Fantasy Adventure

In the heart of a dense forest, beneath the shadow of towering ancient trees, two figures stood at the entrance to the abandoned ruins. Anna, with her muscular build and heterochromatic eyes—one a warm red-brown and the other a cool blue-brown—stood resolute. Her long black braid hung down her back, and her leather bodice with sword scabbards gave her a formidable appearance. Beside her was Gigi, tall and voluptuous, her chin-length brown hair framing eyes the color of the ocean. Her flowy, bohemian dress fluttered gently in the breeze, adorned with accessories that tinkled softly as she moved.

“What happened in this place?” Anna sneered as she spoke. After a week trekking in the forest, the sign of an unnatural structure was shocking to see. The ruins were once ornate and grand now look like they lost the battle with the forest. Vines suffocating bricks and the signs of lives once lived.

Softly Gigi replied, “I shudder to think.”

A week earlier, Gigi received a vision from her goddesses, Gaia. Gigi’s visions were always uncontrollable. Her goddess is demanding and when she wants to be heard, she will be. The vision spoke of a lost manuscript containing forgotten spells and the key to controlling elemental forces. It was imperative they retrieve it before it fell into the wrong hands. 

Anna placed a reassuring hand on Gigi's shoulder. "Whatever happened here, we'll face it together." She glanced down at the dire wolf by her side and gave him an affectionate scratch behind the ears. The wolf, Drake, pressed against Anna's leg, ready to protect his human companion. 

Gigi took a deep, steadying breath and nodded. "You're right. Gaia called us here for a reason." She knelt down to stroke her calico cat familiar, Cleo, who purred and arched into her touch. 

The two companions stepped cautiously through the crumbling archway, peering into the gloom beyond.

As they approached the crumbling entrance to the ancient ruins, a figure emerged from the shadows. Lyria, clad in tattered leather armor and brandishing a wickedly sharp dagger, grinned at them with mischievous eyes. 

Anna's hand flew to the hilt of her sword as she spotted Lyria emerging from the ruins. Though Lyria appeared weaponless, Anna knew better than to underestimate her. Many had fallen for Lyria's innocent act before realizing too late that her true talents lay in deception and thievery. 

"Well, if it isn't my old friends," Lyria said with mock delight. "Fancy seeing you here."

"What do you want, Lyria?" Anna growled. Beside her, Drake bared his teeth and let out a menacing snarl.

Lyria glanced down at the dire wolf and laughed. Drake snapped his jaws in front of Lyria’s face. Letting his pearly teeth gleam in her eye for a beat longer than necessary. 

“If I have to ask again, I’ll let him have his way.” Anna stroked Drake’s neck for emphasis. His long black fur looked like fine silk to Lyria. Too bad she would never know if it was as soft as it looked.

“Damn that mutt and damn you…” before Lyria could finish her sentence, Gigi cut her off. 

“Curse her again and I’ll take the oxygen from your lungs. She’s saved more good in this world than your soul is worth to your god.” Gigi was a kind person, but everyone had boundaries. Anna was her line you dared not cross unless you planned on challenging creation itself. 

“Gods above and below. Gigi. I’m not cursing anyone. Anna and I are just having a little fun. Aren’t we?” Lyria reached to pat Anna’s shoulder, but Drake growled, and she thought better of it. 

“Look, my god needs to get in good with Inanna. Anyone who’s anyone knows that Inanna only allows Anna to worship at her altar. So, I’m here to offer my services. I can guide you through these ruins. My god, Anansi, has webs throughout these ruins. He’ll guide me, I’ll guide you and my god gets his favor with Inanna.” Lyria crossed her arms in triumph. 

Anna and Gigi exchanged wary glances. Lyria was a priestess for the god Anansi. He’s a mischievous god, but also wise. It is said that his spiders bring him knowledge on a vast web of information. Anansi gets bored and sometimes starts trouble within the deities. If he needs something from Inanna, then he must be desperate. Anna and Gigi agree to take Lyria’s help. 

The ruins were a labyrinth of crumbling corridors and hidden chambers. Enchanted traps and ancient puzzles barred their way. In one chamber, they faced a series of fire traps. Anna skillfully manipulated the flames to create a safe passage. In another, a water basin required Gigi to use her power to reveal hidden inscriptions that provided clues to the next step.

Deep within the ruins, Anna, Gigi, and Lyria continued their journey, following the instructions provided by Anansi. They had to traverse through treacherous terrain and solve intricate puzzles to reach their destination.

As they neared the heart of the ruins, their senses were on high alert. The air was thick with ancient magic and danger lurked in every corner. Suddenly, they heard a loud noise echoing through the corridors.

Gigi's eyes widened in recognition. "That's Malakar's voice," she whispered.

