This is a short story that comes after the novel I'm working on. You can read this is you really want to, but it will make more sense if you read the novel. The link to the novel can be found in my author bio.
“Your young majesties, it’s time.” Nigel said.
I ran a shaking hand over my hair, checking that no golden lock had come out of place. At last, I was ready to go to the ball.
I racked my brain, trying to think of the last time I had gone to a party, but no matter what I remembered, I couldn’t remember going to a party. And it was even worse, since I was going to a ball. I mean, it was like going to a party with a bunch of prom queens and kings, and then there I was, the weirdo with the yellow hair.
It had been half a year since I’d come to Fae, I think. Long story short, my older sister Emily had teleported to Fae with a magical horse, brought our family to Fae, we found our mom, who was the acting queen. The Ogres attacked, we won the war, and… here we were.
Still, it felt odd to be celebrating winning a war that we hadn’t, at least not yet. All we’d done was keeping the Ogres from advancing further on their plan to win the island.
I opened the door to the ballroom and peeked into the massive chamber. Lace curtains hung above the windows. Women stood in colorful gowns of every shape and size. It made me feel out of place in my simple blue and white gown and hair braided over my shoulder.
Nigel stepped onto the huge staircase leading to the ballroom floor. “His royal majesty, Prince Kale Robert James.”
Kale stepped forward and walked down the stairs to join the crowd. I stepped out from behind the curtain, Nigel cleared his throat and introduced me.
At last, it was Emily’s turn. “Her royal majesty, Princess Emily Valoria, heir to the throne of Fae.”
The audience applauded the loudest for Emily. She walked down to meet me. “This is a lot more people then I was expecting.”
I laughed. “Yeah, this is more people then I’ve ever seen in my life.” In the corner of my eye I spotted Michael. “There’s Michael, you should go talk to him.” Maybe the reason why I was so insistent was because I wanted Emily to take my mind off the worries and all that.
Emily shoved me playfully and laughed. “No.”
I raised my eyebrows at her and twisted the ring around my finger. “I can tell love when I see it. And sorry, but you’re in it.”
She scoffed. “I am not. I simply like Michael… as a friend.” I rolled my eyes and saw Michael heading in our direction. Wanting my sister to talk to him, I pushed her in his direction.
“Ah!” She yelled as she fell forwards. Luckily, Michael caught her by the arm and steadied her.
She stood up and he let go of her. “Hi, Michael. How are you? I’m fine. This is a really nice party.”
I facepalmed. Whenever my sister was nervous, she rambled on and on about things. Really, it was just embarrassing.
Michael’s cheeks grew red and he looked down at the ground. “I’m good, thanks.” He looked to the dancing, which had just started. “Dance with me?” He held up his hand. Emily took it and they headed off to the dance floor.
I walked over to a table laden heavily with treats and fruits of all kinds. I grabbed a plate and heard a voice behind me. “Ani?”
I swiveled around and came face to face with Finn. We’d met when I’d fallen from the sky a few months ago. His ginger hair hung just below his jaw. His green eyes reflected light from the chandelier. “Hi, Finn, are you enjoying the ball?”
He shrugged. “It’s okay, I guess.” He might say it, but I knew him better than that.
I sighed. “What’s bothering you?” He began to argue there was nothing wrong. “No, I know that look. Something’s bothering you. Now, are you ready to tell me what it is, or do you want me to guess?”
“Fine.” He said. “I was thinking about… my mother.”
I took his hand. “I am so sorry about her. I offer you my condolences.”
“You really don’t have to do that, Ani.” He said. “You weren’t the cause of it. Calypso and her monkeys were.”
“Still.” I said. “I’m sorry.” A new song started playing, one I finally recognized, or at least somewhat so. “Come on, let’s go dance.” I took his hand and pulled him away from the food table.
He followed me onto the dance floor. “Um… so what do we do?”
“Put your hands on my waist and sort of sway back and forth to the music.” I explained. I could feel the tension in his hands slowly lessen as he relaxed.
I too was feeling more relaxed, as if it was only him, the music, and I.
The world had dropped away, and I had nothing more to worry about than tripping over my long gray gown. For once in my life, I understood the feeling of complete and ultimate blissfulness.
Later, Finn led me into the garden, where the night’s first stars were just beginning to show. I leaned on the balcony railing, with his next to me. Fireflies began to come out of hiding and danced in the warm autumn air.
Finn looked to me and smiled at my childishness. “I remember nights when I was a boy. My mother would sit outside and tell stories, children who lived close to us snuck out of bed all the time to listen.”
I put a hand on his arm. “It must be so hard.”
He smiled. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to be all doom and gloom. I just… really miss her.” People began cheering in the ballroom. “We’d better get back to the party, it sounds like something was happening.”
In the middle of a large circle were Emily and Michael.
Oh, no I thought. Please don’t be kissing. Just… Ew, Emily!
Turns out, they were. But strangely, I wasn’t disappointed, I was excited for what the next ball would bring. And as my mom said, “In Fae, big things tend to happen at big events.”
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