Christian Inspirational Fantasy

Blessings Tree

I pick up a golden leaf. On it is written in flowing script 'Peace'. On the next one is 'Hope'. Three more: 'Joy', 'Love', 'Patience'. More leaves rain down on me from my backyard blessings tree. 'Kindness', 'Self-Control', 'Gentleness'. So many to choose from. I want them all. Please, help me decide. 'Wisdom', 'Knowledge', 'Health', 'Prosperity', 'Abundance', 'Talent'. How is one to figure it all out? Is there a limit? I shouldn't be greedy. 'Generosity', 'Unselfishness', 'Common Sense', 'Grace', 'Mercy', 'Foresight', 'Discernment', 'Clarity', 'Compassion'. Are they never ending? How many will there be? Can I save some for later in case I need them more at another time?

Very few instructions came with it when I acquired this rarity. I certainly do not want to abuse the privilege of ownership. It was so long ago, now. I barely remember. No leaves were even on it for quite a while. The tree cycled through many seasons before faint scribbles were noticed on the undersides of the leaves whenever fall began. I still thank goodness I had a gardener willing to rake up the abundant foliage as it cascaded down during the season. He was the one who first noticed the script was readable. How was that even possible?

'Intelligence', 'Family', 'Spouse', 'Children', 'Career'. Those were a few of the first ones the befuddled worker brought to me for my inspection. I know those were things I often wished I had. And for the most part those wishes came true. I came from a loving family, I had enough intelligence to do well in school. I got married young and was blessed with four wonderful children and eventually got to start a career I loved. I always thanked my lucky stars and the Good Lord for granting what I wanted.

Ooooh! Forget about the lucky stars. There is likely no such thing. But the Good Lord? Could He have a hand in this good fortune? Maybe I need to go back to His Good Book and study again some of the long ago Bible stories I learned as a child. As a grown adult sometimes I brush aside all those important messages because I get so swept away trying to negotiate the necessities of living and caring for my loved ones. So exactly when I need Him most, I ignore His helping hand. Yet there He waits for me still with His steadfast promises.

You are a forgiving God, gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love.” Nehemiah 9:17.

I have loved you with an everlasting love.” Jeremiah31:3.

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9.

So I remember to ask forgiveness for neglecting my faithfulness to Him. Imagine for a moment if the only things we were blessed with daily were the things we remembered to thank Him for daily. A good night's sleep, waking up refreshed, sunshine or seasonable weather, shelter, a comfortable environment, rain to grow crops, water for washing, clothing, nourishing breakfast, lunch and dinner for most of us, loved ones, good health, a stable mind, education, capable professionals helping with all our needs, a means to make a living, means to get to a means to make a living and on and on... So thank You, Lord, for your divine providence.

And he fulfills even more promises: 'Light', 'Life', 'Redemption'

A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” Proverbs 11:25

In peace I will lie down and sleep, for You alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety.” Psalm 4:8

And we put our trust in Him: 'Freedom', 'Liberty', 'Peace of Mind'

I will say of the Lord, 'He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” Psalm 91:2

Teach me knowledge and good judgment, for I trust Your commands.” Psalm 119:66

As a result, we strive to do His will: 'Charity', 'Goodness', 'Good Will Towards Men'

Do to others as you would have them do to you.” Luke 6:31

A servant of the Lord must not quarrel but must be kind to everyone, a good teacher, and patient.” 2 Timothy 2:24

Whoever despises his neighbor is a sinner, but blessed is he who is generous to the poor.” Proverbs 14:21

All words to live by and from which to prosper.

Consider my unusual tree in my backyard that each fall rains down its golden leaves with gems of messages engraved on their undersides. How is it happening?

I remember a children's song we would sing in Sunday School when we read the parable about the foolish man who built his house upon the sand and the wise man who built his house upon the rock. The sand would represent the world or our own flawed hopes, dreams or expectations we can take care of everything by ourselves. The rock would be relying on the Lord, Jesus Christ to be our salvation from sin, death and the devil. When the rains, or trouble came, the floods rose up and the house on the sand fell flat. Whereas, when trouble came the house built on the rock stood firm.

The foolish man built his house upon the sand.

The foolish man built his house upon the sand.

The foolish man built his house upon the sand and the rains came tumbling down.

The rains came down as the floods came up.

The rains came down as the floods came up.

The rains came down as the floods came up and the house on the sand fell flat.

