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It was the third sunny night in a row. Violet is part of the wedding-planning team, hoping that it’s all right on target. It’s a week until the ceremony begins; it’ll all settle out on a nice hill, with the orange and pink-colored sky and ocean as the background. The theme requested was floral and sunset, which was just perfect. A whole cabana had been placed with stringed lights, for the bride and groom to stand under. Orange, and white fading flowers are hung from nearby trees that emit a different vibe in the air. Many of the employees had contributed more to the hall, where bouquets are placed on tables with petals surrounding them. Silky cloth was placed on each of the guest’s and food tables. The source of lighting had only come from the walls. They were all pointed up or inwards tinted orange. There were so many items that color-coordinated to the theme, and it had all been perfect.

This is the day shift work for Violet. She has a secret she doesn’t want anyone to know about. She takes deep breaths to contain herself from telling anyone. She has friends that she absolutely trusts with her heart, and would consider telling them when time will tell. She had the ability to share, bring back, and remove thoughts among anyone. She decides not to over use her power, and try to live an ordinary life. Things could also just be a figure of imagination. Violet walked upstairs to the battlements of the building just to take a breather. The wind calmly breezed through Violet's face, as if it were emptying her mind from all the stress. Then she closed her eyes, and new thoughts had been flowing in. It was her with memories from her past and childhood. She didn't want anything negative appearing in her figure of imagination, but they rushed through like a wind blowing on a foggy street at night. Her body started to shake, and feeling panicked, sat straight down, breathing heavily.

"Tag! You'll never catch me this time!"

"Wanna bet? I can speed up if I ever wanted to!"

The two young kids played in the backyard field, appearing as if the fun will never end. That all changed when the father carried the boy away and was rushed to the car. They drove away, and their faces were never shown again.

Violet was there crying. Her hands covering her eyes and curled inwards into a little ball. This memory somehow always comes back, no matter what scenario is going on. Alas, another memory is transmitted into Violet's brain; one she had never remembered before. It certainly wasn't her own, because the scene took place in a work cubicle.

"Everything okay, Trey?"

"No Chris. Me and my wife had just split a couple days ago, and I very much regret it. I already miss my little girl who will end up developing her life without me," he says while scratching his head in frustration, "and all the memories we had while we were still whole."

"It's okay man, sometimes..no, all the time, people will go through tough times in their life. It just so happens that yours is right now. But it'll be okay, you'll get past it, and it's easier when you aren't doing it alone.

Once again, Violet's flashback ends. That had obviously been her dad. Why did he leave? It seemed that she was in her daydreaming world for too long. People had been calling her back over downstairs, telling her that it was time to clock out. She nodded with a bubbly expression, when it wasn't what she was feeling at all.

Violet took a short walk to get to her car. It was farther than usual because of the mini construction site that replaced some of the parking lot. Disregarding the recurrence of her memories, she held onto a necklace worn around her neck on most of the drive back. There was a larger amount of traffic than on usual weekdays, and once again, a memory reentered Violet's mind.

"Honey, I want you to keep this, and guard it with your life. It’s one of the most important things to me, including you. That’s why I wanted to give it to you." It was a gold-plated charmed necklace, clearly looking at it from every angle.

Violet was very obedient, and to this day, she had worn the necklace that had been passed down to her, from generations on. Driving too quickly makes Violet’s head hurt, so she had loosened her grip on the necklace to put her hands back on to the steering wheel. She was on her way home, until something had caught her eye. Outside of her window, when there once was supposed to be a supermarket, was a pyramid with sand surrounding it. Now to think of it, there was sand from the ground up by a few inches, wherever you looked. It was as if everything had turned back into the past, but everything else besides the geography is normal.

My powers give off too much thought. Another memory whooshed through her brain. They kept coming, like it was all planned.

It was Violet and her family. They were in a house. But suddenly, the atmosphere changed. Were thoughts inserted into the mind to protect her? It was as if she were looking through a lense, not seeing the whole story. Her parents probably wanted her to have a better life. “Could one of my parents have had the same power as me?” is the thought Violet always had.

Without focusing, Violet had almost gotten into a car crash. She firmly put her hands on the steering wheel, and quickly drove back into her lane, having a slight headache. As she looked out the window again, she was starting to think her life had almost been a lie. Pyramids and more sand was all in sight. Living life was so confusing. There were many things Violet realized, but decided to keep to herself. At the same time, many mysteries remain unsolved, as so many questions developed after the thoughts.

March 13, 2020 16:28

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Whitney Trang
17:00 Mar 19, 2020

Intriguing story!


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