Science Fiction Fiction Adventure

My worst enemy, blizzards. Well on my birthday, that’s what I got from Mother Earth. The worst part, I was about to leave work to go to New York City to meet my family in like, six months. At first, I was kind of creeped out because everybody left except for me. My boss gave me a Boss noise cancelling headphone for my present which I very much liked. My boss left first and I stayed and tried on my new headphones. It was super good until an emergency message popped up on my phone saying that a massive blizzard was going to hit in my city! I was like, “Great, my favorite present for my birthday. Hip-Hip-Hooray…” I was like, “I better get going to NYC so I can be inside the house before the blizzard hits.” Then a massive wind shook the building. I hurried to get my stuff and was about to get out of the building but then I got knocked backwards and into a room where only the boss could get in. But that didn’t matter because I was starting to lose concussion. Then I blacked out.

I was hanging off a skyscraper. I could feel it even though I was sleeping. The winds were so fast it felt like I was in a hurricane. I woke up and shrieked at the top of my lungs, “AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!” I was dangling above a, what, 3,284 ft building that was made out of pure gold. Then I felt it again, that powerful wind. I looked to my right and a flying car just zipped past me! I guess this was too much to process for my brain because I lost to the darkness. Again. I kind of hoped that this was a dream and I just lost concussion because of the blizzard and not waking up to see myself in a sci-fi movie. I woke up this time to find myself in a lab. There were people in metal. Then I wondered why they were wearing metal, so I asked one of the people, “Excuse m-,” they weren’t people. They were cyborgs? So, I asked one of them, “Where am I and what’s the date?” I tried to sound fierce so they would tell me, but my voice trembled. They all said at once, “2020 Sucks Tower Lab and the date is, 3021. Then what are you doing to me? I shouted back. “We are trying to put together the greatest warrior. You should be honored,” they said. “No no no no no no no no!!! Just get me back home. Please,” I begged. “It seems like you have no home or an eyevice chip. That means you’re a human and that is what we’re looking for. Vulnerable human beans. If you want to get back home, give me 12 sukas.” They replied. “What the heck is a suka?” I asked. “Suka Suka Suka Suka!!!” They all said. Then I felt a very weird tangling sensation. The next few moments were a blur as my instincts took over. I had something in my hand, but I couldn’t see them because I was rapidly swinging something that I couldn’t see! Then the cyborgs were nothing but pieces of metal. Why did I do that? Was I a murder? Awful thoughts shot my head. I needed some fresh air. Yes, that was it. I took one of their ID cards just in case. As I headed out, there were some cameras and everybody that was going out looked at the camera. I didn’t know what those were, so I tried to go without looking but something tased me and I was forced to kneel down. Then a robot that looked like the iron patriot came and looked me in my eyes. The robot bent over and took my ID card. He scanned my face and let me live. There were so much people taking pictures of me I thought I was becoming a Insta celeb! I waved my hand and went on to explore. As I looked around, I noticed something. There were no trees at all! Although the air was fresh, there were barely any greens. I couldn’t care about that though. I needed to go home! I got a flying taxi and said, “I need to go to the New York sir.” Then he stared at me blankly, “Umm where sir?” “I said I need to go to New York City.” I said a little more loudly. “New York and the planet Earth perished 500 years ago. Are you joking with me?” He replied. “Umm, then what’s the year?” I asked embarrassed. “Do you not know the year mister? Get out of my car!” He shoved me out of his car. Right as I got out of the car, I started crying like a little baby. Everything I loved was perished. Everything. Then a beautiful young lady asked, “Is everything all right sir?” She was beautifully pale and had golden hair. At first, I thought it was actual gold!  I was stunned by her beauty. After a few seconds, I shook out of it. “Y-y-yes I am perfectly fine I just found out that everything I loved is gone.” “Oh my! I am so sorry about your loss. Would you mind coming over to my house for dinner?” She said with her British accent. “I wouldn’t mind.” I said. When I walked to her house, I told her, “I know its hard to comprehend but I think I time traveled from 2021 to the year we’re in. My instincts made me jump and told her to get down. “Wh- Just get dow-!” Then something broke the window. “Hide!” I whispered. She hid under the staircase. Then I had a gleaming twin blade that looked very wicked. “Holy!” I said under my breath. Then a red masked guy that was at least 10 ft and his muscles-his muscles looked like it was going to pop out right out of his skin. I spun my blade like I had carried it around for years. “So, this is the new ‘hero’ isn’t it. Hu. Vulnerable human. HAHAHAHA.” He shouted. I tried to stab his gut but it was like trying to break a diamond with a hammer. Then I tried stabbing him in his toes and that surprised him. I got it! It was like the achilleas heel. I had to get his foot. I guess I took to long to process that fact because he uppercut me in the chin. I was flung like a fly. I bit my tongue while I was flying. “Oh yeah, bring it on you fatty!” I yelled. “RAAAAARRRR” he roared as he jumped up to smash me. At the last millisecond, I swung between his leg and stabbed his heel. “GRRRRAHHH” he roared with agony. He spilled golden blood. Which meant it was ichor. The blood gods spilled. He smashed and I blocked. He threw a huge slab of concreate. I sliced it like it was donut. “It’s my turn.” I said and threw one of my blade and wrecked the floor. He landed with a, “OOOOF.” I went in for the final stab. “IIIIIIIIAAAAHHHH!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. He disappeared with the ash. There were ambulances all of the place. Sirens wailed and robots came into the house. “There’s a lady beneath the staircase!” I told the robots. They searched and found her. She wasn’t badly hurt but she had a few scratches. The robots came for me next. They escorted me back to an ambulance and I lied down. I closed my eyes peacefully. When I woke up, I was somewhere familiar place, but I couldn’t tell where I was. Was it? Could it? Was I back to Earth? I walked out and it was morning. I searched for my phone and it was luckily my pocket. The first thing I did was text my family that I was okay, and I lied that I was at home because of the blizzard. When in for reals, I just fought as a superhero. So, that night, I went to NYC.

January 22, 2021 23:02

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Angelina Jeong
05:30 Jan 30, 2021

Very nice but next time, end the story a little more smoothly :)


Somegenius Kid
05:30 Jan 30, 2021



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Somegenius Kid
03:03 Feb 07, 2021

Here is the link to my profile! Please like and follow for more stories! :) https://blog.reedsy.com/creative-writing-prompts/author/minseung-jeong/


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