
I stopped right in my tracks, feeling like someone had just reached into my chest and ripped out my heart.

“E-Ethan?” My voice trembled and I shook my head vigorously, backing away from the ghost in front of me. “No, no, no. That’s impossible.”

“Is it really?” I choked on a sob as his rich voice filled my ears exactly the same as before. “I promised I’ll always be by your side.”

I covered my mouth, tears now freely falling. “B-but how? I watched you die! You bled out in my arms! I had your blood on my-”

Warm arms wrapped around me, cutting my frantic rambling off.

“Breathe, love. Breathe,” he whispered.

Oh God. He’s warm. I don’t understand. He was cold. He died! How is he here?!

When I had calmed down, I pulled back. “Explain, please.

He took my hand in his and pressed it to his lips. “May I show you something?”

I nodded, swallowing the lump in my throat as he led me forward. “Look only at me,” he said quietly.

My eyes never strayed from his powerful gaze and shivers ran down my spine, puffs of hot air floating over my skin.

We passed through something and I wanted to look around but his fingers tapped against my jaw, keeping my eyes locked on his. “You aren’t ready to process the things around us.”

“Where are we going?” Somehow, I couldn’t make myself speak any louder than a whisper.

“You’ll see,” he smiled softly.

Time passed around us but I barely took notice. I couldn’t believe that he is here. Right in front of me. His hand warm and real in mine.

“We’re here.”

I blinked and glanced at my surroundings.

“Ethan… This place, it’s beautiful.”

We were standing in the middle of a garden, the trees standing strong and proud, flowers shining in different colours like jewels.

Above us, a tree bloomed, the petals falling around us, showering us in pink.

My feet moved before I could think, leading me towards the sound of water and I gasped at the pond, the water sparkling and a koi jumped out splashing me with water and I laughed, caught by surprise.

A bubble of joy rose in my and I twirled around, the enchanting atmosphere drawing away the constant state of fear and despair I had been in since Ethan’s death.

There was something about this place. I felt connected to it, like I was returning home.

Arms wrapped around my waist drawing my back to a solid chest. “There’s that smile.”

I basked in his embrace, relishing the fact that somehow, he was here; holding me before I gently released his hold and stepped back.

“Ethan. I don’t understand. How?”

His smile dimmed a little. “I have to apologise to you. I’m not who you think I am.”

I frowned, becoming more confused. “Have a sit, there is something you need to know.”

As I sat opposite him, he began. “Do you know the stories about Greek Gods?”

I tilted my head thinking back to school. “A little.”

“Well, this story starts with Hades and Persephone. Centuries ago, when the Gods lost their followers, lost their powers, they had no choice but to descend to the human realm; hiding themselves among mortals.

Slowly, they began to lose their memories and some, lost their lives. Hades and Persephone were one of those who lost their lives.”

I listened, unsure where Ethan was going with this.

“Then, they were reborn into the bodies of humans, of mortals. By the fates, they met and fell in love again. But Persephone was stuck in hell. The mortal body they were born into was trapped with an abusive family trying to drag them into despair.”

I shuddered. “Ethan,” I gasped out, my body curling up as my breaths started to become heavier but still his soft voice continued.

“Hades found them on a bridge, contemplating suicide and managed to convince them to stay alive. He took Persephone home, bandaged the wounds from abuse and offered support. He watched as their smiles grew more real each day, the flowers they loved preening under their attention; blooming with their happiness.

They weaved flowers in their hair, dancing in the fields, playing with any animal they met and everyone could see the joy on their face. Hades loved them, his heart overfilling with affection. But… it was not to be.”

I flinched as though struck. 

“One day, Persephone’s human father found out of their love for Hades. He barged into Persephone’s home, hurt them, beat them until they bled and locked them in the apartment. He vowed to kill their love but Persephone pleaded with him, begged him, promised they will do anything to protect Hades.

Hades didn’t know of this and he went to Persephone’s apartment when they were late for their meetup and he heard the sound of sobbing. He knocked frantically on the door, afraid he would find Persephone dead but when the door opened, their father stood in the doorway with Persephone tied up and gagged behind him.

Persephone’s eyes yelled for Hades to run but he would not abandon them and he lunged at the bigger man. Hades managed to knock the man out and moved to untie Persephone, but he didn’t notice that there had been an accomplice.  

A bullet pierced his skin, the pain rippling through him sent him to his knees. Persephone’s human mother stood behind him with a smoking gun, eyes filled with hatred.

Their father woke during the commotion and grinned down at the dying Hades. Persephone was struggling against their bonds when the woman grabbed a fistful of their hair, jerking them backwards.

“This is what happens when you disobey us,” she spat and ungagged Persephone.

“Any last words?”

Persephone begged them to call an ambulance but when refused, begged them to be able to hold Hades one last time.

The adults complied, happy with how things turned out and Persephone cradled Hades, tears falling on his face.

“I’m sorry,” Persephone whispered. “I’m so sorry.”

