Adventure Christmas

It was a lovely morning a day like any other when margareta opened her bakery, and in less than 5 minutes the bakery was clouded with clients and Alfredo wasn't there.

clients shouting, "I need two gingersnap cherry cheesecakes."

"I want the famous flute gana." Margareta was pressured and was trying to get all the orders right, and just as she was about to put the gingersnap cake in the oven Alfredo appeared.

Margareta said, "Alfredo where have you been? give me a  hand."

Alfredo said, "Alright alright, I'm here aren't I."

Margareta said, "Quick make the gingersnap cherry cheese cake secret recipe."

Alfredo said, "alright let's make them drool. wait, the cupboard is broken." Marganita rushed to the cupboard and when she opened it.

Margareta said, "It's gone, we're ruined." Alfredo said, "Don't jump to a conclusion, we might have misplaced it."

Margareta said, “It’s gone Alfredo it’s gone.” Alfredo took the phone and called the police.

The police came and they had to clear the area and close the shop for a few weeks.

A detective arrived at the bakery. Detective said, “Morning my name is detective bruce and I will be following your case today.”

Margareta said, “Good morning detective, come in.” the detective came in and sat on the sofa.

the detective said, “In the report given to me it says that an ingredient was stolen.”

Margareta said, “This wasn’t just any ingredient, it’s been in our family for generations, we’ve always had the baking competition with it and the shop was one of the busiest.” 

The detective says, “I will do my very best to find, now can you please describe to me what it looks like.”

Margareta said, “Well it’s in a very big and large container that’s got our shop’s name on it. The container is blue and the cover’s got one special design at the back, there’s the letter E for Elizabeth, our great great grandma.” 

The detective said, “Thank you, I’ll now look into the crime scene.”

Bruce went into the crime scene and was observing the scene.

He went into the cooking section first and examined the broken cupboard, he put his gloves on and started touching the line made when the lock was broken.

The detective said, “Judging from the line drawn, the lock was broken using a pocket knife. The back wasn’t broken or anything which means that the robber had a key. The place was also tidy which means he knew exactly where to look.” The detective went back to the living room to talk to Margareta.

The detective said, “Do you have any enemies or rivals, who've been in the shop quite a few times.”

Margareta said, “I did make quite a few enemies, when I won last year's competition. I would say my enemies are Mr. Brew, Miss Bisson and Jack will for some reason always ask me about what I put in my pastries, he’s just so eager to know what I use.”

The detective said, “Thank you that will be all for today, I’ll get back to you when I have more information. Just as the detective left. Just as the detective left Alfredo came in.

Alfredo said, “Who was that guy.”

Margareta said, “Well who do you think, it’s the detective.”

Alfredo said, “Maybe you should just leave it, We can make other ones.”

Margareta said, “Leave this our family heritage, it’s been going on for centuries we can’t leave it.”

Alfredo said, “Ok, just saying that the detective taking our case is gonna take lots of money, not to mention the bakery closing we’re gonna end up bankrupt.”

Margareta said, “You just worry about yourself, I’ll deal with it.”

Alfredo said, “Fine I was just trying to help.”

Alfredo went in his car and drove off.

Detective bruce was in his car outside mr Brew’s house.

The detective said, “Suspect number one, mr Brew, owner of “si bon tu dois suser les doin” let’s get some clues.” 

The detective came out of his car and knocked on the door, within the space of a second mr Brew opened the door. The detective knew he was watching which was suspicious.

Mr Brew said, “Well hello, is there a problem.”

The detective said, “Hello, I’m officer Bruce and I’m working on a case of the missing ingredient and wanted to ask you some questions if you don’t mind.”

Mr Brew said, “Well do you have to? Silly question really, please come in.”

The detective went in the house, Mr Brew guided him to the living room, it was all colourful and full of christmas decorations, there was a giant christmas tree, and the theme of that room was silver and gold, a bit too much, at least that’s what the detective thought.

The detective said, “You’re really into the whole christmas spirit, it’s a bit too much if you ask me.”

Mr Brew said, “Well I didn’t for your opinion, are you going to ask me some questions or what?”

The detective said, “Straight down to business, fine by me. When miss Margareta won last year's competition you were quite in a mood.”

Mr Brew said, “Ofcourse, she’s using her family's recipe, it's not her own.”

The detective asked, “Where were you two days ago.”

