Adventure Fiction Funny

“Hey! Have you ever heard the word dam?”

“Um, I think so! What is it?”

“I heard my dad say he forgot his dam keys!”

“Dam keys? Why would he say that? That makes no sense!”

“Yeah! Maybe he was talking about a big dam!”

“A dam? Like the thing we build to hold water?”

“Exactly! Like a wall for the river in the sand box!”

“Maybe he was thinking about going to the dam!”

“Yeah! Like we can go to the dam to get some of the dam water!”

“Ooh! Let’s take the dam bucket and get some dam water from the dam!”

“Great idea! We can splash that dam water everywhere!”

“Do you think the dam fish will be there?”

“Of course! They love the dam water!”

“Maybe we can catch a dam fish and name it Dammy!”

“Dammy the fish! That’s so dam funny!”

“I wonder why my dad said dam keys instead of just keys!”

“Maybe it’s a special kind of key for the dam!”

“A key for the dam? That sounds dam important!”

“Yeah! Like a super secret dam key!”

“Do you think there are secret dam doors at the dam?”

“Ooh! Maybe! We should ask our parents!”

“Yeah! But if they don’t know, we can just say it’s for the dam!”

“Let’s practice saying it! Ready? One, two, three!”


“Did anything happen?”

“Um, no! Just a butterfly!”

“Maybe we need to say it louder!”

“Louder? Like a giant dam monster?”

“Roar! Okay! One more time!”

“Okay! One, two, three!”


“Still nothing! Just the trees swaying!”

“Maybe it’s just a word for fun!”

“Yeah! A fun word like ‘banana!’”

“Banana! That’s always funny!”

“Let’s tell our friends about the dam!”

“Yeah! We can have a dam party with our dam friends!”

“With dam water and dam fish!”

“And we can play by the dam all day!”

“Oh! What if we bring snacks?”

“Snacks? Like dam cookies and juice?”

“Yeah! And we can have a dam picnic at the dam!”

“Yummy! I love dam picnics!”

“Do you think we can make dam sandwiches?”

“Dam sandwiches? What’s in those?”

“Maybe peanut butter and jelly! With extra dam jelly!”

“Extra dam jelly sounds awesome!”

“And we can cut them into shapes!”

“Shapes? Like stars and hearts?”

“Exactly! Dam sandwiches in star shapes!”

“Those will be the best sandwiches ever!”

“Do you think the dam fish would like them?”

“Maybe! We could throw some crumbs for them!”

“Yeah! Dam fish love dam snacks too!”

“Let’s make a sign for our dam party!”

“A dam sign? What should it say?”

“It should say, ‘Welcome to the Dam Party!’”

“Perfect! We can draw dam pictures of the dam on it!”

“And dam fish! We need lots of dam fish!”

“Yeah! And a big dam bucket for the dam water!”

“Do you think anyone will come?”

“Of course! Everyone loves a good dam party!”

“Especially with dam cookies! And dam fish!”

“Let’s practice saying it again! Ready?”

“Okay! One, two, three!”


“Yay! We’re so good at this, dam thing!”

“Do you think we should tell our parents now?”

“Maybe! But what if they think it’s a bad word?”

“But we’re just talking about the dam!”

“True! They might understand!”

“Okay! Let’s go and ask them!”

“Hey, Mom! Can we have a dam party?”

“A dam party? That sounds fun! What do you mean?”

“We’re going to make dam sandwiches and get dam water!”

“Dam water? Where are you getting that?”

“From the big dam! You know, the one with all the dam fish!”

“Oh! You mean the dam by the park?”

“Yeah! That one! And we want to bring dam snacks!”

“What kind of dam snacks?”

“Cookies! And dam juice! And dam sandwiches!”

“Dam sandwiches? That sounds interesting!”

“We’ll cut them into shapes! Like stars!”

“Wow! You kids really thought this through!”

“Can we go? Can we? Please?”

“I don’t see why not! Just be careful by the dam water.”

“Yay! Thank you, Mom!”

“Hey! We’re having a dam party!”

“A dam party! With dam sandwiches and dam water!”

“Let’s get every dam thing  ready!”

“Okay! We need the dam buckets for the dam water!”

“Buckets and snacks! Don’t forget the dam cookies!”

“Cookies! I can’t wait to eat them!”

“Do you think we’ll see other kids at the dam?”

