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Drama Romance Thriller

A house. How does people feel whenever they brought a new you house. Happiness? Excitement? Me? Fear and anger. If there is one thing I hate the most in this world, that is a house. For other's it's the place where they can be true to themselves, find comfort, joy, and a place where they can build a family. For me it's nothing but a prison. And to think that I'm standing in front of a house in the middle of nowhere makes me want to kill myself.

"Honey, let's go?" 

I looked at my husband, we were newly Weds and he just bought this new house. I want to scream in his face and tell him that I don't want this place. But instead I just forced a smile and said


Once I'm inside I felt suffocated but I don't want to ruin this day for the sake of my husband. It's a pretty house and a spacious one at that. We already have our things in here. We just moved on today. 

"Do you know what time your parents are gonna come?"

He asked while I went to the nearest window and looked outside.


The sun is going to set anytime soon and I'm gonna have to prepare dinner. Me and my husband's parents are gonna come for dinner. I just hope they won't get lost on their way here because I nearly lost just by simply looking at the roads on our way here. Good thing my husband has a sharp memory.


"And we nearly got lost! Oh my God Jimmy why did you even chose this kind of place? This place is quite scary" 

My husband's mom said while eating corn. We're having dinner with our parents. We started a bit late because our parents nearly got lost on their way here.

"Oh Annie honey why are you so quiet? I'm not used to this side of yours" 

Mrs. Clark asked me with concerned look

"Oww shush your mouth.. she's just overwhelmed with what is happening. We should give her time to adjust" Mr. Clark told his wife. I just gave them a quiet laugh. 

I felt my mom's hand in my lap. So I looked at her and it took every inch of my will not to burst out crying. I saw my father tap my mother's shoulder with knowing look. 

Without a single word spoken, we continued to eat. But a lump on my throat made me unable to do so.I just took a sip on my wine. 


"Didn't you tell him?"

Me and my mom are washing the dishes while everyone else was playing in the living room.

"I don't have to" I answered. She heaved a deep sigh.

"Of course you have to. You should've see what you look like earlier. You were so pale"

I stopped and looked at my mom, tears streaming down my face.

"How?" I whispered. My mom immediately went to my side and hugged me. 

"Shhhh..... It's okay honey, it's okay" 

It's not okay. Nothing's okay. I'm not. okay. Everything that happens to me in the past is affecting my present and my future. I thought I could escape it, but it just keeps coming back and I can't do anything to stop it or to even control it. I'm just......so...... helpless...

"Bye mom, bye dad" my husband went and kissed her parents and after that he went to mine

"Bye Mr. and Mrs. Doe" he kissed my mom and hugged my father. We waved them goodbye and went inside.

"Wait for me in our bedroom." He whispered to me before he went to the kitchen.

I know that my husband is expecting something tonight but I just feel doing it. I'm thinking of telling him that but I'm scared that he might get mad at me. I guess I just have to fake it. I sat upright when the door opened and revealed my husband.

But I was confused to see him holding a tray with two tea cups.

"What's this? I thought-" he cut me off

"Shhhh... Let's just talk and drink some tea"

I kept quiet and extend my arm when he offered me the tea. I muttered a 'thanks' and took a sip. He put down the tray and sat next to me.

"So why are you doing this?" I asked looking at him

"Is it bad to make my wife a simple cup of tea" I smiled at what he said. Despite of all the things that's happening I still can't believe that this beautiful man beside me is now my husband. 

"Finally!" I slightly jumped off my seat when I heard him exclaimed. Good thing I didn't spill any tea. He saw what happened because of what he did and instantly apologize.

"Sorry. It's just that you never smiled or even talked since we came here. So I know that something was wrong"

I kept quiet and stared at my tea. For a moment I wish a cup of tea. It's just so relaxing to look at. The water is just so calm and it can always go with the flow.

"Honey. Look at me" he gently touched my face to make me look at him. A very beautiful blue eyes gave warmth to my whole body just by simply looking at it.

"You can tell me anything and I will always be willing to listen to whatever you want to say. Do you understand me? Now tell me what's the matter."

His ability to persuade anyone into doing anything is what I both liked and disliked about him. Because he just made me burst into tears.

"I'm sorry" I cried and cried in front of him. He took my cup and hugged me.

My mom's hug is very different from his. I didn't know hugs has differences. I will never get tired receiving this hug.

"Are you comfortable to talk now?" 

I nod at him. I just want to be vulnerable just for once.

"I told you before that I had PTSD right? And it's because I was kidnapped when I was just a kid." He's just silently listening to me while rubbing my back which made me relax

"But that's not all. I was locked up in a house with no windows, alone with my abductors. They didn't feed or let me have a drink for five days. And worst is they beat me up.. they...they......." I couldn't finish my sentence when I burst into another cry. 

"Shhhh it's okay... It's okay I'm here... You don't have to continue... Shhhh... It's okay"

"I screamed and screamed... Waiting for someone to help me.... But they just laughed at me....." I continued sobbing as the memory of the past came flooding.

"And when I was rescued I remembered getting out of the house and saw it to be in the middle of nowhere..... I .... I...." 

His hug was the only thing that's keeping me from breaking down. And I'm so thankful for that.


After that night we decided to move out. I apologized to him but he assured me that it's okay. 

We moved to a simple town and started our own family. We owned a simple house in a nice neighborhood. We now have 2 little girls and a boy. And right now I'm finally happy and free.

September 16, 2020 08:09

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1 comment

Lee Dohann
07:02 Sep 24, 2020

This is quite an interesting story. Keep writing and growing.


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