Drama Funny

Today was my First day at work I was so excited it was my dream job I was finally going to be a yoga instructor I know what your thinking really yoga instructor that’s your dream job but yes it is.

I’ve always loved yoga it’s so peaceful, so calming, so beneficial I’ve been doing it for as long as I could remember and now I was going to be teaching others.

that night I just couldn’t sleep I had set everything up already I had my bag packed and clothes picked out I was already for tomorrow.

when I woke i threw myself off the bed not nothing to completely wake up.

I had never moved so fast in the morning I must have tripped over everything in my house being to excited to notice my surroundings I was so excited I didn’t even bother to drink My regular cup of green tea.

i headed out With a big smile on my face This was going to be a good day I thought to myself.

Turning a corner I bumped into a tall buff man exciting a building I apologized keeping my head down I started off on my walk again only then noticing the man i bumped into following me.

a couple more blocks and I was getting nervous with every turn he followed at this point my palms where sweaty my heart was racing and I was shaky all over.

Finally I was in front of the building once inside the building i took a breath trying to calm myself down.

once calm I made my way to the elevator just as the doors where going to close a hand popped in scaring me.

suddenly the guy that was following me walked in i stood Taller trying to make myself more intimidating he noticed this giving me a smile which i didn’t bother to return.

finally the doors closed I pressed a button he didn’t instead he gave me another smile when I looked over at him.

once the elevator started to move I backed away from the scary big man beside me.

I was so ready to get out of here I just wanted to get this over with talk to my new boss who he been on vacation well I was interviewed then get onto doing what I loved.

i start To get excited with each number floor the elevator passed we where so close now.

then everything went south the elevator stopped and an alarm sprung alive making me jump.

we where stuck?

you've got to be kidding me I looked over to the guy who was laughing.

”What’s so funny?”

i asked trying to seem confident even though I was shaking on the inside.


he mumbled I rolled my eyes.

we then pressed the emergency button which notified someone of our situation.

i sat back against the wall pulling my phone out He seemed to do the same keeping his distance he occasionally would try to make small talk I gave him short answers Not wanting him to get any ideas.

he Finally realized I wasn’t into The conversations so he stopped.

its now been a half hour and they still haven’t fixed the elevator My nervous had died down a bit I still felt nervous about this guy giving him side glances Though.

”why where you following me?”

i asked trying to figure out what his intentions are.

”i wasn’t following you”

he replied with another smile Making me flustered.

”Yes you where“

i told him crossing my arms arms over my chest He rolled his eyes.

“I’m sorry to disappoint but I wasn‘t following you“

i rolled my eye yes he is following me.

we sat there for a couple minutes more me being to excited last night forgot to charge my phone meaning it had died just a little over ten minutes ago making me Extremely bored.

why did this have to happen this was not how my first day was suppose to go.

i was suppose to walk into class with a big smile on my face I was going to then talk and get to know the people I will be instructing.

then I will pull out my mate and have the time of my life teaching those people all these relaxing techniques then if they had questions or worries I would anseer them showing them the best positions for different outcomes.

i looked back over to the mystery man i Had to admit he was a pretty attractive guy with his perfect brown slicked back hair, piercing blue eyes, and let’s not forget his bulging chest.

you could practically see every muscle threw his fancy blue suit I bet you he usually had multiple girls drooling all over him so why was he following me?

that question kept coming back into my mind even when I tried to forget it.

finally the elevator started to move again once the doors opened I couldn’t have gotten out of there quicker I made my way to my bosses door I looked behind me to see him once again following.

”see you are following me”

i yelled at him turning around he just gave me a big smile walking Past me.

”well why don’t you come into my office and we can talk about this some more“

his smile grew brighter at my shock.

”Wait your the boss?”

i asked he nodded his head.

”i am so sorry I thought I just...”

i stuttered bot not being able to come up with a very good apology he smiled waving me into the office.

”I understand I do admit it did Seem like I was following you but I usher you I wasn’t“

he told me sitting down in his desk i nodded.

”and why didn’t you tell me you where the boss?“

I asked he started to laugh.

”because what fun is that?”

i was utterly shocked he found my worry and confusion entertaining.

September 04, 2020 18:48

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