“Maybe! We can invite everyone!”

“Let’s make more dam signs! We can put them around the playground!”

“Good idea! ‘Come to the dam party!’”

“Everyone will want to join!”

“Okay, let’s get some paper and crayons!”

“Crayons! I love drawing!”

“Let’s make it colorful! Red and blue and green!”

“Yeah! And we can draw big dam fish too!”

“Dam fish everywhere! And a big dam!”

“Do you think we should add dam sparkles?”

“Sparkles? Yes! Dam sparkles make everything better!”

“Okay! Let’s get the dam sparkles!”

“Sparkle time! This is going to be the best dam sign ever!”

“Look! I drew a big dam fish jumping!”

“Wow! That’s a cool dam fish! Mine is dancing!”

“A dancing dam fish? That’s awesome!”

“Let’s write ‘Join the Dam Party!’ in big letters!”

“Big letters! I can write big!”

“Me too! Let’s do it together!”

“Okay! One, two, three!”


“Yay! It looks amazing!”

“Now let’s hang it up at the playground!”

“Everyone will see it!”

“Do you think they’ll ask what a dam is?”

“Maybe! We can tell them it’s where the water is!”

“And where the fish dam  are swimming!”

“Yeah! They’ll want to come for sure!”

“Okay! Let’s go hang up our sign!”

“Ready? Let’s run!”

“Run, run, run!”

“Look at our playground! Let’s put it right here!”

“Right by the swings! Everyone will see it!”

“Okay! I’ll hold it, and you tape it!”

“Got it! Tape, tape, tape!”

“It’s up! Now everyone will know!”

“Yay! Dam party time!”

“Let’s go find our dam friends!”

“Friends! Come to the dam party!”

“Yeah! We’re having Dan cookies and dam water!”

“Dam sandwiches too! You can help us catch Dan fish!”

“Dan fish? I love Dam fish!”

“Let’s go to the dam together!”

“Yeah! We can all bring dam buckets!”

“Buckets for dam water!”

“And dam snacks! Don’t forget the dam snacks!”

“Snacks are the best!”

“Okay! Everyone ready? Let’s go!”

“Let’s run to the dam!”

“Run to the dam! We’re going to have so much fun!”

“Yay! Dam party!”

“Look! There’s the dam!”

“Wow! It’s so big!”

“Can you see the dam water? It’s so shiny!”

“And the dam fish are jumping!”

“Let’s get our dam buckets and fill them up!”

“Okay! I’ll get the dam water!”

“Me too! Look how much we can carry!”

“Wow! We’re so strong!”

“Don’t spill it! We need it for the dam sandwiches!”

“Right! No dam spills!”

“Hey! What’s that over there?”

“Where? Oh! Is it a d a frog?”

“A dancing frog! Look at it jump!”

“Frogs love the dam too!”

“Let’s see if we can catch it!”

“Catch the frog! It can come to the party!”

“Frog! Come here! We want to show you our dam party!”

“Do you think the frog wants a dam sandwich?”

“Maybe! It can have a crumb!”

“Dam frog  crumbs! That’s funny!”

“Okay! Let’s get back to the dam picnic!”

“Picnic time! We can eat the dam cookies now!”

“Yummy dam cookies!”

“Hey! Look at all our dam friends!”

“Friends! Come join us for the dam party!”

“Yay! More dam friends! The more, the merrier!”

“Let’s tell them about our dam sandwiches!”

“Dam sandwiches with dam jelly!”

“And our dam water!”

“Don’t forget the dancing dam fish!”

“Dancing dam fish! That’s the best part!”

“Okay! Everyone sit down for the dam picnic!”

“Yay! Picnic time!”

“Let’s eat! I’m so dam hungry!”

“Dam sandwiches! Here we come!”

“Wow! These look amazing!”

“Let’s take a big bite!”

“Mmm! So good!”

“Best dam sandwiches ever!”

“Now let’s drink some dam water!”

“Cheers to the dam party!”

“Cheers! This is so much fun!”

“Let’s dam dance now!”

“Dance? Yes! Let’s show off our dam moves!”

“Wiggle wiggle! Spin around!”

“Look at me! I’m a spinning Dan star!”

“Spinning Dan stars! I love it!”

“Let’s all dam dance together!”

“Dance party at the dam!”

“Dam party forever!”

December 12, 2024 16:31

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