Magic Rocks

Submitted into Contest #76 in response to: Write a story told exclusively through dialogue.... view prompt


Coming of Age Funny High School

“This would finally be his moment, the opportunity he has always been waiting for. Will he land the wad of paper into the bucket, who knows!” 

He positions himself on the edge of the seat. Holding, holding, hooooollldddiiinng.”

“A slight bump on the road causes him to lose his balance but he knows how crazy this route is and doesn’t let it throw him off his game. He’s confident.”

He lines up the shot jussssst right. His concentration is unmatched, even with his friends shoving each other in the seat behind him.” 

“Mrs.Johnson’s yelling and hollering doesn’t distract him either. He grips onto his seat like his life depends on it. He will not miss this shot.”

“All he has to do is just gently bounce it off his palm. Gently now.” 

“One can only hope all those weeks of practicing in Mr. Davis’s class has paid off. The memory of having to pick up numerous paper balls might discourage him.”

“Nah, he’s got this. The number one player of the basketball team can’t miss just one shot, even if it is on a raggedy school bus.” 

“We’ll see. But oh- wait. What’s this? Is he…standing up?” 

“It seems that he is slightly raising up to get a better angle. Oh Mrs. Johnson is not gonna like this.” 

“I can already see the steam blowing out of her nostrils. She’s probably thinking ‘what is this brat doing?’” 

“And there she goes, shouting at him to sit down. He ignores her, though. The little rebel.”

“Curving his wrist, he finally prepares the shot. The moment we have all been waiting for. Get ready for the countdown folks.”










“He bends down a little…..and…….!”

“He shoots! He scores! The crowd goes wild!”


“Look at that smug demeanor. The way he pulls his fist in like a true champion.”

“The way he sits down like he knows he’s the shit. Confident bastard.”

“Will he reclaim victory again tomorrow? Nobody knows.”

“Guess we will have to wait and see, huh partner?” 

“Yessir, yes indeed my friend.”

“Well folks, that’s all we have for today.”

“Stay beautiful and goodnight!”

“Can you two shut the hell up?”

“Sorry Cindy, it’s not every day you get to see fine entertainment such as Bo scoring a sweet shot.”

“Yeah, maybe you should join us. Have some fun.”

“The last thing I want is to join your idiotic games. I have been listening to you two for the past ten minutes. Just give it a rest, my god.”

“The hell is your problem? You have never told us to ‘shut up’ before. I’m surprised you still chose to sit in front of us.”

“Exactly, me and Tommy have been sitting together all year. You just showed up last month.”

“I sit by y’all because every other seat is taken. Trust me, if it was up to me, I would gladly sit elsewhere.”

“Whatever. Aye Mikey, you still coming over tonight?”

“Of course, who else’s fridge am I going to raid?” 

“Did you remember to bring, you know, the stuff?”

“Geez, you make it sound like a drug deal. It’s in my backpack, dude.”

“What are you guys talking about?”

“Oh what, now you want to listen to us? Pssh, nosy ass.”

“Yeah jerk, I do. Michael, what is Tommy talking about?”

“It ain’t nothing. Just shit for a project.” 

Mmmm. Right.” 

“You really wanna know? I’ll tell you if you do us a favor.”

“If you do HIM a favor. I don’t want to be involved.” 

“It better not be anything illegal, I’ll tell you that much.” 

“Girl, hush. Now look, you see Uma towards the front? Next to Kenny?”


Take this eraser and throw it at her head.”



“Shhh. Damn, what y’all so loud for?”

“Nobody can hear us, we’re all the way in the back.”

“I am not throwing anything at anybody. Why would you even ask me that?”

“Look, I’ll tell you what we have. Don’t listen to him.”

“Hell no. Now, you have to. I’m not giving anything for free.”

“Screw you, I am not a bully. Michael, tell me what’s in your bag.” 

“Fine, I would be glad to end this…………..see, it’s just a bag of rocks.”

“Why are they so colorful? Did y’all steal these?”

“No, we found them by the lake behind the school.” 

“We’re using these for a project. Nothing more, nothing less.” 

“You got me worked up over some damn rocks? I knew I should’ve just ignored you guys.” 

“These are not just ANY rocks. They are ‘special’ rocks. They have secret powers.” 

“Sureeeee they do. I bet they give you mystical powers and unlock hidden discoveries.”

“They actually are special, not in the way most people would think though.” 

“Well enlighten me, Mikey. How special are they?”

“They have healing powers, this morning I had cut myself while slicing an apple. The cut had been on my finger all day long, it was a nasty one too. As soon as I picked up this stone, my cut has disappeared. See?” 

“The scar completely faded, you can barely tell it was there at all. Look at how smooth his finger is.” 

“Mmm…that sounds nice. Nice enough to not believe in. You had that cut all day long, of course it would have healed by the end of the day.”

“Cuts don’t heal as fast as this in just a few hours. This rock healed me. And I bet you it could heal other people.” 

I bet you it could even heal that ugly mug of yours, huh Cindy?”

“Fu-. You know what, I don’t care. Enjoy your dumb rock, my stop is coming up anyway.” 

“Byeeeeeee Cindy Mindyyyyyy.”

“Dude, why do you always have to be such a dick?”

“She started it! So I finished it.”

“Whatever, man. Oh shit, dude, do you have your phone on you?”

“Yeah, why?”

“I need to call Steph and tell her I won’t be home tonight.”

“Isn’t she like 13, why do you still have to babysit her?”

“Mom would never allow her to be home alone. I had to really convince her to let me stay the night with you. It took her so long to find a babysitter.”

“I’m just saying, kinda weird.”

“Heads up, our stop’s here.”

“I know where I live.”

January 14, 2021 20:32

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