Christian Contemporary Creative Nonfiction

   It started with my nieces when they where young. They were afraid to go to sleep. So, I would tell them stories about Jesus and how he protects them when they sleep. My faith was not all that developed yet but I knew in my heart that Jesus was the answer to there fears. It began somewhat like that with me telling little girls about Jesus’s love for them and him watching over them when they sleep.

   I went to church on Sundays and listened to the priests homilies. Inspiring and always gave me a new sense of optimism for the week ahead. I was working then in business and my environment was not good. All I really wanted to do was write. I had no idea about what. I figured my life experiences I’d use to make stories out of. One day as I was leaving church the priest stopped me and asked me if I wanted to teach CCD. Confraternity of Christian Doctrine is what it stands for. I told the priest I’d think about it. I felt like I was not holy enough to teach the young about Christ. For one thing I swore occasionally and felt like that was something I needed to work on before I teach children about Jesus. Actually, now I'm sorry I did not teach CCD. I could of learnt a lot from my students. The Lord said and a child shall lead them.

   My faith in the Lord grew as I got older. I began to pray a lot and write down my feelings. The Lord guided me to quit working and work on my book full time. My book was called “ A Pray In the Light”.  Mainly my journey to walk in the light of Christ. It can be difficult to do. There are the things of this world tempting you like greed and dishonesty. But, we must avoid all occasions of sin and grow in the light of Jesus Christ. It’s funny it starts out small with pray in my nieces bedroom and it grows to me writing a book. If you put your faith in Jesus all things are possible.

   I became a published author my stories of dark times in my life were a hit. Although not without much research into query letters and book proposals. Of course a lot of rejections came with that. But, I kept at it sending query letter after query letter. I finally got a literary agent. Who was dying to know what I was going to write about next. For inspiration, I went to Bible class at my local parish. Where they were studying the Acts of the Apostles. The Apostle Paul is a good example of someone who changes his life and then follows Jesus. He persecuted the early christians and then had an encounter with Jesus that showed him the light.

   I decided my next book would be about someone who changes his life and follows Christ. When ever I’m giving a reading of my book I just picture my nieces crowded around me listening to me tell them about Jesus. That way I’m not nervous or afraid. I read through some of the old Testament where Moses was in the desert with the Israelites. It was hard to keep them on the right path and have them obey God. Moses had a lot of patience with them and God gave him his laws.

   Growing up I did not hear many fairy tales at home. My mother at night prayed with us. When I went to school I heard of Hansel and Gretel going through the woods. To tell you the truth “The Wizard of OZ” scared me so much that I never understood why they made it a children’s movie. Even Cinderella with her wicked step sisters had a scary edge to it. My mother I guess preferred God’s words to any fairy tale that she might think of.  If the truth were told fairy tales are dark and as I stated I would rather walk in the light.

   I remember a book signing in which a woman walked up to me and asked

   “ Do you really believe in all that religious stuff that’s in your book?”

   “ I think so that’s why it’s in there so others can learn from it”

    “Of course, but aren’t you doubtful that Jesus is really looking over you”

    “ We all have our doubts, but if he wasn’t I don’t think I’d be here right now”

   I continued the book signing, there wasn’t that much of a crowd. The few people that were there wanted to talk. So, I answered questions from the people. Some people wanted to know about my upbringing. I told them I was raised Catholic and went to church on Sunday. Others wanted to know if there was ever a dark period in my life. I told them after my mother died it was very dark. I was angry and depressed. I was angry at Jesus. How could he let such a terrible thing happen to me. But as I grew I realized it’s his will not mine. I ended the signing on that note. 

   People don’t seem to understand that I’m just the messenger.  Jesus is who this peace and faith comes from. If you believe your faith will grow. I never did like fairy tales. I preferred my bible stories and so did my nieces. If your silent you can hear his voice whistling in the trees or in the chirping of the birds. 

   If your really silent you can hear him calling you to fulfill your gifts. Everyone has them the problem is knowing what they are. Don’t let the world dictate what you do with your life. Listen closely to God’s direction and you will see clearly your path to glory. If you turn off the radio and the TV you begin to hear Jesus’s voice calling you. To fulfill your potential. Whether that be a carpenter, a florist or even a writer. If you look around you closely. You can see God in almost all of nature. In the sun that warms us in the day. In the rain that quenches our thirst. In the plants that feed us. The harder part is to see him in each other. Jesus said love one another as I have loved you.

   By now you’re wondering what this has to do with fairy tales or other tales. It’s the alternative lesson to tell your kids. To teach lessons according to the bible and have them grow up with something to believe in.

April 05, 2021 17:43

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Bonnie Clarkson
01:58 Apr 11, 2021

Thank you for mentioning Jesus. I am not Catholic, but I certainly liked your story.


Ann Layne
17:22 Apr 11, 2021

I try and mention Jesus whenever appropriate. It helps keep my faith strong. I'm glad you enjoyed it.


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