Fantasy Funny Romance

If this crazy thunderstorm hadn’t hit me I would be home in my soft, comfy bed watching power puff girls, Instead I am stuck under an old wobbly bridge that might fall on me any second. I have no cell service so I can't call any of my parents. All I can do right now is wait until the storm pass’s which could be a while, and it will be dark soon. I wasn't in the luckiest position. after a few minutes of waiting and shivering to death, I noticed a cat run past me. But it wasn't a normal cat, it was small, fluffy and had golden fur, it also seemed to glowed. am I going crazy like my great uncle Eric!? But…it looked so weird and I saw it with my own eyes. I got up, wanting to follow it, and wanting to get a picture of it. But my brain screamed, bitch sit your black ass down! This is how every idiot dies in every horror movie, they decide to be curious and bam! Their high fiving God in heaven. I shake my head and follow the cat, what could possibly happen?

The cat tried to lose me. But it glowed so bright I was able to follow it with ease. “Please slow down mister glowing cat! I am a friendly person!!” it howls back at me aggressively, I should have taken that as a sign but…I kept chasing after it. I got farther and farther away from my bridge, I was going somewhere I was unfamiliar with, I wanted to stop chasing the animal but I Just…couldn't. I was getting closer to it. I could almost reach it when suddenly it disappeared in front of me, before I could stop my body I was already plunging into where it disappeared. The last thing I heard was a giant lighting strike. 

I am falling from the sky, my body is frozen and I can't hear myself scream. Everything is blue and white, I want…I want to scream for help but my mouth is sealed shut. Sunlight hit’s my face and it was divine, it felt as if I was in another world, but still in the same place. The ground comes too fast and I black out. 

I wake up lying in the softest green grass ever. I feel something wet slide across my face and I am surprised to see the golden cat I was chasing earlier. “You?” it looked at me with pale green eyes, its fur was gold but it wasn't glowing anymore. Its eyes were filled with curiosity as it looked at me, as were mine. I sit up and my head hurts as I did so. I looked at the cat again as it stared at me, it was a beautiful thing but…where the hell am I? I scanned my surroundings, I was in a meadow full of flowers with some type of woods in the distance. It was sunny and birds were chirping very loudly. This place looked like earth but I knew…It wasn't. I stood up and rubbed the dirt off my back and butt, I was still soaking wet from chasing after the enchanting cat! But luckily there wasn't a cold Bree-I take that back! I shivered hard and looked down at the golden cat. “Please tell me if you have somewhere I could go?” The cat looked at me for a second and then walked away. I watched it go but then it turned its head and stared at me intensely, as if it was saying “purr-itch, why are you just standing there looking at me? Come on.” “Oh! Coming!” I follow the little cat into the woods ahead of us. 

The woods were not like what I thought it would be…there was a feeling in it when the cat and I entered it. The woods made me feel tranquil, it was beautiful and seemed to come out of a fairy tail! I had to stop every second just to study the flowers I had never seen before, there was one that was a priced aqua blue mixed with pink, it smelled like pancakes! The cat gave me a glare and I started to follow it again, “I should give you a proper name instead of ‘cat’ that is what I have been calling you inside my head, which is honestly so rude to a creature as beautiful as you!” I knew it probably didn't understand me, but I was just trying to talk to something, questions I didn't want started to arise in my head. How will I get home? Will I ever see my family again? WILL I STARVE? Where is this cat taking me?! I shake my head, stop worrying Ebony…you will be home soon hopefully. “So! How about I name you…kit? Or…starfish? No! Button!!” The cat looked at me with a disgusted look, as if I was moldy or something. I felt my inside’s shrink and looked away from its goldness. I need a candy, I reach for my backpack-but my backpack wasn't on my back… “cat! I left my backpack at the bridge!” I bend down to my knees, looking at the ground. How could I forget that? It had everything…my phone… my ID, everything, and it was all gone.

The sun of this world started to set, and my feet ached and I was starting to feel very warm. The cat and I have been walking through these woods all day and I was seriously beginning to think it didn't know where we were going!! WAS I FOLLOWING A STUPID CAT THIS WHOLE TIME?! I didn't want to worry about it, I think we're fine, hopefully. I felt a rush of dizziness and my head was burning, yeah I was getting sick, that is what I get for running in the freaking rain. The sun was even lower than before and I was starting to feel hunger pains. “Kitty? Where are we even going?” I asked, it looked at me for a second then suddenly spirited away. I felt my heart drop (again) THE CAT IS TRYING TO KILL ME!!

