A Train Back In Time

Submitted into Contest #47 in response to: Suitcase in hand, you head to the station.... view prompt



Ever had a really bad moment in life?

Has that moment ever effected the rest of your life?

Well...what if there was something that could change that, and your life went as swimmingly and as planned as you wanted it to be..even if it was least expected. Like maybe even your grandmas back yard, a small coffee shop on the corner of the street at a small villages shopping centre or even a magical train could help you, maybe you might be lucky enough to earn a second chance, maybe you will get one soon.

You ran, past the bridge, down the stairs and onto the platform, dodging people and avoiding collision.

"Wait!!!" You yelled, tripping over slightly as you reached the train. The doors where about to close but you reached them just in time.

"Hey, you are very lucky!" The jolly man, running the train chuckled. You smiled politely and continued to walk down the aisle, you brushed the sides of the seats as you sat on an empty place, your thoughts began to wonder as the train began to move into motion. It was sweet that your significant other had given you such tickets so you could visit them but you wondered whether this was such a good idea. They where smart and beautiful but their personality didnt match their sweet perplexing look. You sighed, taking in all of the wonders of the world as the train zoomed past trees and buildings, the blurred vision through the window was like an artful masterpiece to you, the fascination sinking in. That's when it finally hit you, you didnt want to see them. They hurt you, yes, maybe they didn't hurt you physically but their rough comments on your look and style, the fact they could find the tiniest flaw on you was enough to mentally hurt you. Which was as bad, the hurting, just the same.

When you reached your stop you began to move, picking up your luggage and moving quickly with the flow of the passengers. Something shook the train, its carriages swaying from side to side as a hidden force seemed to be pushing against the huge vehicle. Everyone stopped, "Excuse me!" Someone ran straight through the many people boarding and leaving. "I have an important date!!" They yelled, then they looked straight into your eye, a strange feeling washed over your body, "I'll take you!!" He yelled, rushing quickly into the pavement and straight into the massive building before you. You froze, not everyday this happened. Such a strange occurrence really..

"Okay! Your significant other?" They paused right infront of the towns huge clock, its hands ticking right past 3 pm. "Hmm? What about them?" You asked, questions buzzing round your head. How did they know?

"Right, you love them mhm?" He said again, his eyes wide and full of curiosity.

"Well" you decided to be truthful and honest. "Not really.." you sighed, saying this wasn't going to help but might aswell keep hope..

"Hey!" A familiar voice was behind you. You noticed that the man before had totally vanished, leaving you alone with this voice without a trace.

"Hey babe!" Someone said again. You decided to turn around and pay attention to the new voice. "Hey, ..woah your clothes...are...good?" She winced, "if you worked on a farm" she finally whispered under her breath. You rolled your eyes, then you realised, this was your first date, right outside the clock on town square, just about to walk into a local pizzeria. "Honey, why are we here?" You asked, concerned and confused about what happened, Did you go back in time?

"Soo, let's go in!" They exclaimed, running into the building and sitting down happily, you joined them. They wherent exactly being nice, what lead you to find such a horrible person? They treated the waiters and fellow customers badly and even worse! They treated you badly, obviously doing the usual, picking your flaws and making bad comments on them. Then she made you pay...that was bad on a date but your younger self was obviously too trusting and made a bad decision, resulting in your life not being as great and as planned as you wanted it to be. You left the pizzeria silently and walked over to the small fountain where you both sat for a bit. You didnt know why the train had sent you back in time, you didnt even know how. Maybe it was to help you fix your problems, maybe the jolly driver noticed some distress in your eyes and smile? Anyway..

After 40 minutes of pure humiliation and awkwardness they finally asked a question, worth answering. "Do you think we will be good together?" They asked. This was where you went wrong, saying yes and ending up with the person for the rest of your life, even when you could've done way better and so could they. You thought on the question for a while "uhmm" you started, this could change everything..and it did.

"No" you replied, her reaction was priceless, at first she yelled, quite loudly actually, earning the unwanted attention from a few passersby, she moaned and complained at why you would ask her on a date and straight away you where dumping her. What she didn't know was that you where from the future and was actually fixing your mistakes.., you never saw the person again and you lived a great life with someone special to you. Someone who loved you as you, unlike what the other thought of you. You where lucky to have a fortunate 2nd chance given by God.

One thing you learned from this back in time journey was that you have to be wise and think hard about your decisions, choose and do what is best for you as it may effect the rest of your life! Decide wisely!! What you choose may cause something bad to happen years later like, say you didnt educate well and skipped school, your decision would effect your future career. Remember, do the right thing.

June 25, 2020 21:25

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Tolu Odel
22:30 Jul 02, 2020

Hey Kaira! I'm here from the critique circle. It was so cool how you made the person go back in time! Although, I noticed a few errors, such as, "effected" in the second sentence should be "affected". Also, every time a new person speaks, there should be a paragraph. "2nd" should be second, and words like "shouldnt" or "didnt", should be, "shouldn't," or, "didn't". But errors aside, this is a great story! Great job :)


Kaira Davies
10:30 Jul 03, 2020

Hey! Thank you for telling me about those errors, I'll keep that in mind for future stories! Thank you, I appreciate the help :)


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