Fantasy Science Fiction Fiction

    That’s the thing about this city, people come from all around, and no one ever leaves. It isn’t that they fall in love with the beauty of it all, though it is beautiful. Between the neon lights, and all the clowns down on their last dime, it can feel like a carnival, and that can make you feel like a kid again, but Richie Rich wasn’t a gambler… his parents probably were. 

    This city.. it lives on the blood of the innocent, human or otherwise. You think those animals in there wanna be fightin’? Shedding blood so some asshole vacationing from who-gives-a-shit! Can bet on which fuckin’ pig can gore the other to death the quickest?! No… BUT… the show must go on.. if it doesn’t, a quarter of the city loses its blood, it’s life force.. 

    Down that way, about ten blocks, is THE BEST barbeque you’ve ever tasted! The place is called “Delilah’s”, Their special on Friday nights is “The Loser”, and yeah it’s what it sounds like; a piping hot runner-up on a hoagie roll with BBQ sauce.  I guess the heat of battle gets the pig’s  juices flowing just right; maybe their adrenaline is the perfect marinade, I don’t know, either way check them out! You’ll only hate yourself for a few seconds..

If you want to gamble your money away go right across the street. That kid there, the one giving us the finger, that’s Garth. He stumbled across a Clone-XS, stole a few hairs on a class trip to the zoo, and bam! He’s got a whole portable fighting ring in his fuckin’ backpack! Gorillas, Lions, Elephants, you name it, he’s got it.. He claims he can re-grow them too, I personally don’t believe him, but I still steer clear of the little shit..

"Madame Z's Spell Shoppe" is right around the corner, but don't bother trying to find anything that'll bring you luck, the mayor had it all outlawed years ago, you'd be better off if the cops caught you with a bag of meth than a four leaf clover… You can however pay for an incantation that'll make you grow six inches.. You decide where that applies.. Just be careful going down that path, us locals call their street "Salem's Stretch", it's the only place in the city witches are licensed to operate, and their soul-to-goods ratio is way off.. Six inches might cost you a year of your life if you're lucky, get it from the wrong lady, you might lose a whole decade, but that's just another kind of gambling the city offers..

If gambling isn't your thing I HIGHLY recommend visiting our red light district, shapeshifters from around the world, ready to give you whatever you can imagine. Want to spend the night with Scarlett Johanson? Not a problem. You wanna have a threesome with Santa and the Easter Bunny? Simple enough. Between all of them they can turn into anyone, or anything, get real weird with it, god knows I have.. Everyone thinks they're a freak in the sack, but they can come talk to me when they've literally screwed themselves..

Speaking of flesh, "Delilah's" isn't the only place in town to get a hot meal. You should check out "The Rowboat", it's a classy joint down by the docks, the whole restaurant is inside of a yacht, I don't know who owns the place, but their food is to die for, very… exotic. If you think you've got the stomach for it I would give it a try, but get there by at least nine or they might set off without you, the Captain can be a bit sporadic with his scheduling, especially when the feds try knockin on the door.. Make sure to tell the chef that Emanuel told you about the place, that'll get me a discount next time I go in, and if I were you I'd order the femur, meat falls right off the bone..

If you're lacking superhuman abilities I would just avoid downtown all together, that place is a genetic nightmare, some scientists saw to that. I'm not sure if they were actually trying to help, or if they just got bored one day, but between the giant slugs, and the supermen, the place is pretty much a death trap.. I'm sure you probably caught a glimpse of it on your way in, maybe saw a giant lizard? A flying woman? Either way it's the part of the city that's on fire, nobody bothers even putting em' out anymore, the government thinks it's just a waste of resources, and being a taxpayer myself I'd have to say I agree..

When the time comes that you want to leave, IF you want to leave, you do it the same way you came in, one of those pretty little jets over there, that is, after your mind has been wiped of course. Like I said before, feds are always poking around, trying to shut shit down, they don't like the way we do things here in Fällhourn, but I say they stay in their little corner of the world and let us have ours. Just cause we do things differently round here doesn't make it wrong, most people just can't stand the thought of living so freely, the possibilities scare them I guess..The mayor will permit back and forth travel sans the memory wipe, but that perk comes with a cost, a microchip that they implant right into your spine, the procedure is irreversible, once you get one they have eyes and ears on you always, that's why most people opt to just stay in the city, they don't wanna risk spilling any secrets to outsiders, cause if they did that, boom, heart attack, stroke, electrocution, anything to keep our business OUR business..

Anyway I won't hold you up any longer, Ms.Green was it? You look like the sort of woman who can handle herself, I'm sure you'll be fine, just keep in mind everything that I've told you, I'm sure you'll get used to this place in no time! Welcome to our city!

March 19, 2021 16:05

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K Ben
23:25 Mar 24, 2021

I was assigned to read and comment on your story. That city sounds like a nightmare! Just as a suggestion maybe you can add some pros about the city. Good luck writing!


L.B Rinker
15:03 Mar 25, 2021

I do plan on writing more about this city so I'm sure there will be some more.. Family friendly attractions. I do have to say though, I think shape-shifting prostitutes would be a pro for a lot of people! Haha but thank you for your suggestion!


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Valerie Rinker
17:45 Mar 19, 2021

You're imagination is astounding!


L.B Rinker
17:57 Mar 19, 2021

Thank you! Did you notice the tie ins?


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