I follow it, screaming at it, when I trip on a branch and fling forward, falling down a hill and getting hurt. When I finally stopped I stared up at the night sky, it was a deep blue mixed with a golden pink, there were a million twinkling stars in the sky and there were two moons as well, one was big and one was small. I wouldn't mind dying right here… it's actually a beautiful way to go, dying under moonlight…a small smile appeared on my face. Betrayed by a cat…heh. I close my eyes and wait for my final breath to be taken from me, when a light shines through my eyelids, and I hear footsteps. I don't move, what if this is some type of killer? What if this was some type of…creep! Well I do not want to be his or her next victim! I hear a voice, “Darius you always find the weirdest beings…” it was a male’s voice, it sounded young. Who could he be talking to? I felt a hand on my forehead, I stiffen. “Well she is burning a high fever but seems to be alive, someone please carry her.” I felt myself being lifted up off the ground, still I wasn't about to freaking move, these strangers sound Hella scary!! “Wait.” said the only voice I recognized. I freeze up. Did he notice me? I only heard him move around, I guess he dropped something? Suddenly something shoved in my nose. It smelled really sweet like a milkshake mixed with a strawberry slushie! Also it made me really tired and I felt my muscles relaxed and I felt like spilling my most embarrassing experience in life! Why does his voice sound far away? Why do I feel numb? Why am I so…sleepy?

Two days later:

I wake up on the most comfiest bed in the whole wide world. I am in a giant room that is painted white and gold, the bed I was sitting on was large, like…a large master bedroom. It had a light pink quilt, and a goldish bed frame behind me, there was a diamond chandelier above me and a white and gold night stand beside the humongous bed. Where was I? And why was I in the most cutest white nightgown ever?! It was like a Victorian nightgown with long sleeves, seriously it felt as if I was in a fairytale or something. 

Then everything rushed back into my memory. I…am in a fairytale, also I was sick and now I felt like a healthy glowing flower. What is happening? Ugh! I lay back down on my pillow, rolling around in the bed and sighing dramatically. I miss my mom and dad, I miss my stupid little brother, I miss my best friend, I miss home. I start to cry into my pillow, what if I never get home? The thought made me cry even harder, so hard I didn't notice the cat that appeared on my bed. “Meow?” I looked up from my pillow and saw my little cat friend. “Cat!” I say picking it up from my bed and hugging it tightly to my chest. “Cat…you betrayed me, and now I have no Idea where I am.” I holded it up into the air and looked it in its green eyes, it stared down back at me. “Who do you work for?” I asked jokingly when it literally answered me, “he works for me.” It wasn't the cat’s voice, nope. It was a person at the edge of the bed. I put the cat down and found myself looking at a young man who was a bit older than me. The cat ran to him and climbed up his arm. “This is Darius by the way.” darius…an elegant name for an elegant cat! Anyways I focused back on the young man. He had strange eyes…on his right eye he had a golden iris but his pupil was white, and on his left eye it was vice versa, his iris was white and his pupil was gold. It was kind of scary to look at to be honest, his hair Ombre greyish white. He didn't wear a smile on his face nor did he look like the joking/playing type. He also dressed in Victorian style clothes. He wore a black and red retro punk tailcoat and black dress pants. This man looked very formal just to see me. “Uh…who are you?! How did you get into my room-er-this room!” I say lifting my quilt up, you would do the same thing if a stranger was in your room and you didn't have a bra on. (who the hell took it off?!) He placed a hand on his heart and looked me straight into my ember eyes. “My name is King Basil, King of Isamar.” I was not expecting that…I was staring at a freaking king! The only king I ever saw is king Charles and I only saw him on the news! Besides, King Charles was never this handsome! Should I bow or something? “What is your name?” King Basil cut me off from my train of thoughts, but I guess that is the best way to start to get to know each other. “My name is Ebony hill.” I say trying to sound proper like him. “Ebony…” he repeated my name. Is it a crime for your face to boil just because a man repeated your name? No? Well it felt like a crime to me. “Well Miss Hill you followed Darius into a world you do not belong in.” “how do you know that?” “he told me.” my mind went blank, a cat told him? Would it be so wrong to burst into a huge amount of laughter? But the King looked genuinely serious, and he doesn't seem like he would lie about something like this. “It's true…I don't really know how I got here…I followed Darius because I was curious.” I felt tears welling in my eyes. “I miss my family.” I say honestly from the bottom of my heart. “Yes, I understand that, I already have my mages working on a way to get you back home on the meantime you will stay in my palace as a special guest you will have a new room and some more clothes as well, no one look at you, also you can't tell anyone where you are from.”-to himself he said-”I will have to come up with a story about you…” he looked me in the eyes again and I flinched. “Nothing will come of you, you have my word.” he turned to leave but I still had so many questions. “Wait!!!” I screamed, holding my hand up. He turned and looked at me all serious like. I felt my insides shrink and I totally forgot my question, he’s so gosh darn fineeee! “Um…where am I exactly? And how did you know I didn't belong in this…world, also can…Darius stay with me?” King Basil stared at me then for the first time he smiled. “Darius can stay with you.” he placed Darius down on the bed and I cuddled him. “Now with your other two questions it’s hard to explain how I knew you didn't belong in my world, but you are in my Kingdom Isamar, it’s one of the four other kingdoms in our world called Orlay.” I nodded my head pretending I understood what he was saying. “Orlay is a world full of magic and monsters, one of the most dangerous places you could live in but my people know how to survive in this world…I am worried about you though.” “why?!” He turned away from me without answering my question. “Someone will come and get a change of clothes for you, you will be dining with me tonight.” and with that he walked out of the room, leaving me with more questions.

