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Science Fiction Fiction Fantasy

"Number 2021, how are you feeling?" the nurse asks.

"Um my name is Hamuar." Hamuar sat up in bed, looking around. "What happened?"

"You  drained way too much of your power." The nurse said. "And caused a whole lot of death and destruction." She looked at the window.

"What do you mean? What did I do? What is going on."

"Don't worry about it just rest, for right now just focus on healing." The nurse waved off all his questions. "Do you need anything?"


"Very, well. You will be getting visitors."

"Who?" Before her could get a response the nurse was already gone. Hamuar laid back and blew air out of his mouth with frustration. What did I do? Why won't anyone tell me what I have done? What destruction and death did I do? And how did I do it?

What is going to happen when I get out of the hospital? Questions just spewed from his brain like lava at an erupting volcano.  He sighed aloud and listened to the monitors. He stared out the window glumly. Something was off. Very off. He couldn't put his finger on it.

"What did I do? Could someone tell me?" he said, with frustration. He glared at the machines, tubes and monitors hooked up to his body. A few hours later there was a knock on the door. "Can we come in?"

"Who is it?!"

The nurse peeked in the room. "Your visitors are here."

"As I can see, they can come in." The nurse beckoned a group of people into the room. "Mom! Dad! Livy!" Hamuar jumped from the bed tackling his parents in a big bear hug in a single move.

"My son." his father said weakly. "How are you doing?"

"Good." He gave Mom and sister a hug, then waited until the nurse was gone. When the door clicked, questions fired. "What happened?What destruction did I do? Who did I kill? How many people did I kill? What is going on?"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down. What are you talking about?" Livian put up her palms.

"The nurse said something about me causing destruction and  death." The room when dead silent. Mom, Dad and Livian all exchanged cautious looks.

Then Mom opened her mouth letting out a voice as gentle as a feather, "There were some 'things' that happened." She cleared her throat. "That you had caused."

"Yeah, I am aware of that. That is why I am trying to see what it was that I did so that I can make it better." There was another distan pause.

Livian spoke up. "Um, what you did, was permanent..." She looked at the floor then said, "and can't be undone."

"What! What do you mean that, whatever I did, is 'permanent' and 'can't be undone'!"

"Calm down you are still a part of the Time Maker's Workshop you just got suspended." Mom said assuringly. "With a few of your privileges revoked and a lot of very,"

"Very." Dad added.

"Very, upset people."

"Who?" Hamuar sat down on the bed and put his face in his hands.

"Um, let's just say that you make a lot of people. Like a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot." Livian said butting in. Hamuar heaved a sigh. What have I done? He thought.


 Weeks passed and Hamuar finally found out that he had done more than just upset people. Signs were put up saying all kinds of nasty and disgusting things. Hamuar couldn’t believe his eyes, did he really do that much destruction? Obviously he had with the swarm of guards protecting him from the riots of people trying to attack him. 

As he neared the Time Makers Workshop all of the employees were standing in front of the entrance with a massive crowd of people there as well. It was as if they were trying to block the entrance from him, they were expecting him to come and they were prepared. Hamuar could hardly believe himself, there was so much to take in. So much to process just about how much he'd done

Maybe they were right not to take him in. The words of the Great Chooser echoed in his head We are not sure whether you should be our next Time Maker. As for you will gain too much power bringing not only yourself, but many others with you. You could destroy so much if you are trained too well. Which is why it is your job to make sure you can keep yourself under control. 

Can you do that for me? Can you do that for us? 

Then he remembered himself saying the exact words, Yes, of course I can. I know I can. He had broken his promise, his vow to control himself to protect everyone. Putting everyone in danger was the exact same as his name, Hamuar Auspious. With everyone now against him.

Hamuar stepped out of the car with guards on every way he turned. People or everywhere surged forward with insults, weapons, every way they could think of, trying to get to Hamuar. Hamuar stood there speechless in horror and guilt. He had caused all of this mess and couldn’t fix it. 

