn’t usually punish us; we wouldn’t see them much. It was always the 5th levers that reprimanded us. They would make us wear the “naughty hat”, shave our hair and plainly just humiliate us. At the end we were just 3rd levers, I understood my duty of respecting my superiors but it was sometimes hard. Sometimes I thought about how we could have been 4th levers if it weren’t for Aura.

Some time ago Aura saw something, I don’t really know what it is but she got severely punished by it. And Lisa and me as her friends, we were punished for being considered a bad influence. It wasn’t really that much, we were just not allowed to become 4th levers. Although it wasn’t that important it meant the world to Lisa and me. Lisa never really got over it and resents her to this day. But we didn’t have that much time to talk anyways.

When we finished cleaning we would go to the academy and depending of our level we could fabricate Fargos Fantasy Stones, create Veria Magic Rolls or even use magic wands! But of course that was reserved for 5th levers. Nevertheless a significant part of our day consisted of cleaning. 5th levers would ensure of disciplining lack of cleaning, so everyone would spend much longer cleaning than necessary to ensure it was totally, magnificently and totally; clean.

I’m not saying our worries were illogical, because they weren’t. Every evening the 5th levers would make us stand up in front of the area we where assigned to clean that morning and they would check thoroughly to see if there was any, tiny, little, squeaky speck of dust. Obviously they would always find something to complain about and then proceed to humiliate us.

Everything was generally routinary and everyone just conformed to this. But there was this kid, we never knew who he was but I remember heading to make the Veria Magic Rolls and suddenly a loud sound came from all megaphones “All workers, that’s what you are, are officially liberated. You may go do whatever you like. All instructors are locked in their own rooms”.

I was outraged. How could someone be so cruel of locking the instructors. I understand they would makes us wear degrading uniforms and lock us for hours but they didn’t deserve that, it was for our own good. I was determined to keep doing my work, but my thoughts were interrupted by Aura. She seemed super excited, she shouted “Let’s go and have fun!” I told her no but she continued, and continued, and continued. And then she proceeded to accuse me of being boring! I sighed for a moment and proceeded to accept her request.

I was genuinely worried. This was all new to me. But I gradually started to actually have a good time but this was interrupted by “You may all go back to your stations, the amount of service you have done will be counted and you will be disciplined appropriately according to the number”...

My heart started beating fast, very fast. I hadn’t done anything.

When they got to my desk I was very much punished. Great! Once again I had gotten myself into trouble because of Aura. Maybe Lisa was right about resenting Aura. I did think that but I never actually resented her.

Since that day security measures were put further and the kid in charge of locking the instructors was put into what they named as re-education. We could no longer talk whilst on the factories. I really struggled with this and was constantly punished and told off, to the point they made me do a night shift once. And when we went to our bedrooms the conversations were pretty dull anyways.

But for once in a long time I got to talk with Lisa. At first we were talking about the day but then she mentioned Aura. I wasn’t surprised at first but she then continued to my dismay “Aura did something, it’s our responsibility to help Aura avoid committing such offence again. For this we must discover what she did” I refused but she was persistent; “We must as members of the Elodie academy educate and discipline our companions towards the path of virtue” I knew she was manipulating me and so out of fear I agreed.

When I found the opportunity I requested her to come to the bathroom and there I asked her the big question: “What did you see that day?”. But she refuted

- Why now? And won’t you get into trouble?

- Aura this is serious.

- I am serious.

- So what is it that you saw?

- Can you promise you won’t tell anyone?

- No.

- I can’t trust you

This time I looked at her

- I was given this paper – she proceeded to show me an insignificant crumbled paper

She continued:

- It also came with a maths book

She didn’t continue. She looked around, checking if anyone was hearing us. She heard a small squeak, and she immediately panicked. She left the bed and started moving around as she screamed and hurled, she wouldn’t stop turning on and off the lights. This woke up everyone else in the room. Half of the 4th levers lived in this bedroom and they were pissed. One of them called the 5th graders who were doing night patrol. When they came, they looked just as pissed. Aura was forcibly sent to sleep in an isolated room. I was calm though, I had squeaked and in the confusion I managed to steal the paper. I was content but the guilt rumbled throughout my stomach.

