Adventure Drama

its mine. ive the last wun. so much life such potential in this little seed. i no where i haf to go. the old wich said that the seed will gro best by the C. so for too weeks ive been walking. first i had to leave the citee, say gud by to my home n my room. the old wich wuz calling me in my dreems, my thorts and i cud see her face in the brite red sky. it wuz my destiny and i needed to travel fast. when u r only six there is only so far ur bike can go n only so fast to. my bike brok wen i wuz haf way there but i did nt no ther wuz still so much fur the rer I still had to go so i kepd on dreemin and walkin. i walked for longer then i hav eva walked in my lif n wen i fort i cud walk no more i found my self at a place wear there were free tents. an old cow was chained up out side o the middl tent but the chain was rusty and even i cud see wun pull n the chain wud brake. dat cow wuz so week dat it cud do nuffin but sleep. as i walked upto the middle tent i wondered if it wuz ded. it made a moo noise wen i got close, low, long n sadlike. poor litl cow i fort but i new der wuz nuffin i cud do so i just walked on by. in the wichis tent it wuz warm n dry. we talked for a wile n den dat wich gave me a drink n den i fink it must v been a magic sleep drink. id dun alot a riding n alot a walking so wen i went t sleep it was a long wun. in my dream i saw dat old wich. slim n tall like dem old trees befor all der boms came n der sky changed color. Sum o da older kids at my home new about trees n plants n fings like dat. dem kids told us younguns bout dat time wen life wuz simple n people wuz people. der wuz trust den n der was sumfing called happy ness. in my dream dat wich wiv der flowy hare dat wuz black like da color of dirt she said she wood give me a gift. dat gift wood not just be for me but a gift for all der people left in der world. it wud be der gift dat brought back happy ness. Returning good t der harts n minds of everywun. Wen i woke up der wich wuz sitting nex t me n she wuz crying. Red tears ran down her face n pooled in her lap. Fishing around in dat pool der lady pulled out a ball or sum round fing that looked like a ball. she told me dat it wuz a seed. she told me she wuz to old t leave her home like i did. she wuz to old t go plant dat big ball seed. she had been calling n calling n praying dat some body strong cud come n get dat seed. remember dis! wuz wot she told me, dis seed will grow da best if it gets planted by der C. dis wuz very important. der wich said it a bout ten or fifty or more times. i wuz not a loud to forget dat. der seed needed t get t da C n i wuz gunna be da kid dat got t plant it. a big job, dusty nee said der wich. a big dusty nee fer a littl boy.

i spent five more days at the tents wiv der sick cow n der wich. i ate sum of der wichs food n it helped me grow strong. it wuz not like der food i got fed at der home. at der home da food was made of pills n der water we drank wiv our pills was not clear like der wich water. wen i said to der wich her water did not look rite she smiled but i new she was also sad. she gave me a big bottl of her water and i fort dat it may be she had no water left for her. take it for der seed she said when she gave me her bottl. den der was a big bag of food n of corse a little bag for da big round seed. der sun was green in der sky wen i left der home of der wich. it wuz late in der morning. NEVER travel at nite said der wich. Last of all she gave me her bike. go far n go fast, go plant my seed. wen i said good bye to dat wich i new it wuz for da first and da last time.

i rode away wiv a new strength i did nt no a boy of six years cod have. each day i rode dat bike while dat sun wuz shining hot n strong. wen da arvo came i new it wuz stop time, time to keep me self safe n keep dat seed safe to. my dreams each nite wer of a new world. a world wear fings wer like der old stories again. each morning when da sunshine woke me up i had t wipe away all my nite crying tears. i had a bit o wich food n wich water n i wuz ready t ride again. most o der ride wuz down hills, glad i wuz heading fer da C n not sum mountains. wake up, eat n drink den ride. day after day after day. i fort sum days dat der wuz a shadow followin me but dat mite o just been my shadow o even da spirit o der wich helpin me peddl faster n travel far tha. i saw no body n no body saw me. it wuz lone ly but they say dus nee is often a long n lonely road.

it took me at least wun month, probably more be for i saw the dirt turn from black to grey. i had asked dat wich wen i wood no i wuz close to der C. she had said dat all der dirt wood be grey n der wood be hills. junes she said. sand junes every wear n past dem sand junes wuz wear i wood find der C. a bike is tuff t ride froo der junes. i needed t leef dat wichs bike behind n carry all my stuff for der rest o my journey. wen i got froo da sand i discovered da sweetest site of all. water every wear. da perfect place t plant my seed. it went deep in to der sand just like der wich said. i gave it sum water n den i wached.

now i keep watchin. watchin dat green plant grow. i am der keeper o happy ness. i will never stop watchin. it is my dusty nee, mine n mine a loan.

September 19, 2020 23:38

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Rayhan Hidayat
13:35 Sep 27, 2020

This was so interesting. An admirable job capturing the voice and mindset of a six year old (with a beautiful British accent). I love how fleshed out the world was despite the narrator’s limited vocabulary. Keep it up! 😙


Tim Law
08:24 Sep 28, 2020

Thanks so much Rayhan. A British accent? That was not intended but it is funny how characters take on their own persona depending on the reader... Would you be happy to read some of my earlier efforts, I’d be keen to hear what you think of them...


Rayhan Hidayat
08:38 Sep 28, 2020

Oops, maybe it’s just me then 😅 Idk, whenever the narrator pronounced a “th” with “f” instead, as in “nuffin” it sounded like a Cockney accent in my head. And sure, I’d be glad to, though I’d love your thoughts on mine as well! 😙


Tim Law
11:21 Sep 29, 2020

Ha! I get it... Good pick up!


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Corey Melin
21:30 Sep 21, 2020

Very well done writing as a child. My writing was similar a couple of months ago. Just kidding. Anyway, I loved it. Have to put some skill and creativity into such a story. Well done. Cheers!


Tim Law
06:23 Sep 24, 2020

Thanks Corey... I am sure your writing is awesome mate 👍 Glad you enjoyed my story. The whole reason we write is for the enjoyment of the reader 😉


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Ben Crook
03:36 Sep 20, 2020

Kids are hard to understand sometimes, you captured the “werds” of a 6-year-old really well.


Tim Law
07:54 Sep 20, 2020

Cheers mate 👍 Channeled my inner Livy 🤣


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Tim Law
00:09 Sep 20, 2020

Such a challenge to write but equally so much fun. I wanted to envisage a post apocalyptic world through the eyes of a child.


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