the DARE

Submitted into Contest #94 in response to: Start your story with someone accepting a dare.... view prompt


Adventure Drama Sad

Nikhil Munroe

May 19, 2021


It was the sunniest day of the week, a Thursday with green in the trees. Nikhil and his friends are coming to an end of their Senior year. With one last week to go, all the boys have to do is stay out of trouble. But sadly, that’s hard for the boys. “Aye Nikhil watch this” as Andrew Dray throws a golf ball at some freshman’s head. “Hahahahaha” the boys laugh out loud. “Cmon, man that ain't cool” Joey Sabourin says. Dray does not acknowledge Joey and continues to laugh. “Joe, c'mon man. It’s our last week let's have a little fun, let's get rowdy” Peter says. As the boys continued on to their next class, Peter had them all thinking. What are they going to do? What would be crazy to end our year on? As the day continues, so does the flow of ideas in the boys heads. Nikhil’s idea of what they were going to do, were a lot less worse/safer ideas. “We can make a senior’s sign and hang it up at lunch” he insists. The boys just laughed. “A-- A sign? Hahahahahaahh what nikhil?” dray says “Ya what nikhil, how is that funny?” Peter adds. Then a lightbulb goes off in Joe’s head. “Guys I know what to do, I know what to do. I dare someone to throw a huge party on the field during school. We get huge speakers, a bunch of food, and bring spikeball and kan jam and have a little cookout on the turf… Except it won't be little” He says with a smirk. “And how are we gonna pull this off, and who are you daring to throw it?” Dray adds. “Easy, Nikhil I dare you to throw a party on the turf!”

“What me? Why me, no! No way bro, dont put this on me Im just tryna graduate and get out of here man.” Nikhil replies. “I'm sorry but I cant guys” he says sadly. “Don’t be a scaredy cat, Don’t be a bum!” Dray says. “Ya a dare is a dare you got to now Nik.” “C'mon guys, why me? I just need to graduate then we can do whatever we want.” Nikhil says. “How would you not graduate, we are partying on the turf get it going” “Alright Fine! I hate you guys so much” Nik says and walks away as the boys stay and cheer. 

When Nikhil gets home he starts to plan… How do I throw a party at school on the freaking football field? And who do I tell about it, there's always those kids that won't come and probably just snitch on us. I just can't get in trouble, I can not afford to not graduate or get in trouble. He opens his phone and starts to make a group chat. Joey add, Dray add, Peter add…. As he goes down the list adding more and more people he starts to realize this party is gonna be huge. And realizes that the 3 large pizzas he ordered might have to be more like 13. He sighs, “this is gonna be a disaster I already know” he says to himself. “You know what no, im not doing this stupid dare, one of them can! I'm not getting peer pressured to do this, no no, no way.” As he picks up his phone and starts dialing joey’s number. He has the number all typed out before he pauses and turns his phone off… “I can’t, I can't do this, I gotta make this happen. We got one week of school left and then I’ll probably never see some of these people again. So he creates the chat with 100+ people in it and says “Supposed to go to class, but we aint going… party on the turf at 10 oclock be their not in class.” The chat was so exciting, everyone and everyone was calling everyone trying to figure out the plans. It was crazy. It was looking like the party was actually going to happen and the boys couldn't be more pumped to get rowdy on the turf. 

Today was the big day, it was 9:30 and Nikhil and the boys just picked up the pizzas. It was weird skipping school, they felt bad but at the same time not at all. They wondered what was gonna happen once they all started partying on the field? Will they let us or will they be mad and make us all leave. Everyone was excited but Nikhil, he felt he had the most to lose in the situation but he didn't say anything. The boys finally get to the field at 10:05 and the place is a zoo, people are all over the place. The music was so loud you could barely hear anyone talking. “PIZZA!” someone yelled as everyone came running to the boys holding the warm pizza. “Dig in!” Nikhil yells, keeping his head on a swivel for the administration. 20 mins or so goes by and the party is getting bigger and bigger, people who weren’t even invited showed up, and the 13 pizza’s were gone within a minute. “I didn’t even get a slice and I paid for those!” Nikhil says frustrated. It was hard to have fun when you were the one throwing the party on the school grounds. Nikhil wasn’t feeling it, he just knew something wrong had to happen, this little dare is now this ginormous party and the person who would be in the most trouble was Nikhil. An hour goes by and no sign of administration. Nik’s starting to feel more and more comfortable as time goes by. It wasn’t till he had to go to the bathroom when the whole day would be ruined. As he walks to the woods to go to the bathroom, he says movement in the bushes. He doesn't think much of it till he gets closer, and closer and sees a man emerge from the bush. “AHHHHHH!” he screams making direct eye contact with the principle of the school. “I got you now, Mr. Munroe” we know all about your little party sir!” As he directs nikhil inside to the dean’s office...

May 21, 2021 16:12

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