The wise man built his house upon the Rock.

The wise man built his house upon the Rock.

The wise man built his house upon the Rock and the rains came tumbling down.

The rains came down as the floods came up.

The rains came down as the floods came up.

The rains came down as the floods came up and the house on the rock stood firm.

So build your life on the Lord, Jesus Christ.

Build you life on the Lord, Jesus Christ.

Build your life on the Lord, Jesus Christ and the blessings will tumble down.

The blessings come down as your prayers go up.

The blessings come down as your prayers go up.

The blessings come down as your prayers go up so build your life on the Lord.”

Ah,ha! Maybe this explains the mystery of the tree. Troubles and crisis confront us daily. Sometimes big ones, sometimes small. Together they can create a flood that threatens to wash us away. If we turn to the Lord, our Rock in the storm, to help us navigate and withstand the onslaught we can survive. We only need to ask using prayer to talk to Him.

So as our prayers go up, the blessings rain down. Luckily, this doesn't only happen in the season of autumn. In the case of my tree that is symbolic. A reminder that those blessings are granted to me continuously. A reminder that I need to pray continuously. I need to thank Him continuously for all the good things He grants every day.

The world is a sinful environment full of corruption and danger and poor management that affects everyone living in it even those trying to follow God's commandments and live righteous lives according to the way He would want us to exist. We need to repent of our numerous sins because we fall short. But Christ has taken our sin upon Himself and died the death we deserved, defeated the evil one so that we may live with Him in heaven one day.

Blessings like 'Grace' and 'Mercy' come down to God's people but the unrighteous people also benefit from the gifts He gives. Beneficial rain falls on all people. Likewise 'Salvation' is for all people. It is a free gift. One needs only to repent of their sins and ask for 'Forgiveness'.

So when my blessing tree rains down blessings I gather them up and save them for a rainy day. And I say a prayer of 'Thanksgiving'.

March 02, 2024 04:15

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Jonathan Page
17:25 Mar 02, 2024

A winner in my book! So great and uplifting! This is a beautiful tale with crisp, purposeful language. I liked this beautiful bit of prose: "A good night's sleep, waking up refreshed, sunshine or seasonable weather, shelter, a comfortable environment, rain to grow crops, water for washing, clothing, nourishing breakfast, lunch and dinner for most of us, loved ones, good health, a stable mind, education, capable professionals helping with all our needs, a means to make a living, means to get to a means to make a living and on and on..." That...


Mary Bendickson
19:47 Mar 02, 2024

Thanks for liking and the corrections. Rushed to get it in before deadline.


Jonathan Page
19:54 Mar 02, 2024

Trust me, I know the feeling!!


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Ty Warmbrodt
16:19 Mar 02, 2024

An uplifting and passionate message, Mary. I love that you included scripture.


Mary Bendickson
19:19 Mar 02, 2024

What a blessing! Thank you:)


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Russell Mickler
14:25 Mar 02, 2024

Hey Mary! The idea that a tree drops leaves with inscribed blessings is brilliant, and I'm going to shamelessly steal this from you :) A very poignant story - thank you for sharing - R


Mary Bendickson
19:18 Mar 02, 2024

As long as you let me see the result of your theft (let's say 'borrow'). Glad you liked it enough to borrow it:).


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Alexis Araneta
13:11 Mar 02, 2024

Interesting take on the prompt ! Certainly very unique. I love the imagery of the tree with the golden leaves. Lovely job !


Mary Bendickson
19:01 Mar 02, 2024

Thanks so much!


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Irene Duchess
21:39 Mar 30, 2024

love this, Mary. :)


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Rebecca Lewis
00:52 Mar 14, 2024

Your reflections hit home with the importance of faith and gratitude in our lives. It's clear you've put a lot of thought into the significance of the golden leaves and their messages, and your connection to biblical teachings adds a profound layer to your understanding of life's ups and downs. Your personal anecdotes make your perspective relatable and engaging, and the reminder to build our lives on a solid foundation of faith resonates. Overall, your insights are thought-provoking and serve as a powerful reminder of the importance of stay...


Mary Bendickson
04:29 Mar 14, 2024

Thank you. Glad it resonated with you.


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George Beasley
21:29 Mar 07, 2024

Loved this story, always need more grace and a great reminder that all blessings come from our Father.


Mary Bendickson
00:26 Mar 08, 2024

Thank you kindly!