The next day I woke up early, very early and examined the paper. It seemed to be full of lines. There were some semi-circles on lines I couldn't understand but then I realised it could be angles! But where would it be? It definitely wouldn’t be in the 3rd levers bedroom, definitely not in the 2nd levers bedroom but neither in the 5th levers. I knew they kept some books for the instructor’s to read in their bedrooms but going there was a problem, a very big problem.

I couldn’t picture myself doing this alone, so I asked Lisa...

- I know it’s a lot to ask but I need to get a maths book. Unfortunately it’s the only option

- I’m sorry but I can’t

- Please?

- I’ve never stolen anything but you have. I’ve never seen anything inappropriate but you have. If this gets out you’re the one in trouble

I realise immediately what was happening!

- Do you really think I’m gonna let you manipulate me like this?!

- Yes, yes I do.

I didn’t know what to do, I was at her complete domain but she continued talking:

- So what can I get from you?

- Why would I give you anything?!

- Because you have to

- Shut up!

- Guys Layla is attacking me!

- Shut up!

- Layla just kicked me!

- Shush!!!

- Layla is trying to pin me to the ground!

I tried asking “ What do you want?” but this wouldn’t shut her. She was almost going to talk about the paper I stole until I said:

- What do you want my lady?

- Good – she smiled – , but its mistress. You shall be addressed as my servant

Her arrogance stunned me and brought tears to my eyes. I tried to leave the bathroom but she blocked the way

- You are not to leave yet

I didn’t know what to answer so I just said “sorry” and she slapped me! I had been done a lots, but never slapped!

“Next time remember to add the mistress” and she left.

In the next week I managed avoiding her. At times it was quite easy, I created the Veria Magic Rolls but she did the Fantasy Rocks so we would be in totally different places. When the day finished is when it go difficult. At first I would just act sick and sleep elsewhere to avoid transmitting my invented sickness. But after some days it got harder to seem sick and so I had to be more original.

But what no-one expected happened, she increased a level. She knew she was going to loose her precious “servant”. She didn’t enjoy this but I sure did!

Time passed and I still had the damn paper on my pocket, and the pressure started to feel heavier. I needed to get rid of this paper, but how?!

I thought of just throwing it but then a paranoia entered: what if they checked the litters?!? I thought of giving it to someone else but they could rat me out – None of the options seemed suitable but then the idea popped into my head again, I should try to decipher it…! There was so many things that could go wrong but I just couldn’t get around it.

And so the day came I decided to do it, I would steal a maths book. Yes, it sounds ridiculous. But my nerves were clinching. I didn’t go to my room that day just like the other week no-one was surprised nor worried, great to my advantage. It was impulsive but I didn’t go to work and instead headed to the instructors bedroom. I knew it was dumb to just enter and steal the maths book so I turned around. I passed by the 1st levers uniforms locker. It included the academy uniform and the morning uniform. They had different morning uniforms as me, mine was grey, theirs was green. But he biggest difference was that I cleaned the 5th levers bedroom and they cleaned the instructors bedroom, this was perfect! But then I had the most obvious and dumb idea I ever had, I would steal the uniforms, right here, when they could come at any moment.

The sweat was pouring from my forehead, my breathing felt unnatural but I gathered the courage and… I did it!!! I turned around and an instructor was looking at me. I already knew her and so I was terrified, she immediately shouted for me to come closer, I obeyed, I was already in too much problem. But as soon as I did it she started shouting:

- So inappropriate stealing from the uniform locker!

- Pardon me

“What are you doing stealing a uniform! Is it because you lost your own uniform?!”

“Yes ma’am” – I lied

- Loosing your uniform?! The pride of your essence! You should be ashamed! What was your name again?