Mr Brew said, “I was here of course, these decorations didn’t hang themselves up did they?”

The detective said, “Miss Margareta claimed that you’ve been trying to get your hands on her secret ingredient for months, is that correct?”

Mr Brew said, “Yes it is true, but I have not made any attempt this month as it is christmas, plus I’ve cameras installed in my home as proof that I was not out the night the secret ingredient was stolen.”

Mr Brew handed the disk containing the footage, and he played it.

Mr brew wasn’t the thief.

The detective went back in his car and said, “So Mr brew is off the list of suspects, I think I’ll go see Jack next.” 

The detective drove off.

The next day the detective was in his office and decided to call Margareta.  Margareta’s phone rang and she answered.

Margareta said, “Hello?”

The detective said, “Hi it’s bruce, detective bruce, I’ve just questioned Mr brew is definitely not the thief, but fear not this is good news as we only have two suspects left. We’ll catch that thief in no time.”

Then the detective hung up the phone and realised that someone else on the line, someone was listening to their conversation.

The detective said, “Interesting, it couldn’t have been Jack will, as Jack will don't have access to their house, unless he hired spies.” 

The detective was on his way to Jack will’s house. 

When he arrived Jack entered his car and was just about to leave.

The detective knocked on his car window and showed his badge, and Jack drove off.

The detective said, “Nice try, but you can’t outrun me.” 

The detective went in his car and drove the opposite way that Jack will drive, he went on full boost, as he was driving a BMW M8, he kept driving and they ended up crossing each other which forced Jack to stop. They came out of his car and took Jack out of his car.

Then Jack will say, “I didn’t do anything I swear.”

The detective said, “Then why did you drive off.”

Jack said, “I wanted to go get the last turkey.”

The detective said, “oh dam, I didn’t get it either. You’re coming with me.” 

The detective took Jack to his office.

The detective said, “Start talking, did you steal the missing ingredient.”

Jack said, “I didn’t steal anything, I bought it.”

The detective said, Were you in Margareta’s line when she was on the phone.”

Jack will said, “No I didn't check my phone call history, you’ll find nothing.” The detective checked the phone history and he saw nothing.

The detective said, “Who did you buy it from?”

Jack will said, “I don’t know his name.” the detective showed him a picture and asked, “Is that him.”

Jack will said, “Yeah that’s the guy.”

Then the detective said, “it all makes sense now, he wants the bakery for himself and he can only have it if……” the detective rushed out of his office heading back to Margareta’s house.

Back in Margareta’s house she was cooking dinner when Alfredo entered the room.

Margareta said, “Oh Alfredo you’re just in time, dinner’s almost ready. Please set up the table.” Alfredo took out a gun and said, “NO!!!!” Margareta turned around and saw him with a gun.

Margareta said, “Alfredo, where did you get that that’s dangerous.”

Alfredo said, ``Just shut up, I’m fed up with you I’m not your little puppet.”

Margareta said, “What’s gotten into you, you don’t know what you’re saying.”

Alfredo said, “I don’t want anything to do with you, this bakery was meant to be mine, you took everything and I was just a puppet you could use.”

Margareta said, “What do you want with the bakery?”

Alfredo said, “Well what do you think, it may be old but still worth lots of money plus the cookbook.”

Margareta said, “They won’t buy without the secret ingredient.”

Alfredo said, “Don’t you get it yet, I stole it, I sold it and when you’re dead all this will be mine, I’ll have a fresh start and live my life.” Just as Alfredo was about to shoot Margareta, detective Bruce came in and said, “Put your hands up, it’s over.” Alfredo dropped the gun, and when the detective got close to arresting him and Alfreedo took out the pocket knife and stabbed the detective, Margareta picked up the gun and shot Alfredo.

Alfredo said, “You (coughing) shot me.” Margareta dropped the gun and fell in tears, and she said, “I didn’t mean to, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to.”

Detective bruce still had some strength, he called an ambulance, when the ambulance came it was too late, Alfredo and detective bruce both died, bruce used his last strength to write a note explaining that Margareta was innocent, so they let her go.

Margareta reclaimed the secret ingredient that rightfully hers, she also won the baking competition, and actually grew her bakery, her bakery was known all over france, it grew so much that she had enough money to make enough bakery to give out to her neighbours for free, it truly was a wonderful Christmas.

The end.

December 08, 2020 11:54

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