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Myranda Marie
21:17 Mar 07, 2024

Oh, what a beautiful and inspiring sermon this would be! I felt every bit of your writing as I read. As always, well done!


Mary Bendickson
00:25 Mar 08, 2024

Thank you so much. You are always one of those blessings.


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Kristi Gott
06:03 Mar 07, 2024

I literally just came home from an incredibly inspiring Bible Study this evening, with wonderful people, a heartfelt and amazing message from the teacher, and I read your story. An incredible story. I believe God is sending us a message through you. Your story fits perfectly with the Bible Study I had tonight. It is a miracle that I came home and there was your story. Wow, please keep it up. The world needs stories like yours. :-) Sending blessings :-)


Mary Bendickson
06:29 Mar 07, 2024

Blessings to you, too. Thanks for liking my donut story. That one was about my mom. Oh, and my brother. I do a lot of creative non-fiction. I am experimenting with writing also so my stories do range from inspirational to 'Did I really write that!'


Kristi Gott
06:33 Mar 07, 2024

I understand! Me too, lol! :-) Looking forward to reading more of your stories. You've got talent and skill!


Mary Bendickson
12:36 Mar 07, 2024

Thanks for the encouragement. Same back to you.


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Tommy Goround
21:36 Mar 06, 2024

This one made me happy. Thank you.


Mary Bendickson
05:12 Mar 07, 2024

What a blessing to make you happy!


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Lily Finch
16:48 Mar 05, 2024

Mary, cool concept. I wrote a similar story a while back. I like yours better. The concept intrigues me still. I think there is something everyone can take from this one. Well done. LF6


Mary Bendickson
18:15 Mar 05, 2024

Must have missed yours or my memory... what was I saying? Glad you liked it.😁


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Jack Kimball
16:06 Mar 05, 2024

Hey Mary, I love the take on the prompt where the twist is leaves have messages. This is the most unique view I've read. I also really love the messages, all positive. Great job on the prompt. Crossing my fingers for your win.


Mary Bendickson
18:12 Mar 05, 2024

What a blessing you think so. Thank you.😊


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Angela M
14:17 Mar 05, 2024

What a beautiful image and amazing metaphor on how life is full of abundance and blessings.


Mary Bendickson
18:11 Mar 05, 2024

A blessing to me that you enjoyed it.


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Asia W
08:34 Mar 05, 2024

This is so delightful, I absolutely love what you've written here Mary!


Mary Bendickson
16:46 Mar 05, 2024

Thank you! So glad it touched you. That's a blessing to me. Thanks for the follow.


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Michelle Oliver
08:43 Mar 04, 2024

This is beautiful Mary, so much to be grateful for. I like the idea of gathering the blessings up and saving them for a rainy day.


Mary Bendickson
16:38 Mar 04, 2024

So glad you liked it. What a blessing!


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Corey Melin
01:35 Mar 04, 2024

Very well done. An uplifting story that this world needs daily as we want to rule ourselves but fail throughout history. Good read


Mary Bendickson
04:28 Mar 04, 2024

Thanks for likingit.


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John Rutherford
11:53 Mar 03, 2024

A feel-good story Mary. Well done.


Mary Bendickson
14:27 Mar 03, 2024

Thanks for liking.


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Wally Schmidt
00:36 Mar 03, 2024

Your story brought me back to a place I used to work. At the holidays we had a huge tree with branches that spread out the length of the wall that someone had painted. In a basket next to the tree there were colorful leaves made out of construction paper. Whoever felt like it could write down what they were thankful for and tape it on one of the branches. At first the 'blessings' were generic (health, love, kids) but soon people started writing very specific things. Not only was it a wonderful thing to be able to stop and reflect about what ...


Mary Bendickson
03:48 Mar 03, 2024

So happy you could relate and liked it.


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Wendy M
23:47 Mar 02, 2024

The Blessings Tree is a delightful concept. Well done.


Mary Bendickson
02:29 Mar 03, 2024

Thanks so much. And yes artistic is very good.


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Bill Miller
22:44 Mar 02, 2024

Beautiful story Mary. I thought I recognized the fruits of the spirit from Galatians at the start of the story and was blessed to read many other inspirational Bible quotes in your story. Well done!


Mary Bendickson
22:51 Mar 02, 2024

Right you are. I once wrote a children's song to be used while giving a child a back rub using those fruits. Glad you liked it.


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