It was the weirdest weekend. The most beautiful weekend. I will never forget those couple of days that felt like several life times. It may be hard to believe, but it did happen and it all started on the night of June 4th at 11pm.
I was sitting in my room upstairs, looking out the window trying to get sleepy and thinking about nothing. The street was quiet - you know the scene. A few cars parked along the curb. The soft glow of the street lamps. No one around. I could hear faint voices that were probably attached to the faint smell of bonfire smoke that was at least one block over.
I picked up my glass and took a sip of water. I looked up at the sky with a semi conscious hope that I would see a shooting star. I put the glass back on the desk. And then there it was. A dimly glowing blob on the sidewalk. I don’t even think I registered the fact that it was glowing at all. It was something new in my framed window view and so I noticed it.
After a few seconds I started to really look. I thought I saw a face and small hands. A kind of curious excitement filled me and I ran out of my room and down the stairs, grabbing my slippers and housecoat on the way. When I got out onto the porch, I put on my gear and started towards the thing on the sidewalk.
It did indeed have hands and as I crept closer there really was a face, too. I looked all around. Was anyone else seeing this? I was thinking back to a few moments ago when I was upstairs sitting by the window. I didn’t see a single person or car go by for at least half an hour. No cats, not even a racoon or anything! I was certain.
It was a baby. It was glowing and showed up seemingly out of nowhere on the sidewalk in front of my house, curled up inside a yellow aura. Its eyes were closed and it was sleeping soundly. I could see it breathing and crouched down beside it. All I could think before touching it was… radioactive? But this wasn’t a comic book or a movie. This was my quiet, boring neighbourhood.
I went back inside and grabbed a small blanket I keep on the sofa and a pair of oven mitts. To be safe...
I went back outside and looked around again. It still seemed like I was the only one who had noticed anything at all. I put on the oven mitts, picked it up with the blanket, and brought it back inside. It really was a baby. A glowing yellow baby. But it wasn’t human. For one, it had no hair at all and only tiny holes on the side of it’s head where ears would have been. Each hand only had three fingers and a thumb that ended in tiny sharp hooked nails… claws really. There were no obvious sexual organs, no nipples and no belly button. Each foot had three large toes also ending in claws. These ones are much longer and wider than the ones capping the fingers.
I was so intrigued. What did I just find? I decided to make it a little bed of blankets and pillows on the floor beside the sofa where I myself decided to spend the rest of the night. I slept like the devil.
I woke up the next morning, taking a minute to remember what I had found the night before, then sprang up off the sofa only to see the blanket and pillow bed empty. I admit that I started to think it had all been a dream, but that thought never had a chance to complete itself. The small hallway is always dark, no matter what time of day. And the small hallway washroom is even darker. There was a yellow glow coming from inside.
I peeked into the washroom and saw this little alien face looking up at me from the corner directly to my left, beside the sink. The baby/creature was sitting cross legged and hovering about three inches off the floor. I wasn’t afraid. In fact, I felt amazing! Nearly euphoric. This creature had an energy I can’t deny. No matter what I may or may not have believed at that time, I felt it and knew that it was creating this energy for me so I would feel safe and unafraid.
Our minds linked. I wondered deeply about that; about all of it. Understanding filled me almost at once. Understanding and wonder. I knew everything and knew nothing. The little alien creature was sharing with me the history of the entire universe faster than my mind could grasp so that my thoughts were divided along their own timelines within me. I was me and already the me I was becoming.
I travelled in every direction of time through the stars. Far off galaxies drifting by like dandelion seeds in the wind. Gaining the knowledge of all history and future of every life form before, after and never to be conceived.
I saw the connection to everything and every thought that ever was floating all around us, each one smaller than the smallest quark, yet each one completely accessible, unique and clear. When you are only consciousness, size doesn’t exist. Infinitely big and infinitely small are all the same.
I learned to pluck out travelling photons, actually stopping light and molding it into any shape I chose. Eventually the photons were absorbed into my hands, that were both there and not there, creating a warmth that was a wonderful contrast to the cold of space.
I saw atmospheres of every colour and breathed gasses I never heard of back on Earth.
I felt at home travelling from world to world to world and all the not so empty space between. I rode pure vibrations of peace and love and understanding. We drifted together as one forever. Never in the same place or time twice. I would have been happy if this journey really could last forever, for there was a never ending supply of time and space to explore! But I knew I would have to get back to Earth. My body was still there, alive and waiting.
We were approaching a long, dull, somehow dark light. I didn’t want to go toward it. I knew what it was and still tried to deny the truth. There was no way to turn around. No way to stop from going back to where we started.
The Drogard, for that is what I learned it to be through my travels, looked so tired. It wasn’t a baby at all. That was the closest comparison my meager Earthling mind could compare it with back then. My palms flat on the cool linoleum floor felt new. Mine but not mine, like the first couple days of a new haircut. I felt hungry, a little creaky, but really not bad at all. As I made my way out of the washroom and into the kitchen, I saw it was night. How many years did pass? My darkened reflection in the microwave door looked the same as when I left. Did time stop here while I was on my travels? I saw my phone on the table and turned it on. It wasn’t dead. The date and time said it was 4:47am on Sunday June 6th. I was gone for a little over a day? For everything I learned I sure felt like there was a lot more I could learn. Knowledge really is infinite.
The light from the fridge stung my eyes. Apples still looked fresh. I grabbed one and asked the Drogard if it wanted anything. Telepathically, it answered that no, it was fine, there’s a fairly big spider in the bathroom that will help restore some energy.
I laughed. It was the kind of laughter that came from knowing someone your whole life… oh Drogard, you’re so silly. We were friends. This wonderful being came here and gave me a new life. Several in fact. In some it watched me grow and in some I watched it grow. We were and still are one with everything that ever was and will be. And so how can I know this and still feel such sadness at the unavoidable goodbye? The sad, human version of goodbye...
Just before sunrise, I went outside on the front porch with the Drogard and waved as it dissolved into the infinity of thought and light.
The next day I went to work and fell back into the expected Earthling lifestyle without hesitation and with a small serene smile that never fully left my face since that weird weekend four years ago.
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