Written in response to: Write a story titled ‘The Locked Door.’... view prompt


Fantasy Fiction Adventure

Oh me, I can't believe the sun is up and here I'm looking up the ceiling although I hear the noise of my breeding chickens alarming me that time for them to be fed. My consciousness with my blood half sleep not flowing normally to let my body move to sit and standup. I know I was in a deep slumber last night taking me into a strange world. It had a picture vividly painted with beautiful scenery. What scenery you may guest? Scenery of a flowing river and the deafening silence could mean a proximity to nature. Nature is the real handiwork of an unknown creature This is quite unbelievable when I see things like this in my dreams. I'm in the middle of nowhere watch me walking, nowhere's else to go in my mind. There a mountain over there and now I decided to go there to find what is there. I don;t have to look back where I came from. My family must be looking for me now but there is something that is working in my mind to walk and walk until my steps reach an area where there's only one species that exist, the family of beavermouse, It is the body of a beaver and the headface of a mouse. Can you imagine that. Now let's see how they live in this particular area in the middle of the forest. But they have built their twig houses like those of a treebird. Tree birds live high up in the trees but these beavermouse live under the trees and constructed their houses out of twigs. Yes, their teeth are so sharp like a sharpened blade to cut the twigs. Now their houses can accomodate their whole family and the father go out to hunt and gather their food. Their daily consumption of their kind which is the frog toads , tadpoles is their principle food. They would be had multiplied and multiplied to cover the whole area that I described. Yes, these four legged creatures are living unpeerturbed as they are the only living creatures in this area. I left them not to disturb them. I the kept walking again only to find out that there are horses grazing. When one turned its head it was the face of a pig. Is that not strange? They lived on grass unlike the beavermouse who eats only the frogs. That's why there bodies grows that big. The added feature is that the horsepig can dig insects or breakdown a whole a anthill or termitehill and eat the insects. Where would these creatures sleep ? Maybe under thick bushes when it rains but out in the open fields when the ground is dry. To live in the wild is as natural to live with nature, what is there, the trees, grasses and to go and drink water in the river in order to live. It is as simple . as that, sleep. eat grass , sleep eat grass. Are there other species living in the area, Yes there are other kinds. To mention are the antelopegorilla, Eat grass then sleep in order to live. There is also the turkeyduck that eat grains sitting on their nest then rear their turkeyducklings ,. crossing rivers ponds and streams diving to catch fish and shells under the river water. .Being tired of walking in nature my eyes and feet lay down under the spreading chestnutcedar tree. the trunk so strong growing straight upward and the chaestnut canopy can give you shade. I don't know how long did I slept but the chirping of the parrotcardinal woke me up.

Their mixed bright colored feathers enlightened my feelings not to get lonely having left my family. How long had I left them pricked a bit of my deep feelings I'm a whiteblack mixture of the human species. There's much difference when talking about black and white which is long debated who is superior and inferior. What makes it superior when the difference is only the skin with the same red blood flowing in one body? In a black community, they could live on their own in the spirit of freedom tending their farms raise animals plant vegetables in order to live. Maybe this is the reason why I left not knowing what to do when I met this white species which is very demeaning to me. The black and white human specie can not live together but I'm a mixture of that. I want freedom to live on my own. Now I can see these wild animals enjoying their freedom. Eat and sleep and that's all. While the human specie needs a lot of things in order to live that push both to compete in the black and white household. The black community no matter ho they seek equality with the white specie. In the filed of education finances and opportunity the white specie block their growth on how to live an enjoyable life. So there arise numerous conflicts that they cannot even meet eye to eye. Here I am now, gong nowhere , I might be seeking that freedom to live like the animals in the wild to be with nature where nature feeds itself that you can see their real beauty even they have no hearts ,at the sound of them chirping birds their silent grazing in the fields and their swift swimming in the waters; Why can.t I have this freedom and enjoyment in life? I 'have to continue to seek freedom in this journey in which my forefathers have failed to find. As I have walked through the valley passing by these lustful greeneries I find peace and freedom in my heart but how can I carry this freedom to my fellow black men and women seeking the same freedom as myself. I could have preferred to be a beavermouse that I would only build my house and rest, eat and sleep. I could be also an antelopepig to dig my food and sleep and rest. I could be the parrotcardinal to wear the beautiful colored feathers of the parrot and cardinal singing sweet voices up high in the trees. I could swim surf dive in the blue waters as the fish could do. Even if I fly sitting inside an airplane I;m still tied to my nonfreedom status when I here to fastened my seatbelt. Even if I dive into the waters ride in a boat or a ship I'm still tied to the anchor and the paddles of the boat. Even if I sleep in my own house I'm still tied the the noise of the washing machine the rotating blades of the electric fan.

Can you tell me where to go , which way to go how can I go to that place where I could be free like the animals the insects the flowers and the trees How beautiful nature can be if we could only put them in our hearts but they are only for our eyes to see. Can I be free at all when I go back or it could be a locked door where I can no longer open as it is already locked. The moment I opened my eyes that door was locked.

January 28, 2022 10:20

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