Anna and Lyria exchanged concerned glances. Malakar was a powerful sorcerer who had been causing chaos in the land for years. His thirst for power led him to seek forbidden relics and artifacts that could grant him unimaginable abilities.

But he was not alone. Malakar always traveled with a group of ruthless mercenaries who followed his every command.

"We have to be careful," said Anna as she pulled a sword off her back. Anna carried one sword and just a hilt of another sword on her back. The sword she pulled now had a hilt made from a strange metal that appeared to glow from with in. There were ancient runes in the hilt that looked like they churned right under the surface of the metal. With her fire powers, Anna could light her sword fire or heat the metal so hot it would melt ore. The hilt was indestructible. The sword was a gift from her Parton Goddess, Inanna. She also carried on her back an ornate silver hilt that had no blade attached. Anna could conjure water, but she couldn’t create water. The hilt was a gift from Gaia for saving Gigi’s life. Gigi could conjure water, something no one else could do, creating a blade for the silver hilt. The blade made of water became sharper than anything known to creation. Anna’s water ability could change the shape of the blade to suit the need. 

The trio cautiously made their way towards the source of the noise, only to be met by a group of armed mercenaries standing guard in front of a large stone door.

Malakar stood at the center, his eyes glowing with malicious intent. "Well, well, well. If it isn't Anna the great," he sneered. Sarcasm dripping from his words. 

"I should've known you'd be here," retorted Anna coolly.

Malakar chuckled darkly. "I have been waiting for this moment for a long time."

As if on cue, his mercenaries sprang into action, charging towards Anna and her companions with swords drawn.

Anna and Gigi worked together seamlessly, using their powers in perfect harmony to create fiery barriers and blasts of water that kept their attackers at bay. Lyria, who was skilled in archery, provided support from a safe distance with her precision shots.

But the mercenaries were relentless, and soon they found themselves surrounded by many foes. Anna and Gigi were tiring from the constant use of their powers.

"We can't keep this up for much longer," panted Gigi as she conjured another burst of water to drive back their enemies.

"I know," replied Anna. "We need a plan."

Just then, Lyria called out to them from above. "I see another group coming from behind us!"

Anna quickly assessed the situation. Despite being outnumbered and surrounded, she refused to give up without a fight.

"Lyria, you take care of the ones behind us, Drake with Lyria," ordered Anna. "Gigi, we'll focus on the ones in front."

Lyria stared at the giant dire wolf, looking more terrified of the wolf than the mercenaries. “Uh Drake, but he’s not going to. I mean.” sweat beaded on her brow. 

“Drake will fight with you with his life and will defend you just as fiercely. As he’s immortal, I’m not sure you need to be worried about him. Talk to him, he’ll understand you. He can work as a team. Do not touch him. Even he has boundaries.” As if on cue, Drake shook his silky coat and growled at Lyria in warning. 

Together, they split into two teams and continued their battle against Malakar's mercenaries. But it wasn't long before they started feeling overwhelmed once again.

“We require greater power,” Gigi said, evading an enemy’s sword swing.

Anna's mind raced with possibilities. She remembered her silver hilt and the water blade that Gigi could conjure with it. It was the perfect time for her to use it, despite never having used it before.

"Gigi, use your powers to create a blade with my silver hilt," commanded Anna.

Gigi nodded and focused all her energy on creating a blade made entirely out of water using the silver hilt. With a final burst of magic, she created a sharp and deadly weapon made entirely out of water.

Anna grabbed hold of the hilt and felt its power surge through her body. She swung it, cutting through the air and sending a powerful wave of water. Then her other hand with her fire blade creating an arc of fire. 

“Now this we can work with.” Anna smiled as she looked around. 

“Lyria! Drake! Shadow flank, take out as many as you can as quietly as you can. Gigi and I will distract them. Lyria, you’re going to hate this next bit, but you have to trust us.” Anna ducked as Drake flew over the top of her and tackled Lyria into a shadow behind her. They popped out on the second floor ruins of the dilapidated build they were in. Cloaked in shadows, Lyria understood the plan. Drake swiftly jumped to the other side as Anna emerged into the commotion. 

With both blades in hand, Anna began a dance of death. Arcs of fire and cuts so clean mercenaries were falling dead before they even noticed they were cut. Drake popped in and out of shadows, taking men from shadows. Gigi snapped her fingers and men falling to their feet, the water taken straight from their bodies. Their shilling husks left on the ruins floor. 

Lyria, Anna, and Gigi reached the heart of the ruins almost at once. All the mercenaries lay dead at their feet. 

“Where did he go?!” Anna yelled and turned around, looking into every dark corner. “Where did Malakar go?”

Gigi looked around carefully while Anna raged in the background. She ran her hand over the walls and the pillars of the ruins. She attempted to envision what life was like here in ancient times. Gigi felt something sticky on her feet, there were spider webs stuck to her feet. She followed the webs to the floor where she found foot prints in the spider web. The foot prints lead back the way they came, to the exit. Someone, Malakar, got away. Anna was going to hate this. Just as Gig turned around to deliver the bad news to Anna, she tripped over a loose stone and grabbed the torch hanger. 