“I love you.” Hades whispered and Persephone broke down, pressing their lips together one last time.

Persephone was dragged off before Hades lost consciousness and Hades’ last image of Persephone was their face streaked with tears and despair. However, when Hades died, he remembered. He remembered his past, he remembered being a God. His body regained the powers of the Underworld and he was immortal again.

The Ghost King had returned.”

Ethan leaned forward and cupped my cheeks, thumbs brushing away the tears. “My love,” he whispered reverently. “You are Persephone, deity of Spring and Nature, Queen of the underworld, love of my lives.”

“I–no, Ethan. That’s impossible.” I looked at him with wide eyes. “I–I can’t be Persephone. She is so graceful and pretty and amazing and…is a Goddess. I–I am not all of that.”

“Gods don’t care about gender,” he said quietly. “I’ll know your soul anywhere.”

“Ok, say what you’re saying is real…why do I still not remember?” I asked, trying to quell my rising panic. Ethan had to be wrong. I can’t be Persephone! It doesn’t make sense.

“I only have a theory,” he shrugged; hands dropping to his lap. “When I died, my memories of being a God awakened because now, there are people who are studying about Greek Gods out there. The fact that they have the knowledge of us, they know we exist; even if it is only in myths gave me back my power and my realm.”

“So… I have to die for my soul to regain Persephone’s memories?”

He inclined his head. “That is what I believe.”

“But how can I be Persephone?” I asked. My mind couldn’t take it. There is nothing that could even hint that I could be her.

“You have a way with plants,” he spoke. “Plants love you. Flowers bloom when you smile. Animals sing joyfully when they see you. You bring Spring wherever you go. I know without a doubt that you are Persephone.”

He pulled me to my feet gently. “Do you trust me?”

I nodded without hesitation. I may not trust myself but my faith in Ethan will never waiver.

His fingers danced along my jaw before he tilted my chin up into a kiss. A hand touched my chest directly where my heart is and I gasped when suddenly I was thrown into darkness.

“Ethan?” I called out, a little afraid when what looked like screens flashed by.

With each screen, images filled my head, a three-headed dog, mother, pomegranate seeds. No… these aren’t just images. They are memories.

Ethan was right.

At the end of the memories, a bright light shone and when I opened my eyes, I knew who I was.

I am Persephone.

Child of Demeter.

Deity of Spring and Nature.

Queen of the Underworld.

“Andrew,” Ethan breathed out, relief clear in his eyes.

He helped me to my feet and I stumbled slightly, dazed by my memories rushing back to me.

To my surprise, Ethan dropped to one knee, taking my right hand in his and pressing a kiss to the back of it. “Will you rule with me? Stay by my side for eternity?” he asked soft but sincere.

I smiled lovingly down at him, pulling him back to his feet. “We are equals. You don’t need to kneel to me.”

He returned my smile and snaked an arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him before kissing me gently.

Our powers flared and I could feel it growing, taking back our kingdom. Change encased us.

My red locks lengthened to my waist and silk fluttered to my ankles; a weight resting on my head.

When we separated, I let out a gasp.

Eth-Hades was dressed in an immaculate black and gold embroidered suit with a flowing black cape behind him, a golden crown resting on his head and a staff in his hand.

“Love,” he breathed out, eyes widening when he saw me. “You look gorgeous.”

I giggled even as a blush rose to my cheeks. I was curious to what I looked like to cause that expression though and stepped over to the river, glancing at my reflection.

The weight on my head was a flower crown and I had on a beautiful green gown which had parted in front, making it flare like a coat with pants underneath. Golden circlets adorned my biceps and I had to admit that I looked gorgeous. My features had always been androgynous which had made my human parents hate me even more but now I could hardly care less about them.

“Shall we, my love?” Hades asked from behind me.

I turned to see his hand outstretched and accepted it. “Let us rule our land together, my king.” 

July 25, 2020 17:24

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Yolanda Wu
23:58 Aug 06, 2020

First of all, I love the title of the story, maybe I'm just a sucker for that nature imagery. I also love your incorporation of Greek mythology into the story, it immediately made me want to read more. I think this is a beautiful story.


Roselle Storm
14:59 Aug 15, 2020

Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked it😁🥰


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Kendall Defoe
04:08 Aug 01, 2020

Clever work here... I really need to review my understanding of the Greek gods.


Roselle Storm
18:02 Aug 01, 2020

Thank you!😁


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Conan Helsley
18:24 Jul 31, 2020

This is a solid concept. I think the writing needs work, and the story could stand some development. This is a difficult tale to tell in short version, especially this short. As a novella or even novel, this could be a great book. Good job. Nice unique take on the prompt. One other thing, I didn't care for the use of them as the individual character pronoun. I understand what your intention was, not to specify or focus on gender, but doing it that way only made me focus on gender. I'm not sure how to do it better, but I do suggest figuring o...


Roselle Storm
03:40 Aug 02, 2020

Thank you for your comment! I'll keep it in mind.


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