A Light in the Dark Part Thirty-Two: A Drive to Remember!

Written in response to: Write a story about a character driving and getting lost.... view prompt


Adventure Fantasy Fiction


Tapping my finger on the steering wheel of my car, the chaos at home was becoming too much. Our baby was due any day now by Lucifer’s calculation, her demon nature pushing it along faster than usual. Turning down my usual road to my favorite spot, something felt off. The night turned darker, the usual curves straightening out into a long ribbon of concrete. Anxiety built with the dread, creatures of all kinds darting in between the dead trees. My eyes flitted between my cell phone and the road, my mind wondering if I should bother Lucifer or my wife. No, I couldn’t bother my wife. A job had her busy, my face draining of any color at the line of women with stringy greasy hair blocking my way out. Filthy nightgowns swayed in what had to be a pretty big gust of wind, the heads twitching oddly. Cursing as the engine died down, a desperate hope that this was her job had me waving my hands around. Turning my key desperately, the engine refused to turn over. Clammy sweat drenched my skin, chanting filled the cabin of my car. 

Shit! Shit, shit, shit!” I cursed shakily, the fear giving rise to my temper as I banged on my horn. “Get the fuck out of the way, damn it!” Refusing to move, all the breath left my body at them sprinting towards me. Cranking my key faster, the engine rumbling to life had me shouting out yes at an embarrassing high volume. Peeling further down the road, the tires squealed in protest. Breathing in and out slowly, the leather of my steering wheel groaned underneath my grip. Rolling down the window, a familiar scent haunted my nose. The rotten stench spoke of a dark magic witch, another stream of curse words flooding from my lips. Pulling over to figure out the center of this shit show of a spell, my mind wandered over to my heavily pregnant wife. Rolling up my window, I thought it best to keep my engine running in the circumstance of another possession. Plucking my supplies from underneath my seat, the zipper didn’t want to bug. Sighing with relief at it zooming open, my supplies rolled around. Fishing through the worn leather bag, the handle brushed against my dark band t-shirt. Selecting what I needed, this witch wasn’t going to be lost anymore. Tying my hair into a ponytail, my concentration would be necessary for this to work. Measuring out everything, more illusions darted around me as I crushed them into dust. Spinning my ceremonial knife in my hand, a quick cut had a shimmering pool of blood entertaining me for a second. Pouring it into the bowl, loose strands of my hair floated up. Pressing my palms together, this spell required a bit of my energy. 

“Spirits who guide thee, enlighten the path to thy enemy.” I chanted with a hopeful smile, a row of lanterns illuminating a hidden road next to me. “Thank you, spirits.” Backing up a bit, the tires crunched down the dirt road. Ignoring the growing number of illusions, the fear heated up to a simmering rage. Remembering Lily’s smile, my composure returned. Driving until I came upon a jet black hut, I parked my car. Gathering my supplies, a storm rumbled overhead. Waiting for thunder to shut my door, the lightning covered me approaching the hut. Heavy rain pelted me, this storm reeking of dark magic. Hiding behind a tree, the door opened. Fishing around my bag, one of my homemade magic bombs rolled around my palm. Ripping out the top, a toss in the air had sleeping gas hissing around the witch. Covering my mouth and nose, a loud thud told me to move in. Mumbling a quick spell, the storm’s raging increase of power dampened out the gas. Moving in fast, a roll of unicorn hair rope met the tip of my fingertip. Dragging the scrawny teenager into the hut, my nimble hands tied him to the chair. Grimacing at the mess of wrappers and rats, this was no place for a teenager to live. Finding a couple of garbage bags, the fatherly instinct had me cleaning up around him. Kicking the rats out, a bag of canned food sat on the freshly cleaned counter. Throwing a pot on the stove, the broken bathroom needed repair. Finding my way to the bathroom, a couple of hours of plumbing had it running like new. Cleaning it up, his groans had my head poking out of the room. Struggling in his chair, a trapping spell kept him in this dimension. Coming out to greet him with a stern expression, both of us knew that the only way out was killing his captor. 

“Tell me who trapped you here so we can free you. I am sure you wish to go home.” I pointed out simply, watching the hood of his giant sweatshirt reveal a mop of greasy black hair and tired emerald eyes. “I am going to untie you and you are going to take a shower which I fixed. Then we can chat.” Untying him, he numbly stumbled into the bathroom. A loud yes had him blushing at the hot water, the door slamming shut. Examining the cans, some fresh vegetables were needed. Crunching out to my car, I lugged my emergency overnight bag back into the clean shack. Plucking out a pair of gray sweatpants and one of my older band shirts, I placed them on the stand in the bathroom. The kid could roll up the band until they maybe fit one day. Seeking out a twelve pack of ramen, this could feed him for a week. Summoning a bunch of rat traps, the trap would decay the pest to ash in an instance. A fridge would be needed at some point, the door clicking open. The wet mop of his hair was too long, my clothes swallowing him whole. 