When King Basil ran into Ebony he knew where she came from, Earth…the second world in the omniverse of the universe. How she got here he doesn't know. But of course Darius lead her here, he’s always going into the second world, it's because of the stupid power he had that made him able to go back and forth, and he always did brought back strange things from that world but now he brought back a god damn being from it! Basil brought a hand to his temple, the girl didn't look evil, honestly she looked innocent but when he found her she looked so sickly. Thank the gods he was out for patrol that day or she would have died instantly. But now he needed to get her home but how? And what will his people think when they see a cute girl walking around his palace? He groaned. Everything has to be planned perfectly without flaw so his people and other nations wouldn't raise questions. He would have to have a long chat about this with her tonight at dinner. This was the daily life of a king, keeping everything tidy and in order.

 The servants (is that what I call them?) helped me change into a red luwita dress with flare sleeves and a halter neck with an underbust. This was the most beautiful formal dress a girl could wear! I felt like a princess-no queen! And I was only going to dine with a freaking king! Was I in a dream or something? They put my brown hair in a ponytail and added a few accessories to it. In the mirror I didn't recognize myself, was this really me? No…it can't be me, the girl in the mirror was too…perfect. 

I stood in front of a golden door, it had light red handles and red lines. (the king must really love the color red!!) Two guards in red uniforms stood on the opposite side of the door. They casted quick glances at me but I was too busy biting my lip and fidgeting with my super tight dress to worry about them. When the doors opened revealing the inside of a dining room. The floors were marble and glassy, the walls were painted the same color like my room. And there stood a long table in the middle of the room filled with the most delicious looking dishes ever known to man. At the end of the table King Basil sat on a chair, his elbows on the table with his hands resting under his chin. He smiled at me again and I felt my poor un-in-a relationship heart flutter like a freaking love sick puppy. “Please have a seat Miss hill.” I sat down on a golden chair, (what is with all the gold?!) “you must be starving.” King Basil said, I wasn't going to admit it but I was starving and feeling rather ravenous. “You may begin to eat.” he said, and I dived into the cup of sweet drink in front me, taking a bite of the chicken-I think-that was on my plate. A happy smile spread across my face. This is what heaven feels like! I noticed that King Basil said nothing as I was eating, I looked up and he was staring at me intensely. His eyes were strangely seductive and I felt myself blushing at the dirty thoughts that flashed in my mind. “Is…something wrong your highness?” I said, trying not to let my voice crack. The side of his mouth lift’s up into what looked like a devilish smirk. “Miss hill…let’s talk about our little problem.” 

end of part 1

October 17, 2023 14:00

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