F*ck, I'm Lonely Teaser

Submitted into Contest #59 in response to: Write a story that feels lonely, despite being set in a packed city.... view prompt


Romance Mystery Thriller

It’s always that same vicious cycle. No matter where I run, or where I hide, my demons always find me. They torment me day and night, and that’s how it has always been. I always tell myself that it will all be the same, but there’s also that small part of me that can’t help but hope I’m wrong.

And now, as I walk around the city with my head down low, that hope I had is long gone. Every part of me aches with the hits I received earlier. It takes everything in me to keep walking. The crowd is thick and loud, but I have never felt so alone.

No one here knows me. Isn’t that what I wanted?

I quickly arrive at my building. I don’t know if I should feel relieved or just plain sad. You would’ve thought I was already comfortable with this life since my dad died when I was younger, and my mom is a druggie, but I’m not. I have a feeling that this life will never get better.

I speed through the stairs, avoiding the elevator on purpose. It takes me five more minutes to arrive at my penthouse, and my lungs feel like giving up any minute now.

I open the door and go to the living room.

“Honey, I’m home. Oh, that’s right, that asshole fucking cheated on me with my best friend,” I murmur. I know its weird, but I’ve told myself the same sentence over and over again as a reminder to never trust anyone. It was my birthday when I found Eric pounding on my best friend from behind. It was also 4 weeks before our wedding. He had proposed to me the night I graduated, but I can guess he had already been with Leila.

Pulling me out of my thoughts, a deep voice suddenly talks.

“I picked up some pizza”

I take my gun out of my pocket and turn around, pointing the gun in that direction.

There’s a shadow moving in the dark side of the living room, and I follow it’s every movement with my gun. The person has broad shoulders and short hair from what I can see. So I guess its some guy who was stupid enough to come in.

The stranger brings his hands up, taking steps towards the light.

“Who thought I was that forgettable?” the familiar voice says as it keeps walking towards me. My eyes widen as I realize who it is, but I quickly mask my surprise with boredom. I don’t lower my gun, but use only one hand to hold it up.

“What do you want, Shadow? Don’t have any more innocent victims you can torture?” I ask him while looking at my nails.

I hear him come closer to me, but I don’t bother looking up, knowing how much it annoys him when I act like this.

A strong hand forcefully grips my chin, making me look up at him. A shiver rolls through me at his touch and I curse my body for having such a strong reaction to him.

“You trying to get on my bad side today, Selene? Is that it?” he asks, his voice neutral of any emotion.

I don’t respond, but instead, take his hand off my face, twisting it. Surprise quickly takes over his expression, giving me the chance to kick him down. I jump up and twist, kicking his chest as hard as I can in the process, making him fall into the carpet. My entire body hurts from the move, and I do my best not to limp. I get up from my position and walk towards him, straddling his hips.

“Didn’t expect that, huh? You’re not the only one who’s changed, you know?”

I look up at him and see his amused expression as he looks straight into my eyes.

“I’m impressed. Any special reason you needed to know this exact move? Had to get the guys out of mommy’s house?” he mocks me.

He knows he’s hitting my buttons, but I don’t show it.

“No. I think it was the fact I was regularly getting beat up by bullies because not one person stood up for a cow” I say nonchalantly.

This time, regret clouds his eyes, and now it’s my turn to be surprised. Shadow had never been this responsive before. Not even before the accident that broke both our lives.

I shake myself out of my thoughts, focusing back on the fact that he got through my security protocol.

“What do you want?” I ask again, back in all seriousness.

He stares at me, and that’s when I realize, I’m still straddling him.

I scramble off him, my body reminding me to move gently. He gets up, and I walk to the kitchen, not waiting for him to follow me.

My legs hurt more than they did before, meaning that the painkillers are wearing off. I try not to limp but fail. I hold my stomach and gently sit on the chair. I look at him studying all of me as if staring will make me spill out my darker secrets to him. I made the mistake of doing that once. I’m not as stupid anymore, so I know differently.

I stare right back at him, not willing to give him the satisfaction of thinking he intimidates me. Those stupidly, beautiful blue eyes I once fell in love with, stare into my soul. We stay like this for a few more seconds until I can’t take it anymore.

“What do you want?” I ask with a sigh.

He comes to sit across from me, intertwining his fingers and still looking directly at me.

“Vaughn said it was time to start your training?”

Its a question. Not a statement.

“When?” I ask.

“Why are you involved with the Royales?” he asks carefully, ignoring my question.

“None of you business,” I snap. Now he cares? Sweetie, I think you’re a little bit too late for that.

He turns around, breaking eye contact and standing up.

“I’ll message you the info,” he says as he gets out the door and slams it.

He has my number? How the hell did he get it? I sigh, running my fingers through my hair, frustrated. I head to the bathroom limping, not bothering to close the door behind me. I stand in front of the mirror and slowly look over my bruises. There are no visible ones because he knows better than that. I slowly lift up my shirt, hissing when I look at the damage. Green and purple bruises cover my whole stomach, and I can predict the same about my legs. I hear something move outside the door and instantly stop moving. I pat my pocket, looking for my gun. My eyes widen in panic when I don’t feel it there. There’s no way I’ll be able to fight whoever it is in a condition like this, and I’m sure they know it. I get out of the bathroom, my head held high.

“I swear, Shadow. If that’s you, I’ll fucking skin you alive,” I shout into the empty living room. Not a sound is made and I’m worried that seeing him again did something to my brain. I sigh again, heading back to the bathroom.

“Not so fast, sweetheart”

A hand takes hold of my hair and slams my head down in the mirror. I blindly kick and punch but he’s faster than that. A needle stings my arm, and I feel myself drifting out of consciousness.

“Sleep, my darling, sleep. Because the worst is yet to come”

To be continued…

September 18, 2020 20:47

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Rochelle D'souza
12:54 Oct 23, 2020

It's an amazing book. Hope that you are writing part 2 and also are gonna publish this.


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Leya Newi
17:40 Sep 24, 2020

Holy crap. I'll be waiting for part two.


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