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I found the act of healing and caring someone as a sign of love and kindness.But it seemed strange that in a world full of lust and envy there was still a bit of love and kindness left.I find it kind of strange but then that’s the reason I’m here.As a kid everyone had a dream to be Barbie or Batman, but I, well me I was the girl with pigtails and glasses.I would sit at the back of the classroom cramped in the corner near the window.I loved daydreaming it the only thing that helped me escape reality.When I was 5, mum had taken me to the doctors and there I saw a girl she looked just like a fairy.With pretty eyes,warm smile a flower crown and she had wings that looked so soft.When I told mum about it she just said I was imagining things and that there was no fairy, just one of the doctors.When my turn came I was scared, but then when I to the doctors instead I saw the same fairy. She spoke sweet words and when she put the injection in I didn’t even feel it, like she had a magic inside her hands.

From that day I told mum that I’d be a doctor too and I was 20 years later.I worked doctor at a small nearly-rundown clinic at the end of town.It wasn’t the best place to work but I found peace and quietness in the place.Something about it drawed me to it every morning.I didn’t earn much but that didn’t matter to me.I had of course seen people die in front of me and then again I saw new life come into the world in front of me.I stepped onto the train holding onto the hanging strap and giving my seat to a pregnant woman.Beside her sat her little son.He looked up at me, curious and surprised emotions  filled in his eyes.I knew he saw me aura and he must have seen the light that shines around me.Only children see it though.But then they forget it or think it as a dream when they become adults.Of course whatever they saw was real but they never remember it cause it completely erases from their memories.That’s how it suppose to be though, humans shouldn’t know we exist.

The boy's mum got up and went to the bathroom telling her son to stay here.I sat down next to the boy and looked out the window.The train came to a sudden stop making a few of the passengers halt forwards.The boy fell down hurting his knee really hard and began crying.I knew what I had to do.I placed my hand gently on his knee and held it there in place.The boy’s expression become more calm and again he looked up at me with curiosity.I knew he felt my warm which healed his bruise.I smiled at the boy as the train stopped and then got up, walking out the doors.I walked for a while passing a man sitting on the sidewalk with a bowl for money.I went over to him and put in a $50 note then turned around before the man could realize.I continued walking before I reached my clinic and walked in,

 “Doctor”a nurse hurried over to me as I entered the building,”it’s urgent”, the nurse said quickly hurrying to one of the rooms.I hurried in dropping my bag on the chair and putting on my surgery stuff.I took a deep breathe going over to the bed,where the patience laid.He eyes where slightly opened, like a single light of hope left.I wasn’t gonna let him down,I had to do this.The man was very aged maybe in his late 70s and he was has asthma, so that made it even harder.I placed my hand on this forehead gently and said “It’s gonna be okay.Relax.Breathe.Take deep breaths and trust me.Please”,I whispered to the man or more myself. I closed my eyes and took a deep breathe.I could do this.I felt the energy inside run right out my palm and into the man. 

I took hand from the man’s head and gently closed his eyes.He was gonna be okay.The Man turned over hiding his face from fear of death but he didn’t know I was there to protect him.He was gonna be safe and there was no need of terror when I was there.When he wakes up he will forget everything that just happened.That’s how it worked, humans couldn’t know about our existence.It sad that they forgot though, how they didn’t remember a single memory about how they just magically healed.But everyone who had crossed paths with me left behind a story or legacy about me.I try healing the ones I can get to and the others I get to anyway.Some call  me Miracle, some say I am Fate, others thought I was Destiny.But I like being called Mercy.

That’s what my job is and that’s what I do.I protect you from the monsters under your bed.I try to turn your nightmares to pleasant dreams.It’s a shame you’ve encountered me more than once but you’ve never got to capture a memory of me.I’m sure you saw me,the light that shined around me.But don’t worry you will have no memory of me.It’s like the memories disappear once you turn to adolescents.I protect this world from the dark and evilness in such a simple but beautiful way.I become the light for the blind and voice for the deaf.I am the home for the lost and the love for poor.I think doctors come just below me because they are the first to see new life an the last to see old aged.They are the first to see someone’s best day and the first to see someone’s last.

I wish I could protect everyone from the blackness but I try to get to everyone.Sometimes I get there in time sometimes  don’t.But when I don’t I guide their lost soul to a peaceful haven somewhere out of this world.This is what I was always passionate about and this is what I work for tirelessly day and night.

March 08, 2020 07:59

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1 comment

Peace Nakiyemba
21:34 Mar 18, 2020

Very nice story, I especially like your introduction though I think the word 'for' is missing. You also gave a background to the character and that helped us understand their perspective. A negative, I find there are some words missing in a number of lines... I don't know if it is deliberate or not and some of the tenses are wrong, like 'drawed' and 'become' when describing the boy's expression. Otherwise well done on your story.


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