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Mystery Romance Funny

Tim was walking inside an apartment building to see his friend. Last time they saw each other was when they both got detention. All he did was tell the teacher that she was wrong. He walked inside to see his best friend waiting in the lobby. 

" Hi, Tim." Conner said happily 

Conner was in detention for beating up a guy who tried to force a girl to go out with him. 

" Hey Conner. I thought you would be in your apartment." Tim said. 

“ Yeah, I was but I got bored. So we’re taking the stairs.” Conner said asking him. Tim thought about it and shook his head. 

“ Nah, lets take the elevator this time. What would go wrong.” Tim said climbing to the elevator. Conner smiled nervously and walked onto the elevator. Conner pressed the button to his floor and the elevator went up. Tim stood there calmly while Conner looked a little scared. 

“ What’s wrong?” Tim asked looking at him. 

“ Oh, nothing really. It’s just that people say that in this elevator a girl died and if you disrespect her, she will come and make the elevator stop.” Conner said a little scared. Tim rolled his eyes. 

“ Come on, you believe that crap. It’s just another ghost story. Not real.” Tim said laughing. Conner looked at him. Conner knew what was gonna happen next. 

“ Hey ghost lady, if you were so real then why don’t you come and do something. You stupid ghost.” Tim shouted. Conner gasped in fear. 

“ Stop it Tim, you’re gonna regret that.” Conner said pushing him. Right when Conner pushed him, the elevator shook to a stop the the lights cut off. The emergency light lit up and the little elevator turned red. 

“ What is wrong with you. Why would you say that.” Conner yelled at Tim. Tim scoffed and rolled his eyes. 

“ Calm down. It was probably the momentum of you pushing me that made it stop.” Tim said calming his friend. Conner looked at him. Conner never thought he would say this, but Tim looked beautiful in this lighting. Conner suddenly felt butterflies in his stomach. Tim was walking around looking for an emergency phone. Conner stared at him. Tim noticed this and sighed. 

“ You gonna help or continuing staring.” Tim said a little annoyed. 

“ Huh? Oh yea. I’ll help” Conner said quick. Tim smiled and looked at him. 

“ Hey, we’re gonna be okay. They’ll get us out soon enough.” Tim said putting a hand on his shoulder. Conner nodded. Tim walked back to the buttons. Conner didn’t know what to do. 

An hour passed by and both Tim and Conner were sitting in the dark. Conner looked at Tim. He had beautiful light baby blue eyes and pale skin. He doesn’t sleep so he has dark circles. He was sitting looking at the ceiling. Conner admires his friend. Conner always has a crush on his friend. Tim was sweet, smart and tough. Conner always liked him but he didn’t know if Tim was into boys. Yes, boys would ask him out but he would always decline them nicely. Conner wished he was as popular as Tim. Tim could get anyone he wanted. Conner got up and sat next to him.  

“ Yea?” Tim asked facing him. 

“ Oh, nothing I just thought I could sit next to you.” Conner said looking away. 

“ Oh yea it’s okay. I was just thinking.” Tim said looking up. Conner though it could be his moment to confess his feelings. 

“ Hey Tim I-“ Conner was cut off the the sound of metal hitting. Tim got up and walked over to the source to see a rock. The rock has fallen from the ceiling. Tim picked it out and there was a note. 

“ Hey, this rock has a note.” Tim said walking over to Conner and sat in front of him. Conner took the rock and read it. 

“ Its says Sorry.” Conner said confused. 

“ And?” Tim asked leaning closely to Conner. Conner blushed of how close Tim was. 

“ No that’s it. It Just says Sorry.” Conner responded Tim sat right next to him. Conner moves a little closer. 

“ Weird.” Tim said. He looked over to where the rock fell from. 

“ There must be a hole to where the rock fell. But there isn’t.” Tim said thinking out loud. Conner sighed and set the rock down. 

Another hour went by and there was no sign of anyone looking for them. There was no service so they couldn’t call anyone. Conner was leaning against the wall while Tim leaned on him. Conner took a deep breath. Conner shifted and Tim woke up. He sat up and looked at Conner. 

“ Were still in here?” Tim said rubbing his eyes. Conner nodded. Tim stayed looking at Conner. Conner took his shot and quickly kissed Tim. Tim sat there with his mouth open. 

“ Omg, I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have done that. It’s just that I’ve had a crush on you since we met and I just thought-“ before Conner could continue he was stopped by a familiar set of lips. Conner was shocked that Tim kissed him, but quickly kissed back. They stayed like that for a while before Conner moved to be on top. Tim broke the kiss. 

“ Let’s find a way out.” Tim said laying on the ground. Conner nodded and got up. Tim followed. Conner stood there awkwardly. So did Tim. 

“ So are we gonna talk about what happened.” Conner asked. 

“ Yea. Conner, I never told anyone but I’m gay. That’s why men ask me. So when I met you, I thought I finally found the right person for me. So I befriended you and I grew to love you. I like you. A lot.” Tim explained while looking for a way out. 

“ I like you too. And I always-“ 

“ Wait. I know.” Tim said totally cutting off Conner. 

“ What? Know what.” Conner asked confused. 

“ How to get out. Look if your legend is true then maybe we could say sorry and they’ll let us out.” Tim said happily. 

“ Okay so let’s try.” Conner said. 

“ Spirit, I’m sorry if I offended you.” Tim said loudly. Suddenly the lights came back and the elevator started moving. 

“ Omg yes!” Tim said he hugged Conner and kissed him. Conner smiled and kissed back. Tim pulled away and stood there. 

“ Tim, would you go out him me. Tomorrow. At 6pm.” Conner asked nervously. Tim looked at him and smiled. 

“ I’ll love you go with you” Tim said and they kissed as the elevator doors opened. Conner led Tim to his apartment. He opened the door and closed it. He locked it and Tim immediately kissed him again. They both went to the bedroom and stuff happened. 

The End. 

September 05, 2020 06:20

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1 comment

Ariadne .
18:41 Sep 15, 2020

Haha, that abrupt ending had me giggling (not that it was funny, just something about the wording tickled me). Great work! Please review my story when you have time! Thanks! :)


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