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Submitted into Contest #74 in response to: Write a story in the form of a top-ten list.... view prompt


Thriller Suspense Sad

10. Abby Jones bullied me about my clothes, hair, and makeup the biggest thing she did was just three days ago.

"Oh look at the little baby wearing a flower crown what are you two years old." I sighed as I heard Abby and her friends laugh at me I will get revenge if its the last thing I do.

Name: Abby Jones


Cause of death: Strangled to death by wire

Call the police if you have any information into the death of Abby her parents have afford a 10,000 dollar reward for any information.

I sneered at the T.V as I burned the coil of wire in my fireplace I heard the door open and saw my brother.

"Gosh I can't believe someone killed Abby." He said I nodded even though I had known for hours that Abby was dead.

"I wonder who it could be gosh I didn't like Abby because of how she bullied you but I wouldn't ever with anyone dead." I pursed my lips nodding my head in agreement that was the thing about my brother he was to soft. Though protective of me he was soft and that's what I loved and hated about him.

9. James Evans Asked my brother out and wouldn't take no for and answer the worst thing he did was a day ago.

"Come on Tommy just one date one date won't hurt you."

'No, James I don't like you like that i'm sorry but its a no and it always will be." I sat across from them with my arms crossed eyes blazing with rage.

Name: James Evans

Age: 17

Cause of death: Hit by a car

If you have any information or you saw anything please call the police he's parents are offering a 5,000 dollar reward for any information you might have.

"Tom did you here about James." I said over dinner my mom and dad giving us curios looks Tom shook his head and I had to fight the urge to smile.

"He got hit by a car last night so sad." I said faking sympathy I heard my parents and Tom gasp.

"Poor kid" My mom sighed picking up her glass of iced tea I nodded but I felt no sympathy for him.

8. Brandon Clark what he did was he cheated on my brother with his best friend.

"I'm so sorry you know I love him" I scowled at him and pushed him out the door I could hear Tom sobbing upstairs and all I wanted to do was be up there to comfort him. I had to deal with the idiot who broke my brothers heart first though.

"Get out he doesn't want to see you idiot." I hissed and slammed the door in his face I took a moment to take a breath then I turned and ran up the stairs. To my brother I slowly walked in and settled myself next to him on the bed he wrapped his arms around m e and pulled me up to his chest.

"Hey want to watch mean girls?" I said he nodded and smiled as he reached for the remote.

Name: Brandon Clark

Age: 16

Cause of death: Stabbed

I sat and watched as my brother sobbed on my chest I held him tight and kissed his forehead one thought running through my mind he's better off without him.

7. Lily Beck She used to be my brothers best friend until she dated his boyfriend behind his back.

"How could you do that to him." I screamed I watched as tears ran down her face but I had no pity for this thing before me.

"I'm sorry" She sobbed I shook my head as I slammed the door in her face not bothering to see if she had a way to get home.

Name: Lily Beck


Cause of death: Not known yet

And they won't ever know I cleaned the needle and then put it neatly back on the tray.

6. Isaac Beck Lily's older brother he threatened my brother and told the police my brother could be a suspect.

"My brother would never kill your sister he loved her very much" He sneered and I laughed as I felt the weight of the knife in my pocket.

Name: Isaac Beck

Age: 17

Cause of death: Stabbed in the heart

The police are working to find out who has been behind all of these murders so please stand by we hope to catch the killer soon for now be careful ad watch your back. The Chief of police said oh thye won't be catching me anytime soon.

5. Hope Carter called me fat while I was walking in the hallways yesterday.

"Watch where your going fatty or can you not see because your so fat," Hope and her little minions laughed I wanted to gouge her eyes out she would pay just like the others had.



Cause of death: Blood loss due to a cut on the left side of her body. Head this warning that there will be more killings here is what you can do to be safe I tuned the guy out I didn't need to be safe I was the one killing everyone anyway.

4. Mack Potter Called me insane what he didn't know was that he was correct.

"Your insane you know that" I scowled but then smiled i'll show him how insane I really am he won't know what hit him.

"I think your insane to have a nice night." I waked away with a smirk on my face.

Name: Mack Potter

Age: 15

Cause of death: Blow to the head with a un-identified  object.

We erg you to not be out after nine if you can help it we have a serial killer on the lose. Keep your children in your line of view they only have gone after kids so far. I rolled my eyes there was no stopping me.

3. Ivy Brown she took a golf club and broke my car windows with them.

"What do you think you are doing." I shouted The person ran but right before the got into there own car I saw there face Ivy Brown my blood was boiling.

Name: Ivy Brown

Age: 16

Cause of death: Beat to death with a golf club.

My family was sitting around the T.V watching the news all of my family members eyes wide everyone was scared but I wasn't and I never would be all I do is to protect Tom the only person in the world I love.

2. Mom My own mother she yelled at Tom and he sobbed into my arms that night I vowed to make her pay.

Name: Ally Jackson

Age: 40

Cause of death: Drowned in the river

I cried that night along with my family though I didn't care like they did she had it coming t was her own fault.

1. Dad My dad hit me had today I have a big bruise across my cheek I swore I would get revenge and I will.

Name: John Jackson

Age: 41

Cause of death: stabbed

My list is done now I have killed all I need to kill or is it?

December 31, 2020 00:45

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