Walls started to move and dust fell from the ceilings. Behind Gig a wall move aside and a door revealed. Anna and Lyria ran to Gigi and the door. Anna read aloud. 

I breathe without lungs, and run without feet,

I wear no clothes, yet can feel heat.

I have no mouth, but I can roar,

In storms and calm, I'm evermore.

What am I, to open this door?

Lyria moaned, “What is this? No mouth but roar? There is no such thing.” It was clear her patience was wearing thin for get god and this favor. 

Gigi leaned over Anna and blew the dust off the inscription. The door silently hinged forward. “Breath. Wind. Air. You know, the wind roars in the winter at our homestead. Anna should have gotten this one.” Gigi laughed. 

Anna shoved her hilts back on her back scabbard and rolled her eyes. Upon entering the room, she witnessed the torches igniting the wall. It was as if solving the riddle made the whole place accept them. The adventurers had difficulty remembering what made this place so terrible. Gigi gently grabbed the manuscript from the wall and put it in her bag. The moment she cinched the bag shut, a white blue light came from the bag. 

“It appears Gaia couldn’t wait for her boon.” Gigi shrugged and opened the bag. Inside, the manuscript was gone, but in its place was a ball spider web. A clue for sure. Inherently Gigi knew this wasn’t everyone to know. 

As they walked, the adventurers couldn't resist snacking on some provisions they had brought with them. The taste of dried fruit and nuts mixed with the lingering flavor of the cool water they had recently drank.

The bittersweet taste of victory, tinged with the knowledge that their adventure was done. But the sense of accomplishment and relief was palpable.

As they walked out of the forest, the adventurers couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia. They had come so far and faced so many challenges together. But now, as they emerged from the trees, they knew their journey was far from over.

Anna gazed out at the vast landscape before them. The sun was setting, casting a warm glow over the rolling hills and distant mountains. "We did it," she said with a smile.

Gigi nodded in agreement. "We make a great team." She elbowed Anna in the ribs. 

Anna begrudgingly said, "We couldn't have done it without you, Lyria."

They walked for a moment, soaking in the beauty of their surroundings and reflecting on their journey. Despite all the hardships and obstacles they had faced, they emerged victorious.

Just as they were about to leave, a loud growl echoed around them.

Anna’s hand instinctively went to her sword hilt as Lyria drew her bow. Anna summoned her magic, ready to defend themselves against whatever creature lurked nearby.

But instead of an enemy approaching them. Struggling to walk, a small creature stumbled out from a nearby tree.

Without hesitation, Gigi ran over to it and knelt down beside it. As she examined its wounds, she realized it was not a vicious creature at all–it was just a young wolf pup.

"It's hurt," Gigi said with concern in her voice as she gently stroked its head.

"We can't leave it here," Lyria stated firmly. "We have to help it."

And so, using some of their leftover provisions, they tended to the pup's injuries and gave it food and water. As night fell, they built a small shelter for it using branches and leaves.

The next morning, when the pup woke up healed and well-rested, he bounded around happily, grateful for the adventurers' help.

Anna turned to her friends and said, “I wonder what caused those wounds. It looked like huge fang marks. I hope a rival male isn’t hunting the pups.” Drake bounded into the woods without command. He’d make sure the pup got back to its pack safely. 

“This is my road. I’ve got to head back to my temple. Next time, let's do something with more ale and less fighting.” Lyria waved as she walked away. 

As they got into their homestead Gigi said, “Here, look at this.” She pulled out the spider web from her bag. “This looks just like the web from the ruins. When I tripped I was following foot steps I saw in the webbing. Spider webs. Spider. Anansi. This can’t be a coincidence.” 

Anna sat down at the table staring at the spider web, thinking about all the events of the day and what they could have to do with each other. 

Bursting through the homestead door, Drake communicated with Anna using telepathy, as was customary for him. Anna! The mother wolf was grateful for caring for her runt. As a thanks, she told me something she thought you’d find interesting. Those wounds on the pup were from a giant spider that threatened her pups. It told her it was going to eat her, but Anansi told it to hold its hunger until the mage was back in hand. 

“The mage? Malakar!” Anna jumped up and yelled, startling Gigi from her tasks in the kitchen. Anna explained everything she heard from Drake to Gigi. 

“Then Anansi must have helped Malakar escape. But why?” Gigi was pacing the room now. 

“I don’t know, but Inanna will not tolerate a double cross like this. It’s not a good way to get a favor. If Lyria was in on it. I’ll burn her temple to the ground.” Anna slammed her fist on the table. 

May 23, 2024 19:18

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