Fantasy Fiction

“What a day”, Juno signed as he looked up into the sky after a day of hard work. Enjoying the setting sun and seeing the sky darkening into a beautiful blue. The sounds of the waves breaking on the sea shore calms him. He dreams about a vacation, an escape from reality, away from the chaos of the hectic world. Many memories go through his mind at this very moment. Looking at the blue sea in front of him, he remembers his dear friend Lucas who lost his life in this very sea two years back. 

Lucas was Juno’s best friend. They had been friends since childhood. They were like brothers, like family. Two years back Lucas and Juno went on a trip that changed their destiny. A day they thought nothing would go wrong. It was their last trip they had gone together. Lucas had got a new job in a successful company and he was going to a new country. Celebrating his success, they decided to go on a cruise trip. On the cruise everything went as usual. They were on the dock looking at the sea and enjoying the day. Suddenly a rapid wave hit them. The ship turned over and the passengers fell into the deep waters. Many, not knowing how to swim, fell to their deaths. Juno and Lucas were trying to find their way back to the floating ship. But unfortunately Lucas couldn’t make it. Juno saw Lucas drowning. He tried to help him but the huge waves kept on pushing them away. Juno witnessed Lucas’s death and felt a deep pain in his heart for not being able to save his dear friend. Juno was able to survive but his friend sadly couldn’t. Lucas’ body was never found. Juno regretted that trip. He felt he was the reason for his friend’s death as he had planned that cruise trip. He lived with that regret for a long time.

Sitting on the soft sand at the seashore he recollected his memories of his dear friend, the fun times they had and their last moments on the ship. He regretted not being able to say goodbye to Lucas. He sat on the soft sand on the beach and heard the soft waves hitting the shore. Thinking about that day he slowly drifts to sleep. Suddenly he saw a creature emerging from the sea. Thinking he was hallucinating he stood up and squinted to see more clearly. Not knowing what the creature was he cautiously went near it and saw a man in the sea. He went into the waters to find the person. He stopped and froze. Not believing what he saw he asked with a stutter, “A-A-Are you Lucas?”

Suddenly, a huge wave hit Juno, just like that dreadful day on the ship. Juno was engulfed by the waves. He saw the shore drifting away from him. His heart started beating. He felt helpless. Frantically trying to survive the waves coming one after another drawing his energy, he suddenly felt a pull on his legs. He started kicking the waters, nothing helped. It felt like a rock was tied to his feet. He was pulled into the depths of the ocean. It was dark everywhere. The cold waters surrounded Juno. He knew his time had come and said his last prayers in his head. As each second passed he felt he couldn’t hold his breath any longer. His heart stopped beating and he fell down to the floor of the ocean. Juno passed away just like his friend in the same ocean by the same waves. 

Then suddenly opened his eyes and found himself on soft sand. He saw the same man next to him. Juno was struck with fear. He didn't know where he was, who the man was and how he came here. He went closer to the man and recognized him. “Lucas … My friend” he cried. “Where have you been for the past two years?” Juno asked, crying. “I have been here my friend ... in this paradise” Lucas said. Juno looked around and he didn't know where he was. He saw the sky was a dark blue with glittering stars. In front of him was the ocean it was encircled by clouds. There were beautiful trees and flowers. The place looked surreal and unbelievable. It looked like paradise. Just like what he imagined of heaven. He felt a sense of peace, belonging and happiness.

He asked Lucas how he reached here. Lucas said, “That day when I fell to my death from the ship, I felt myself being pulled down, everything was dark. I shut my eyes and went to sleep forever and I came to this paradise.” Juno then told Lucas about how he saw the man in the ocean and Lucas said that it was him and that he had come to talk to him and take him to paradise. Juno and Lucas talked about their lives in the real world and expressed their gratitude towards each other. Hours passed, the sky still remained the same. Juno looked into the sky, he said “My family…. Will I ever see them again”?

Lucas asked “Do you want to leave this land my friend”.

Juno didn’t know what to answer. He wanted to go back to his family but he didn't want to leave his friend alone. He then said with a heavy heart, “My friend, it’s time I leave. I want to go back to my family.But one day I will come back my friend. I will come back forever to live in paradise.”

“Will see you soon my friend, will see you soon one day. Goodbye Juno” Lucas said.

“Goodbye my friend” Juno replied with a heavy heart.

With tearful eyes they looked up into the night sky, at the gleaming stars. Juno closed his eyes and drifted into the real world and waited for his next trip to paradise.

Author's note : Thank you for reading my story ! I appreciate it.

English is my second language so please excuse any errors.

March 04, 2021 11:25

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Sando .
07:10 Mar 11, 2021

A very moving story, I wanted to read more about the characters at the end! You've dealt with the theme of missing a loved one really well - it was sad, but also optimistic. Thank you!


A Cat
15:37 Mar 12, 2021

Thank you for your feedback ! :) <3 I couldn't continue the story because I ran out of ideas :'(


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