Metatrons mirror

Submitted into Contest #101 in response to: Write a story that involves a reflection in a mirror.... view prompt


Christian Fantasy Fiction

When I was seventeen I went to go live with my uncle down in New Orleans. My parents couldn't stand the sight of each other and I felt like it was my fault because they both thought of me as a failior. There were many times when they would fight that they actually started to wail on each other and when I would try to stop them, they would look at me with disgust so eventually i couldn't take it anymore so I called my uncle and told him what was happening. Within the next two weeks he came and took me away from it and I couldn't have been happier. One thing I know is that nobody likes to feel like a failior. When we got to my uncle's it was like I stepped in to whole other world. There were portraits of people all over his house of people I have never seen before so I asked him if they were pictures of family members and he replied no, these are all pictures of everyone who have come to his house within the past 30 years that stayed here for the soul purpose to gaze into his mirror. Naturally my first thought was what was so special about this mirror that so many people had to come from all over just to look at themselves. But then he said something that struck me vas very odd and even to this day I still can't forget the events that followed. He told me whatever you do, you must never go near the mirror up the stairs and down the left hallway at the end of the corridor. The look in his eyes suggested that he was very serious so for a long time I made sure not to even go down that hallway anywhere near the corridor. But eventually like most people curiosity got the better of me so one night while he slept, I found the courage to enter the corridor which held the mirror. The mirror itself was something I have never seen before. It was about eight feet in height and five feet in width but the style of it was something that I can only describe as being not of this world. On the top of the mirror there was a symbol which resembled a cube but had multiple other symbols edged inside of it that looked like some sort of ancient writing I have never seen before. After looking at the symbol I noticed a word inscribed in the middle that said METATRON. After I read the word out loud I noticed a brilliant light that surrounded the entire mirror and lit up the room. What I saw next I will never forget and the memory will be buried with me. I saw people moving around in what I can only describe as a palace with a golden throan in the middle. Each person wore a robe which was the color of gold fastened together by a belt that was woven in strands of gold colored silk with the same symbol at the top of the mirror where the buckle would be but they emitted an Erie light that seemed to transfix me to the point where I could not look away. Then all of the sudden everyone stopped moving around instantly and started looking directly at me. Upon seeing there faces I realised that these were the same people that were in all the portraits hanging on the walls in my uncle's home. Upon the throan itself sat a man who looked as ancient as time itself who was also staring at me. The old man said step forward young one and I shall tell you who you really are for we have been waiting for you for a very very long time. Not believing what I was seeing I stepped forward and the light intensified until I had to close my eyes to shield them from the brilliance of it. When I opened them I was no longer in the corridor of my uncle's home but instead inside the palace from which I was just seeing in the mirror itself. The floors were literally paved with gold throughout the whole palace and I was in such awe that I didn't even notice that my clothes that I was wearing before had also changed but my robe was a brilliant red and blue with gems and emeralds embedded into the stitching. The belt I wore was a bright orange with what appeared to be flames that wrapped around my waist but it did not burn me. The buckle that held it in place consisted of a star with a circle around it. Growing up with a Christian family I recognised this symbol as being a pentagram. When I looked back up I noticed everyone bowing down before me except the old man sitting on the great throan. I walked up to him and as I got closer I noticed his eyes were emitting a brilliant blue light like the color of a blue flame but there was no center. As I gazed into his eyes I began to see visions of great wars from ancient times fought with chariots of gold surrounded by fire. The old man then spoke to me again and instantly the visions were gone. He told me that what I was seeing was events in the past that I myself was a part of but I couldn't understand what it all meant. My name is METATRON he said, and I am the scribe of the Lord God who created you and who created everything else that I have ever seen. I am the one who has wrote the book of life and the keeper of all knowledge that lies within its pages. But you my young friend are the only one whose name is in the book that will lead the world into an age of both great war and great prosperity. You are both the bringer of death and the bringer of life into a world that has been so corrupted by man that God himself has chosen you to lead his armies of angels into the final battle of all of mankind. Your name is Michael . The time has finally come for you to inherit the fate that your God has set before you. There is only one who is higher then you and his name is Jesus Christ. He will give the command and you shall lead his armies and purge the evil and darkness from the earth once and for all. The dead shall rise in his name and follow you into battle. When he finished speaking, he then raised his hand and the brilliant light that I saw when I first entered the mirror intensified once again to the point I had to close my eyes. When I opened them I was back in my uncle's corridor gazing at the mirror but I could only see my reflection. I was dressed once again in the same clothes I had came here with. As I turned to walk back down the corridor I saw my uncle waiting for me at the top of the stairs with the look of disgust in his eyes. I told you not to look in the mirror he said. I tried to hide you from the truth of what it shows you because nobody will ever believe you. If you speak of what you saw they will just lock you away in some Looney bin to live out the rest of your days because the world cannot accept the truth of what God has to offer them. Instead they live there lives trying to block out everything they dont understand. Nobody except you has ever returned from the other side of the mirror in the whole time I have been guarding the passage so now I give you a choice. You can go out into the world and speak about what you saw, or you can stay here and live with me and carry on my work in guarding the mirror. But remember this one thing. The path you choose may have severe consequences no matter which way you walk it but in the end, the road always takes you to the same destination. The mirror itself never lies. What you seen or heard will come to pass but it could happen in a different lifetime. While you are here you must learn to accept who you really are which is why I urge you to stay here. You are not a failior or a mistake. Your life has been written already but it may take several lifetimes for it to come to pass. Your parents are blind to who they really are so they see you as there own failior. When he finished speaking my uncle turned and went down stairs to partake whatnot am assuming to be his usual routine. I followed him down and sat next to him and asked him the one question that came to mind. I asked him if he ever looked into the mirror and he told me no because his father told him the same thing he told me when he said not to look into it. My uncle spent his life scared of the truth because he believes life is what you make it yourself. But personally I can honestly say that I am not afraid anymore because I know I am not a failior like I once thought I was. Death is but a doorway into another life but in the end it all leads to the same resolution.

The End

July 03, 2021 02:31

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