“Thank you.” He whispered barely loud enough for me to hear, his head bowing in shame. “I got trapped a long time ago and I can’t seem to find my way out. At least the Dark One gave me a bathroom and a few cans of food once a year. Oh shit! My name is Sal Victim. Is that ramen noodles?” Tears of joy dripped off of his chin, a pensive expression haunted my features. Beginning to prepare it himself, he took out two packets. Something told me that I would have to check up on him once a week. Maybe we could figure out a way to get out together.

“How about I bring you food and supplies once a week?” I offered sincerely, wondering how long he had actually been trapped. “I have a new toothbrush with toothpaste if you want it.” Spinning around with a gracious smile, he clutched close to his chest like they were the greatest thing in the world. Saying nothing, he ran into the bathroom to put them away. Coming back out to cook our dinner, he scrambled around to set up a makeshift dining table out of his coffee table. Humming while cooking, guilt ate at me. Motioning for me to sit, the choice wasn’t mine. Sitting on the freshly cleaned floor, a bowl of ramen noodles was placed in front of me. Chatting like he wasn’t miserable, Sal seemed happy just to talk to someone. Slurping up my noodles, the level of salt was alarming. Gulping it down with a big smile, his bare feet pounded away. Coming back with a pile of letters, he slid them over to me. 

“Do me a favor and mail these out? I miss my mom and dad.” He begged with tears in his eyes, violent sobs wracking his body. Turning away in embarrassment, the Dark One had to go down. A quiet rage burned in my eyes, the road illuminating. Now was my chance to get out, an apology leaving my lips. 

“Consider your letters sent. My wife is trying to kill that guy and I know you will be home soon. See you next week.” I blurted out awkwardly, sprinting out to my car. Waving to me as I peeled out of the trap, silent tears stained my cheeks the moment moonlight bathed the usual road. Cursing under my breath, I left my overnight bag there. Wonder brightened my eyes at both of them appearing on my seat with a note fluttering on top. A simple thank you was all that was written, a soft smile returning to my lips. Message received, a bit of his white magic lingering on the page. So the fellow was a white witch, the trapping spell making sense. Pulling over to the side of the road, snow began to dance in the air. Following the snowflakes, something seemed off about it. A cramp had me doubling over, my face paling. Tires squealed as I rushed home, the snowfall becoming a full blown blizzard. Tapping the wheel with increasing speed due to my anxiety, the house couldn’t come into view fast enough. Skidding into my usual parking spot, my boots pounded into the house. Felix looked up from his sandwich, his eyes taking a second to realize that I was there. 

“Lily is giving birth in Hell.” He informed me with a nervous chuckle, flashing me an apologetic smile. Snapping my fingers, my home glitched to Lucifer’s castle. Screams echoed down the hall, chills running up my spine. Crashing through the empty halls, Uncle Mike shouted for me to hurry up. Pushing me into the room, Lily’s sweat soaked face lit up at the sight of me. Rushing to her side, her slick hand grabbed mine. 

“Matty, you made it.” She whimpered through another contraction, Lucifer pacing around behind Life. “Life brought someone along.” Spinning on my heels, my mother waved from the doorway. Silent tears stained my cheeks, the fact she was standing there instead of hearing her voice had me crumbling into a mess. Lily dropped my hand, urging me to hug her.  Walking over to her with a sappy smile, Burying her in a bear hug, her warmth relieved my fraying nerves. Cupping my cheeks, her thumbs wiped away my tears. How long has it been?

“I love you, Matty.” She choked out through a wall of tears, a painful moan stealing our attention. “Take care of your wife. She needs you.” Running over to her side, I pulled up a chair. The hours passed with the screams growing louder. Everyone struggled with watching her suffer, the day changing to the next one. Zoning in and out, Lily’s hand squeezes woke me back up. Selene toddled in, her arms reaching for my mother’s. Scooping her up, the bat dress looked so cute on her. Spinning with her out of the room, a golden ball glimmered around her neck on a simple chain. Was that what was keeping her here?

“I am going to need you to push. Did you hear me, Lily?” He asked politely, his hand gripping his ivory robes for a second. Nodding once, the sheer agony echoed in the room with every scream linked to the pushes. Pushing several times, a wail had her sobbing with joy. Life’s face twisted with horror, Lily fading in and out of consciousness. Cutting the umbilical cord, his footfalls pounded down the hall to clean up our child. Rolling over to me, her fangs were extended over her lips. Noting the ghostly paleness of her skin, her dark bags scared me. Clutching her close to my chest, her fangs sank into my neck. Gulping down my blood, the drinking didn’t seem to help. Collapsing back onto the pillow, Life pressed my child into my arms with his medical bag bouncing off of his leg. Mixed emotions flashed in my eyes, the fear of losing Lily mixing with the joy of a new child poorly. Getting to work, Lucifer tossed his jacket aside. Rolling up his sleeves, his order threw me off. 