- Layla

- You know how it works, you’re just as everyone else. Say your name and academy code

- Layla_92kd5z8290.


- I’m putting you on the punishment list. You may leave

I had told her I lost my uniform and so I was bought a new one. Because of the expense I was put on janitor duty for the week.

Being a janitor didn’t bother me, I got to miss having to go to the academy but being in the punishment list, that was horrible! The punishment list was more like a list of shame. The list was public…


They woke me up a bit earlier than usual but not too much. Then they gave me the janitor uniform… It, was, darn, ridiculous! It was too pompous but ugly at the same time. It was a bright orange and it almost blinded me. I tried to ignore the situation and get to clean, generally it wasn’t too different to every other morning except for the fact I was wearing an utterly ridiculous, bright orange costume. I tried ignoring the situation but it was difficult as everyone was starting to notice the small girl on the gigantic orange costume cleaning their floors.

When I finished cleaning the block they told me to head to the instructor’s room.

When I got there the temptation was too big, In a mere act of impulse I got the book and stuffed it into my costume, the costume was already too big and luckily no-one was looking.

I finally did it! I finally freaking did it!!!

When I got to my bedroom I waited for everyone to fall asleep and with a small flash-light I scrolled through the book until I found the page on angles. For each angle I found I wrote the first letter and managed to spell:


I didn’t know what it was trying to say but it concerned the academy. I tried writing ELODIE ACADEMY on the space left and it fit! It now said:


I knew the paper wasn’t only made up of angles so that gave me hope, I continued. As I examined the paper I realise I had missed one of the most obvious things on it, Multiplication!


After intensive search I found Pi. And what I saw surprised me… It freaking said map!!! Maybe I was too excited; but I just couldn’t contempt my excitement!!!

I continued and what I saw changed my life forever:


Nothing in my life was true, there was no academy, no magic. Everything was manipulation…! I woke up everyday to serve and be punished. I got out of my bed and then started walking around in circles. And that’s when the guilt really punched me, I was feeling how Aura had felt but I had never apologized. I didn’t know what to do so I went back to bed. I cried to myself until I fell asleep.


“Wake up!” The instructor shouted, it was the next morning. I dressed up and put the paper on my pocket. I knew it was a map but I didn’t know where it started. I thought of it thoroughly and only the most obvious idea could come to mind: the men’s bathroom, this was located at the very left of the academy. This kind of made sense as when writing you start on the left side. The instructor told me I’d be cleaning the 2nd levers block but I asked her against my own desire “May I clean the men’s bathroom instead?” She was baffled. The men’s bathroom was probably the most disgusting place in the entire academy, it smelled like sewage and it was covered in toilet paper. The instructor accepted but remained suspicious.

I headed out from there to the boys bathroom, as soon as I entered there I held my breath, it smelled disgusting. I checked if someone was looking and pulled the paper out of my pocket. It was full of angles but those angles came from lines. Thus I proceeded to follow in order the lines, from left to right. It didn’t clarify how many steps I had to take so I did an estimate. The corridors were empty…

When I stopped walking I was facing the wall. This sure couldn’t make sense. I knew I had done something wrong. “What are you doing here?!” A voice shouted. I didn’t respond but it restrained me to the wall, and it fell apart!

Before me I saw the walls clashing within another to reveal a green floor and blue walls!

We were both coughing but she still tried to restrain me, I kicked her and ran for it! I didn’t know where I was going but I ran!, I ran as fast as I had ever done! I continued to sprint but she threw to the floor, I couldn’t breathe, I was choking.

- I – can’t – breathe

- Shut up you little disgrace! – she said and choked me harder. She suddenly stopped and I managed to turn around and see she was being levitated from the ground by a sturdy man. I vomited from all the choking and fell asleep.

When I woke up various men and women were looking at me with a concerned look. I didn’t know what to do but to vomit again.

I’m now Layla Hopkins, I never knew who wrote that paper, but I sometimes call him Hope. 

July 02, 2021 21:23

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