Adventure American Friendship

Early in 2017, I was touring Mexico enjoying everything a person could enjoy on a trip, having fun snorkeling and swimming. I had just finished going to the Akumal Monkey Sanctuary and was heading back to my hotel. On the way there, I passed by a barbed wire fence with a lot of land and 1 single cow off in the distance. I didn't think much about it but as I came closer, I heard someone say “Excuse me, I wonder if I might ask a favor”. I looked at the cow and screamed and thought how is this ugly yet floppy eared cow talking to me?


A couple minutes later I calmed down and started asking questions to this cow and the cow answered me and told me his backstory. He told me that he was a male cow, a bull, living with his wife in Wisconsin. They were in the field enjoying their day, minding their own business, when hunters tried to capture him and his wife. He took the bait and let his wife run away but they tranquilized him and he passed out and ended up here. I said that's horrible and he asked if he could still ask the favor from me. I said ok and he then asked if I could help him escape from here and help him get back home to his meadow in Wisconsin. I answered, ``Do you know where we are?". The cow said "No." I told him that we're in Mexico and it's very far away from Wisconsin. But I decided to help the cow.

 I ran back to my hotel and canceled the rest of my trip. I then told the hotel management that my wife is stuck in some wires and asked for wire cutters. Once I got back to the cow, and cut him out, he thanked me and we started our trek to Wisconsin. 

On our first couple of days we were fine because I had enough pesos for a couple of weeks. During that time I had a lot of time to talk to the cow and learned that he was very funny and smart. The cow talked and asked me a lot of questions like “why I was in Mexico” and “why I'm not working” and a couple of other things. Then I asked the cow how he could talk and the cow said he can talk because he was worked on and given multiple different serums. Once we finished talking about that, we heard people talking in Spanish. We couldn't understand them, but we saw that they were the border patrol and it was our key to the USA. 

I couldn't just walk up there with a talking cow next to me or they'd go crazy, so we needed to come up with something to get the cow through. I had the idea that the cow could walk up there looking like a horse, but the cow had a better idea. He decided that we should use the wire cutters that were in my bag and walk around to the fence part. First we had to see if the fence was electric, so I touched it. Luckily it was not electric and it was just barbed wire at the top so nobody would climb over it. Once we had cut through the fence we made it to the USA which meant that we would start seeing a lot more grass later on in the journey.

 We had nowhere to sleep so we had to make a shelter and fire during the first couple of nights. It was very scary out in the middle of nowhere. All I could think about was getting bitten by something poisonous. We had finally made it to Texas and I was feeling very tired and didn't want the cow to be alone on this adventure. He wouldn't make it alone. After we made it through the first night in Texas, we continued our trek and we made our way to Brownsville, Texas.

 With my final bit of money, I bought some food for me and some oats for him. We were both hungry but I knew that soon we would get out of this dessert and find some grass for him to stock up on. We're half way through Texas and we start seeing some grass. Once the cow saw that, he started chewing like crazy, eating all of the grass he could find. But something good and bad happened, we ran into a river. The good thing about this was I could try and fish, but the bad thing is that we are going to have to cross it. I found some string on the ground and also found an aluminum can and ripped a piece of it off and put it on the string. I then casted it into the water hoping that I would get something for me. 

While I was fishing the cow decided to eat as much grass as he could. The cow was stuffed with all the food he had eaten but I had not caught any fish at all so I was a little bit hungry. The cow heard me saw we would have to cross the river and told me no we cant cross it I said there is no way around it he then sighed and said ok we can cross it but we need to go to the point that has the lightest current. I decided to say ok and agreed with him and then we walked for about an hour to the place that has the lightest current. Once we found it we got in and started swimming slowly so we wouldn't waste our energy. Once we made it to the middle of the river we were so tired and just wanted to get to the other side. But then the cow said he felt something messing with his feet. I dove under the water quickly and found out it was a salmon and it was just trying to bite the grass from feet off him.


November 03, 2020 17:29

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Zara H
02:19 Nov 06, 2020

I like the plot of the story but I would try to avoid making it sound like a list. Using words like then, next, and once make it sound more like a list and less like a story. I also reccomend describing the events a tad bit more so a reader can visualize. :) Good work! Here are a few corrections that I found: Mistake: I heard someone say “excuse me, I wonder if I might ask a favor”. Instead you could write: I heard someone say, "Excuse me, I wonder if I might ask a favour?" Mistake: I answered, Do you know where we are?”. Th...


Noah Morrow
04:14 Nov 06, 2020

Thank you so much I made the change, and thanks for reading the story


Zara H
20:53 Nov 06, 2020



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