Putting the film back together

Submitted into Contest #93 in response to: Write your story about two characters tidying up after a party.... view prompt


Drama High School Funny

I wake up, tired and dehydrated. I stand up quickly.

"Woaw" with that I fall back onto the bed, my head spinning. On my second try, I get to the door, without causing any damage to myself. I walk out to see Ashley spinning around the kitchen cleaning, faster than my lagging brain could comprehend.

"Babe, why are you up so early?"

"I thought I'd get a headstart on cleaning."

"You don't have to, I can do it. It is my house."

"I just want to help. Also after last night, I didn't think you'd be capable of getting out of bed, not to mention cleaning." We chuckled. Last night was... pretty awesome. We had some friends over and threw a rocking party.

"Come on, I couldn't have looked that bad."

"Seriously? How much do you remember?" Now thinking back, there were a few blurry spots, but most memories seemed intact.

"Most of it, actually."

"Oh really, remember Sarah?"

"Yeah, I invited her." She smiled, and I knew that I had the wrong answer.

"No, I mean how you made her streak, and couldn't stop gaping at her as she did so." What?! I didn't even like Sarah, she was just someone I occasionally talked to. I only invited her, cause Justin asked me to.

"I'm sorry?" I was drunk by then probably, based on me not even recalling this event, so she couldn't possibly be mad.

"It's okay, you threw up on her when she later tried to make a move on you." She could barely contain the grin that was spreading on her face. I on the other hand was just realising how much film has been actually cut. I didn't remember getting sick, mostly not on Sarah. Why did my mouth taste of menthol, if I threw up?

"Did someone make me eat menthol?"

"Yes, I did. You were reeking of puke, but really in the mood to make out, so I just shoved a few into your mouth, after I washed you off."

"Thanks. Back to Sarah, did someone take care of her?"

"I'd say Justin took real nice care of her, I couldn't sleep they were so loud."

"Well, that's good to hear. Justin asked me to invite her in the first place." By now I was sitting on a barstool, watching as she continued cleaning. She was right about my state, I could barely stand. She placed a glass of water in front of me, reading my mind. As she put the wonderful liquid in front of me I saw her hand was bandaged up.

"What happened to your hand? Please tell me it wasn't me."

"It wasn't you. We were playing spin the bottle and Hallie had to kiss me. She was a little too eager for her boyfriend's taste. You know how he's been acting all jealous when they're around me since Hallie told him she's bisexual. I don't know why he thinks I would cheat on you or why Hallie would, but nonetheless, he there the bottle at me. It already had some cracks in it, as I raised my hand to deflect, it broke. Some of the bits of glass cut me, but thankfully it only broke into big pieces, so none of them could embed in my skin."

"I'm gonna deal with Derek, as soon as I get my fine motor skills back" I mumbled.

"You already dealt with him." She said kissing me. "As soon as the bottle was in the air, you tackled him. You got a few punches in before, the others pried you away."

"Good, he deserved it."

"Wanna hear more of what happened?"

"It's pretty obvious, that I remember very little, so hit me."

"Tesa punched a hole in the wall, Alex and Kyra got together, Gavin almost broke the TV, but instead broke the table, Nellie made some dinner, which was you then ruined by pouring vodka all over it. Also, you should clean your curtains, not sure who, but someone peed on it." My mind felt full, so I put my hands up.

"Wait, wait, wait. Someone fuckin' pissed on my curtains?!" She nodded sympathetically.

"It was one of the reasons I was out of there as soon as I woke, I could not take the smell anymore."

"Okay, I'm on it." I knew that if I don't do it now, I'll either forget, or it won't dry till mom's home. I didn't want to lie to her, but neither was I gonna explain what the hell happened. I stood up, slowly, and walked over to my room, took the curtains off, and threw them into the washing machine, I turned it on. It made a high pitched noise and I was on the ground. My head hurt like hell, why did it do that. Ashley ran in and managed to make the screaming stop. She picked me off the ground and took me back to my stool.

"Next thing, where's the hole?"

"Bathroom I think. She was mad at... I'm not sure who for telling her she should go to the psychologist." I took in a sharp breath. I got why she got mad, I would've probably punched the insulter rather than the wall. "You know why she's mad? Tell me!"

"She has been trying to go to a therapist for some time, for her rage attacks, but they're all too expensive."

"Oh. I didn't even know."

"Yeah, we've been talking a bit more, since we're partnered in Chem lab. Back to last night though, did anything other than the table break?"

"I don't think so, we managed to salvage the books from the ruins."

"He's so paying for that coffee table."

"Yeah, I told him that, but he wasn't in a state of mind to actually take in information."

"Why did he break it?" I sighed, knowing it was something stupid, like a dare or something.

"He was dared to act out an action scene with Justin, neither of them was sober, so after throwing some punches-don't worry nearly all of them missed- Justin sat on the table to take a break and Gavin jumped on him, thus breaking it."

"How can I be friends with such idiots?"

"You can't say a word, not after dowsing the delicious spaghetti, I was about to enjoy with 1,5 litres of vodka!"

"Right, I forgot about that..."

"You owe me, one plate of Nellie's yummy cooking."

"I'll do my best."

"You're not even gonna ask about Alex?"

"I mean, come on, she's been wanting to get with Kyra for a year now, do you want me to congratulate them for finally growing a pair?" Ashley laughed at my phrasing.

"At the bare minimum, yeah." I hear from behind me. I see two of them walk out, their eyes a bit droopy, but looking very satisfied.

May 13, 2021 14:31

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