“Get out!” He barked impatiently, hiding his fear horribly. “That is an order upon our bond!” Getting up without wanting to, my shaking legs carried me out of the room. Slamming the door shut behind me, my anxiety swelled within my heart. Sliding down the wall, tears blurred my eyes. Cooing slowed my tears, gorgeous ruby eyes glittering with love in my direction. Lifting up the blanket and diaper, she was a girl. Pride brightened my eyes, the diaper seeming to be put on flawlessly. Clutching my baby girl to my chest, my heart was aching. Selene ran by with Uncle Mike, my mother plopping down next to me. Offering her our baby girl, her face lit up with pure bliss. Playing with her ivory tuft of hair, her wet eyes met mine. A tale rested on the tip of her tongue, my eager ears needing the distraction desperately.

“Lily is in good hands. Life has been preparing new medicines for this very situation.” She assured me with an even bigger grin, her free hand holding mine. “I almost died giving birth to you. If the doctor’s didn’t work so hard, your father was going to be your sole parent. Imagine what he would have done.” Draping my arms over her shoulders, her confession gave me the flicker of hope that I needed. Sitting with each other until Lucifer poked his head out, a sigh of relief poured from his lips. Stepping out with bloody hands grazing his side, the stress showed on his face.

“She will be fine but slumber currently claims her. Thank you for having faith in me.” He wept with the biggest smile at the sight of our little girl. “She is beautiful. Excuse me.” Clicking down the hall in his dress shoes, the bathroom sink was running. Popping to my feet, shock rounded his eyes at me smashing into him on the way out of the room. 

“I can’t thank you enough for saving her!” I sobbed uncontrollably, our little family was amazing in every single way. Instead of saying anything, he smeared a cream onto her bite mark. Stepping back in shock, his hand ruffled my hair. 

“Lily is too precious to lose. Go on and see her. Maddy, we need to get going soon.” He spoke serenely, my mother rising to her feet. “Since this necklace worked better, we can do monthly visits at Lucy’s castle. Sounds good to you both.” Nodding together with sad smiles, her arms lowered our girls into my arms. Burying me in one of her bear hugs, her lips grazed against the top of my head. Hooking her elbow around his, she held up the call me symbol. Waiting in broken silence, Lily called my name. Crashing into the room, a pale Lily flashed her genuine smile. Reaching for our little girl, tears of joy cascaded from her quivering eyes. Laying down next to her, the bedding had magically been changed. Draping my arms over her shoulders, her next words had me grinning ear to ear. 

“How about Maddylyn Lucy Doccos?” She inquired with a long breath, her lips brushing against her forehead. “You know, in honor of your mother.” Leaning down to kiss, her beauty in the moment stunned me. The door creaked open, Lucifer poking his head in. Lily waved him over, her arms offering Maddy to him. Accepting her with a goofy grin, pride glittered in his eyes. His eyes flitted between Maddy and us, tears dripping off of his chin.  

“Can I call her Maddy? Did you say her middle name was Lucy?” He gushed openly, his goofy grin never leaving his face. “What a sweetheart. What do you want for dinner, dear?” Lily smiled softly to herself, her shoulders shrugging. Maddy’s inky lips curled into a tiny smile, adorable fangs glittering in the light. Selene leapt onto the bed, Lily smothering her in feverish kisses. Realizing how tall she had gotten, she had to be the size of a three year old. Lifting up the blanket to tuck her in, nothing could describe her beauty in the moment. Lily was born to be a mother and it was apparent, a quick glance over to Lucifer making it obvious that he was thinking the same thing. Laying Maddy in her free arm, Selene popped out of the bed. Catching her in his arms, her giggles echoed in the air. Perhaps Lucifer was always meant to be a grandfather, the two of them dancing out of the room. A sullen Lily fussed with Maddy’s blanket, the usual depressed look returning. 

“I wish my parents could be here.” She admitted brokenly, my heart breaking for her.  “Hey, you got to see your mother.” Biting her lips until blood dripped down her chin, my arms pulled them both onto my chest. Kissing the top of her head, she needed to know that she was loved. 

“They would be proud of what you built. They would be visiting our store every second they could.” I promised her lovingly, my fingers playing with her hair. “Lucifer is here and you have everyone else.” Smiling dejectedly to herself, my words didn’t seem to be enough. Mumbling a busted sure, I had to hope that she would see what we saw by the end of this madness. January seventh has certainly proved to be a bittersweet day.

May 10, 2024 18:04

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