Adventure Drama Inspirational

Violet had been staring at her dressing room wall for a little over an hour contemplating her uncertain future. All of the theatrics had become so ordinary to her to now. She finally became numb to all of the excitement. Her heart had grown cold, the light within her had gone out. Everything seemed just a little darker now...

"Are you almost ready Violet?" Violet's mother asked "I'm coming... I just needed a minute" said Violet. 

With only a few minutes left till the show started, Violet rushed through the empty halls and down the winding stairs. After she grabbed her whip she ran to find her place on the crowded stage. Violet felt a small sense of relief when she was once again next to her closest friend Misha (who just happens to be a lion). Although Misha couldn't speak, he always knew just what to say to Violet. 

The time had come for the show to start. Just like clockwork Violet's father snapped his fingers to start the show. Within just a few moments the strings of lights were lit, The clowns began to laugh, the band began to play, the monkeys clapped their hands, the elephants took their stance, the lions began to roar and the curtains were parted to reveal this grand façade …

After hours of entertaining, the show had come to it's end. When the crowd finally left, the real work began. The Arden's went through their same routine. The same one they had followed day after day and year after year ever since Violet was born 18 years ago. 

The Arden's were an unusual family. There was Violet's father Jenson, her mother Rose, her older brother Silas, her younger sister Sawyer and then of course Violet who was the middle child. Each and every one of the Arden's had a gift!

 Jenson is a natural leader and thrives under pressure. He was in the military before starting the circus. So it doesn't come as a surprise that he is the ringleader. Rose is full of beauty and grace. She went to school for ballet but became an aerialist when she was expelled for day dreaming during rehearsal. Silas loves to make people laugh and is practically a comedian. He is the leading clown. Sawyer has a love for flying and has been training to be a trapeze artist since she was 3. She is now 8 and has almost mastered the art. Violet is fearless and tends to prefer animals over humans. She is the lion tamer and cares for the other animals as well. 

Everyone had their place. Or at least it seemed that way...

"Bye handsome. I'll see you in the morning Misha!" Violet whispered to Misha as he drifted to sleep. Violet made her way back inside the stadium. She knew she had to tell them tonight. She had been holding this secret in for too long.

After wandering around the stadium for a few minutes she finally found the rest of her family doing what they always do after a show. They were gathered around a fire while their father played the violin and their mother told them stories from when she was younger. It was a picture perfect moment. What a shame it had to end.

"Mom, Dad. Can I speak to you alone?" Violet asked in an awfully serious voice. "Sure honey! Silas, Sawyer will you give us a moment?" her mother answered. "What's on your mind?" her father asked. " I don't really even know how to say this... I, I just don't think I want this life any more. I don't think it's right for me." Violet said. "Oh honey, is this about last weeks show? You didn't make that big of a mistake. No one even saw you fall!" her mother said in an effort to comfort Violet. "No. No. This isn't about that... I just want to explore other options outside of the circus. I know it's the family business but I am just not as into it as Silas or Sawyer." Violet said.

 "My dear. If you want to take a break because you're tired just tell us. How about we go on a family vacation next week? We don't have any more shows until next month. That will get you out of this funk that you're in." her father said. " I am not tired and I am not in a funk. I just don't want to do this anymore." Violet said with tears in her eyes. " We don't understand what you're saying Violet. Can you be a little clearer?" her mother asked. 


In shock of their daughter's outrage Violet's parents fell silent. Not another word was spoken the entire night. The Arden's just watched the fire as the flames grew dimmer and dimmer till the coals were all that was left. 

Violet woke up early the next morning to find all of her belongings packed in suitcases and next to them was 2 envelopes. The first envelope contained a letter that read

" Dear Violet, 

We couldn't have asked for a better daughter. You have filled our lives with joy from the moment we laid eyes on you. To us you will always be our little girl. But we see now that you have grown into a very beautiful and strong woman.

We're sorry. We should have noticed sooner. We should have listened to you. 

While we would love for you to stay with us forever , we know it wouldn't be fair to you. Your father and I have talked things over and have come to a decision. 

We want you to have as full a life as possible. Even if that means letting you go.

You will find all of your belongings packed and ready for your next adventure. There is also a 2nd envelope which contains enough money for you to travel to whatever corner of the earth you wish to and you'll still have enough to buy a ticket home if that is what you wish. 

We have taken your sister and brother out for the day. We figured it would be easier this way. We know you tend to be very selfless, so we didn't want your decision to be altered by one of Silas' jokes or Sawyer's puppy eyes. 

We wish you the best my dear. We will always be here for you whenever you wish to return.

Now go ahead. Chase after your dream. And when you finally catch it, don't ever let it go.


Mom & Dad" 

With tears rolling down her cheeks, she picked up her things and headed down to the train station. Turning her back on the only life she had ever known. 

November 28, 2020 03:22

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