Adventure American Coming of Age

Hi, it's me Lucy. I have blonde short hair with some brown streaks I it. I love my shirt with you dream you believe on it and my jean shorts with butterfly on them. I have a friend named Josh he is the best. He has brown hair and every time he sees me his his cheeks turn pink he mostly wears tuxedos shirts with black jeans. I'm going to spend Halloween night in the graveyard with him he said he had never been in a graveyard before he’s a little scared.

On Halloween night my mom took us to the graveyard when we got there, we unpacked food, sleeping bags, and some more stuff. After we finish unpacking we looked around the graveyard at the names on the headstones. I found my great grandma’s name Anna Patrick.

“whats wrong”, josh asked.

“its my great grandma. mom told me about her”, I said and started crying. josh cheered meup with a hug i was back to normal, i took my phone out to make a video on social media then posted it for all my followers to see. I was getting lots of likes and comments when we saw something on a grave move. We both spun and flashed our flashlights to see what it was. There was movemet by my great grandmas grave, her ghost was standing in front of the gravestone moaning, I tried to talk to her but she just kept moaning and coming towards us. We tried to ru through the gates but they slammed closed and locked. we were trapped in the graveyardso we started screaming for help

“help anyone!” no one was there so i tried to pick the lock, but I forget that I had no clue how they had made it look so easy on tik tok.  josh saw a little place in the distance behid them.

 “let's go follow me “ when we got into the house we stayed there with all our stuff. we heard banging at the door josh was so scared he peed himself

“oops’’ he said ‘’ewe’’ Lucy said we went out to see if the gate was unlocked it wasn’t we were so scared we tried to call the cops but there was no service. we thought we were going to die so we went to defend but my great grandma showed up


 ‘’ NO my mom didn’t mean it “ i said.  josh was disorientated that we found a ghost detector we caught the ghost and we talked to Anna unlocked the gate they got everything ready and went home. we took the grandmas ashes to my mom she was impressed but also mad

“ why did you that” mom yelled

“ did what "I said

 “ you are letting evil spirits in the house” mom said

“sorry” i said

 No why did you bring her into the house it will bring bad luck,” she continued to yell

 i said I was sorry over a million times so i went back to the grave yard by herself to put them back I was scared but i did it i was surprised when i was leaving the police were closing it down I tried to get out but the police did not see me and            I was josh came and tried to get the key, he had to go to the police center to get it, he went to the police center he dressed up as a policemen then went in they thought he was the short one so they let him in he was looking for the key when he found it he got  caught the biggest policemen caught him he said what are you doing u.......mmm getting the key to unlock the graveyard I forgot something. Oh, the policemen said you better give it back ok sir he went out but he forgot were the graveyard was so he walked and walked then he found it but it was not right, so he walked a lot more then he went home took off the policemen outfit and kept the key then the next day he went to Lucy's house then he walked across the street to the graveyard but did not see Lucy is Lucy dead no she can’t be but then he noticed that he had left the key at his house then he walked to his house grabbed it and unlocked the gate but it was the wrong key man he said it's not right so he went back to the police center and grabbed the whole key chain and took it without no notice when he left he saw construction outside trying to dig a hole under the fence then he noticed it was just a toy he unlocked the gate and got her up and out of there she said she wanted to stay another night but he said no I worked hard to get you out of here lets go home get the ashes no she said my mom said to keep it here ok alright let's get you to a doctor alright they got to the doctor and noticed she had caught the same disease as her great grandma so she stayed in the hospital until she felt better a year later she was good as new so she went to the graveyard to see her great grandma but guess what she is trapped again but this time she josh is not there he is in Florida so that means she can spend has much time with her great grandma then a dog was in the graveyard I was confused then his eyes turned red u……mmm I said hey cutie then she went in the little cabin with the dog then he growled she was scared to death then I got on top the statues to protect my self the he turned regular because I was looking at him I’m better now I escape and free the end

October 30, 2020 23:21

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