
I was a dark and gloomy day. I was sitting by my window as I always used to, but today everything was completely silent. It seemed as if the birds didn't want to sing today, the kids in my neighbourhood didn't want to play today.

I remember how I used to sit here while I was young, everything was so beautiful back then. I sat here all day long and basked under the sun. Everything was so different back then.

But that day was different, everything was ashen and grey. I could see my sister sitting in the garden playing with her dolls.

My sister was a miracle child. She had a major surgery when she was born as she was suffering from a congenital heart disease. Doctors had told us that she should not do any such activity that would put her heart under stress. So she mostly stayed at home only and played with her dolls all the time. She had a favourite spot in our garden where she used to sit. Her medical condition did not cause much trouble in her childhood but since a few days she was a little sick.

Me and my sister had a wonderful connection. I treated her like a delicate flower. She was so precious for me. I loved her more than anything, even myself.

That day, as I stared out of the window thinking aimlessly, I suddenly saw my sister running towards the house. She looked a little sick, so I rushed downstairs and even called my mother who was baking her special sunday cake for us. My sister collapsed and fell down on the ground in front of our eyes. I ran and held her in my arms, I felt that she was breathing heavily. She had started turning blue. I could feel her heart thumping vigorously as if it was trying hard to squeeze all the blood it could. My father took her to the car and we rushed to the hospital. We were constantly praying for her. But I somehow believed that she would be fine. Finally the doctors checked her and they took her to the operating theatre. We waited outside waiting for the doctors but those few minutes were terrifying. I somehow mustered some courage and told my parents that our precious was not so fragile, she would fight hard for staying with us, she would fight hard for our love. We waited and the doctor came, he told us that they could not save my sister since her heart had failed.

These hold poked a hole in my heart. I could not believe what just happened. I ran out of the hospital and took a long walk from the hospital back to our house. I wanted to reverse the previous few minutes of my life. I went to her room, looked at her stuff and cried a lot. I felt so helpless, I wanted some miracle to happen that would bring her back.

That day felt like years. I went downstairs and saw her body lying on the floor, covered in white sheets. My mother was sitting beside her and praying for her innocent soul. My heart broke into pieces that day. I could not accept what had just happened.

I walked to the garden to her favourite spot and saw her doll lying over there. I picked that doll up and I slid into some dark space, I could see nothing but after a few seconds I landed back hitting the ground. I looked around and I was in the exact same spot in my garden. I was so scared, I ran to my house where I saw myself, sitting there with my little sister who was completely alright. Both of us seemed so happy. I got so happy that my sister was alright, she was alive. I saw my mother also working in the kitchen, baking cake as a usual sunday evening. I went on and checked date and month on the clock which was also same. I could not understand what was happening but it was definitely not a dream because all of it felt so real. I went on in to talk to them, but it seemed like they couldn't see me or hear me. I ran back to the garden to know what was that all about. I saw that doll lying at the very spot. I picked that doll up and again, I slid back into a dark place, hitting the ground, but this time when I went to the house, I saw my sister's body covered in white sheets and my mother sitting besides. I was dreaded by this sight. I went to my mother and told her all of this. I told her that I knew my little sister was alive somewhere, and I had to bring her back. She ofcourse did not believe me. So I took her to that very spot and picked up the doll but this time, nothing happened. I waited for three hours but everything was still. I tried for a hundred more times but nothing changed now. I would go to the garden everyday to find about what I felt that day. I read a lot of articles, I did a lot of research but did not find anything. My parents thought that I had gone crazy and sent me for therapy. But I know there's definitely some way I can bring my sister back.

I don't know if that was a hallucination or a dream. Or it was an alternate reality, a parallel universe where my sister is still alive. I believe that there are many truths to be unfolded. I believe that there are many holes left open between this world and that, I just have to find them out and find a way to reach to her. I'm still not sure what that was but i'll keep searching for answers because that is the only way to find her and bring her back because that is all I want.

April 24, 2020 19:18

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