There has to be a way. He thought desperately. There has to be something that can fix this. Something, anything. Please. There was no use, no one would be on his side. There were way too many people all against one person. Who knew that one single person could do such a worldwide chink of destruction.

Hamuar suddenly wanted to curl up in a ball in the darkest, deepest corner there was. He wanted to cling to the guards and beg and plead for a solution. The most effective thing he could do. It took a full hour to get to the stairs and thirty minutes to walk up them.

 Stupid me, stupid, them. Stupid this. Supid, stupid, stupid. STUPID! He chanted to himself. He would whatever it took to get rid of all the living devil. 

“There he is! There he is. IT’S THE HAMMUAR AUSPIOUS!” They would shout. In other words, GET HIM! HE IS THE ONE WHO DID ALL THIS! THIS IS THE GUY! HE’S THE ENEMY!

He was carried into a large circular room filled with clocks of all kinds. Floor to ceiling. Clocks, clocks, and clocks. There was a large black circular desk  right in the middle of the room and there sat the high ranked Timekeeper.

The guards parted the way blocking the way of the windows and door. Timekeeper was sitting faced towards the large patio door behind him. “Well, beautiful day isn’t it?” Casually spinning around to face Hamuar. Hamuar hung his head low and said nothing. “Good to see you back, with the Reset Celebration approaching. Hmm?”

“I guess.”

“I was expecting you to ask ‘How come you didn’t ban me from the job sir?’ Or ‘Why are you giving me a second chance?’ But you can be pretty unpredictable.”

 “Sir?” Hamuar looked up into the Timekeepers eyes.

“I have decided to let you stay, give you another chance. I decided to have you as the next Head Year Scheduler and Head of the Reset Celebration as well."

"Really?!” Hamuar's eyes bugged out of their sockets. "Thank you so much! This is very important to me, thank you. I am very grateful.” At least someone forgives me.

"Yes, yes. You are very welcome. But you have to agree to have your stopwatch removed and your Climax Card removed. For all that is going on I am going to hand you down to private servicing. If that doesn't work then I’ll have to have you with me. Do you understand?”

“Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.”

“Good. You are now dismissed.” With that Hamuar left the room as the guards led him down an unknown hallway. There he worked and was stripped of his Climax Card and Stopwatches with other privileges.


Days flew by and people began to calm down, and prepare for the Reset Celebration. Poster, banners, fireworks, music, bright colors everywhere. Hamuar took it all in. The smell of food cooking and the sound of people laughing. The NIght Festival was just about to start. 

Man how time flew by. There was one minute set to the huge display screen. Blinking red and wight counting down from 59. Everyone gathers to see the Ceremony and have a massive party. The important Organizers all filed onto the stage one by one, with Hamuar walking beside the Timekeeper.

He stepped onto the stage pedestal with a straight posture and his head held high. He tried his best to hide his smile of pride.

“Welcome all, Welcome to the Celebration of the Reset. Of Our Rest.”  The Great Chooser boomed. ”The Time has come to re-choose our new Scheduler and Rests Cermonizer. Hamuar Auspious!” There was an unsteady pause, followed by the Speech of Honor. 

“Thank you, Thank you all.” Hamuar bowed respectively after the speech was done. 

“We all are very aware of all of the chaos that has happened and we are now over it.” She continued. “Now we near the last 10 seconds of our year and ceremony. Now you Swear, you must swear you will never ever do such a terrible year, terrible time and horrid event. Ever.” The Great Chooser glanced at the time as to say Make is snappy, either do it now or never. Everyone was silent now.

Hamuar lifted his left hand and put his right hand over his heart. Then recited his promise. “I vow I will never ever make a terrible year, a terrible, time or horrid event ever in my lifetime. Ever.” Hamuar looked into the Great Chooser stoney, gray eyes. 

“Well then let’s continue with the countdown.” 

“5!” Everyone chanted. 






January 08, 2021 00:01

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1 comment

Caleb Goehring
22:22 Jan 13, 2021

What an interesting concept! To have a character that does not remember the destruction that he caused. And by the end, I definitely wanted to know more about the Time Maker's Workshop. I hope there is more!


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