Science Fiction Thriller

It was supposed to be the happiest day of their lives as it was Jack’s birthday, and he was turning 18! But, of course, we all must make ends to meet. Although Janet never went anywhere in the morning, she was an early riser to wake up her sleeping son who was a heavy sleeper. “Wake up Jack,” she called hoarsely. She couldn’t go to work due to her breathing problems caused by the excessive vapor in the factory, and once they found out that she can’t work any longer, she was terminated. He looked at the time on the multipurpose screen and found that it is way past 8:00 AM, June 2080.

As a sole provider for his family, he had to terminate his studies and started going to work in a shop in town. With his meager income, he was unable to make the ends meet.

Jack threw the duvet to the floor. The clock is ticking! He is needed in the mall at exactly 8:40 AM. A 10-minute delay ensures that your days’ wage is null.

The most attractive game in the mall is time travel. A 30 minutes journey costs 1000 universal money, but that’s about a 3-hour journey in the past. Jack couldn’t afford to use it even for once. But he has seen rich kids use it for hours. But, one day he will use it for traveling. That was his dream.

“Time is 8:24. In another 5 minutes you should be gone,” his mother reminded him.

“And, here is a watch. It is a mechanical device that belongs to my mum. You can sell it at an antique shop. It will fetch at least 1000 universal money

Jack took the device. It was amazing. No one uses the device nowadays. But as mom said, it can fetch good money as it is an antique device.

An idea struck him. “Mom, do you have a collection of these devices?”

“No, Jack, get to work, time is flying!” his mother answered irritably.

 The mechanical devices gave way to electronic ones, which in turn gave way to nano-devices, as the world has been taken over by nanotechnology.

Jack reached the mall and started his work. In the evening he went to the antique shop and sold the watch. To his surprise, he was given 3000 universal money. He was amazed. He immediately serviced the Polymer body machines remotely at home, which is used in pumping the nanoionics into the body, therefore renewing the body cells. The remaining money, he gave to his mother.

“Jack, next week is a holiday. I know that you always dream of time travel. Therefore, use this money for traveling.” Said Jack’s mom

“Thanks, mom!” Said jack

He was so happy. At last, his wish is going to be fulfilled. His friend, who has gone to the year 4030, advised him not to go to the future, as going to the future is quite useless, as most of the things he will never understand. So, he will go to the past.

He can go to a maximum of 150 years back, as 1-hour travel, with his 1000 universal money, is equals to 6 hours to the past. With his mind on antique watches, he will be rich.

On the day of his travel, he went to the dumpsites and collected some electronic watches, bid his mother goodbye, and entered the time travel dome located at the mall. New York City will be the best, 100 years before! The technician loaded the US English to his memory and directions into his brain. Also, nutritional tablets were provided so that he will not feel hungry in his two-day journey.

Then travel started. In a flash, he was in hustle and bustle of Manhattan Avenue. He was surprised to see that people ate a lot, there were no nutria tablets! Jack thoroughly enjoyed eating. In his present world, trees, birds, rivers, and fish were extinct. All these things came back to life in front of his eyes.

Time was ticking! In his pockets, he had four electronic watches. One of the shops ‘the Rolex watch shop’ caught his attention. He went and asked about the price of the watch. Jack almost fainted when he heard the price. For the standards of that era, it was an exorbitant price.

He took out one of the electronic watches and shown the shopkeeper. The shopkeepers’ mouth hanged open, full of surprise upon seeing the watch. The shopkeeper said to him “how much do you want for that piece? How many dollars?”

Jack knew that the dollars will not work in his world. He needed universal money. But the shopkeeper doesn’t have universal money. Suddenly an idea struck him.

“I like platinum jewelry. How many grams of platinum jewelry can you give me for that piece?” He asked.

“I can offer you 30 grams,” said the shopkeeper

“I want 40,” said Jack.

“deal,” said the shopkeeper

I have 3more pieces” said Jack

“I will be glad to have them all. If you get more, please don’t stop. Bring them to me. By the way, where do you get this from?” asked the shopkeeper

“It is a top-secret,” He answered. Trembling, he pocketed the 160 grams of platinum and started back.

Back at home, he sold the platinum for a whooping 50,000 universal money. His mom was surprised. They moved out of the ghetto and treated his mother. Their money got over very fast. Jack urgently needed another time travel.

This time around, he went further from the city to collect more watches for a one-week time travel. After two more travels, he bought a personal time travel machine. Nobody got to know how jack came to be suddenly rich. He even got a customized bullet car that could travel at 60,000 km per hour.

On his first drive, jack tried 15,000 km per hour. He was thrilled.

 The next day, he increased the speed to 25,000 km/h. The bullet car started giving a warning in a metallic voice: “Jack, you are not covered beyond this limit...”

He pressed the speed even more. It touched 30,000km/h. It was fun. He then smashed to 45,000km/h

The newsreel: A young billionaire disappears mid-air. The source of his wealth, just like his disappearance, is a mystery.

The news was all over the world's news channels, and Janet tried to call him but by then it was too late.

November 20, 2020 15:23

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