I was standing there, not sure how I would go about my day. I was not sure how I was able to even start, but I was certain I would go on and do what I had to do.
I was heading out the door, when I was confronted by a huge gust of wind, that was kind of chilly, yet very welcoming, and this was followed by some rain drops, which meant it would not be sunny, or as warm as I had hoped it would.
I returned inside to add a light jacket, that would keep me dry and warm, if need be. I then was heading out the door again, when the rain drops started and it was falling heavier than before. I was ready to take on the day, but unsure how to proceed, even with my protection and the care I was taking to make sure that I would leave the house.
As I was stepping off the front porch, a breezy wind, brushing against my cheek, was there for a second, then gone, but its was slightly different than the earlier gust of wind. This gusty breeze was lighter and gentler, not forced or pressed, just there then gone.
I looked around to see which way the wind was blowing in, yet knew that you can only "see" the wind, and even feel the wind, but only when the wind blows in the trees and as it blows against your skin. I was disappointed that the wind had caught me off guard, then like a thief, it had left before I was fully aware of it being there.
I walked towards the street, turning left to head out to the post office, then as I was about to reach for the door, I felt that same wind brush against my cheek for a second time. I was still caught unaware, yet was smiling at the thought of the wind playing some game with me.
I went into the post office, mailing some letters, walking up to the counter, asking for some postage stamps, paying for them, then turning around to leave, looked out the window in the front, to then "see" the wind whipping by.
I headed out the door, turning right and heading to the local pharmacy, to get some medications filled. I had to wait for the walk sign to show before I was able to proceed towards the pharmacy, and then the wind brushed against my cheek once more. I smiled and almost missed the walk sign allowing me to cross the street.
When I had finally made it across, I walked several more steps, was about to reach for the door to enter, when the wind brushed against my cheek and a cold chill ran down my back as the wind slipped up my jacket. I was surprised at the idea, that the wind was either "teasing me" or just letting me know it was all around me today.
I then entered the pharmacy, heading towards the counter, in the rear, walking up to place my medications orders, and stepped back. I was told that it would be around 15 minutes, and I could wait on the bench in the back.
I sat down, seen a good friend of mine, who was old neighbor, Frank, who had recently been placed in a nursing home to recover from his hip surgery, and after exchanging some conversation, and catching up, he got up to grab his medications, then left.
I was sitting there, alone with my thoughts, when I heard the wind starting to "howl" loudly, and knew that the wind was missing it various brushing against my cheek and kind of playing some game as before.
Not to say I missed this, but I was beginning to get restless from the wait. I was wondering how the wind knew I was there, but it was more aware than I actually realized. I was about to go up and ask how much longer, when the lady cashier, rang up my medications and handed them to me.
I was leaving the pharmacy, when as I opened the door, a hard gust of wind, blew into my face, like the wind was mad at me or something. I tried to lose the wind and move around the wind, but it was not to be deterred. I was caught in a trap. or so it felt like it, then the wind slowed, and then lightly brushed my cheek, as to forgive me or let me know it was forgiving me.
I then turned right twice, heading a side street, going towards the mechanics garage, to talk "shop" with the head guy, Wally, as we called him. Wally was heading to the front, where you paid your bill or scheduled a time to have work done. I almost ran into Wally, who was actually going to lunch, and when seeing me, asked me if i walk with him to the diner.
Wally and I walked to the diner, which was on the back side or the right corner of the garage, and as we were reaching the front door, the wind brushed against cheek and his arm, then playfully brushed once more before leaving us. We looked at each other saying, "Sure is a funny way to be greeted by the wind, huh?" we both laughed and went into the diner.
We looked for a booth, sat down and waited for the waitress, to bring us menus. As we talked about this and that, the waitress arrived, handing us menus and ask us what we wanted to drink. I ordered an ice tea, Wally order a soda. Then after a few minutes, we decided to order burgers and fries. We continued to talk and then I asked Wally about "how much will it cost me to get my transmission fixed?" Wally said "around $200, which was the best he could do". I replied, "well how long would it take to be fixed?" Wally replied, "Almost finished, when he decided to take his lunch break".
Then our orders arrived, we chatted about other things, before we finished eating and went to pay the check. I looked out the front window, noticed the wind was blowing around some leaves and was momentarily worried, before Wally walked towards the front door and motioned for us to leave.
As we left the diner, even though the walk was a short walk, the wind brushed against my cheek again, like it was welcoming me back to being outside. It was short lived, as Wally and I entered the garage and into the work area, so Wally could show me all that he had done.
Wally said "I only have a few more minutes work to do, then the vehicle is all yours", which I breathed a sigh of relief. I stepped back into the waiting room to wait, before I knew it, Wally walked towards me, handed me a bill for the work, then said his goodbyes.
I noticed that the bill, said paid in full, and my keys were attached the bill, so I was able to get my vehicle. I walked out the front door, was greeted by the wind as it brushed my cheek, sadly as to say goodbye too, then it was gone. The sun shined brighter, and the moment felt "just right".
I walked to my vehicle, happy to be driving home, instead of walking, yet sad at the idea of no wind brushing my cheek. I grabbed the driver's side door, to get inside, when the wind surprised me, by brushing against cheek and "patting me" on the back on last time before I headed to home a long last.
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