
I just don't love you anymore, River. I don't feel the spark we had." That was the last thing his ex, Blake, had said to him before she left him for good. River loved this girl. He believed she was the love of his life. He was devastated to lose her, the poor guy stayed indoors for weeks. Not eating much, sleeping a lot, couldn't even bring himself to do what he loved. He grew very depressed. One of his friends called him to check on him, "Hey man, haven't seen you in a while. Are you okay?" came the deep voice on the other line. "Yeah, I'm okay, Bryce. I just miss Blake. A lot." he replied. "Come on man, you can't stay hung up on that girl forever. Look, I know you loved her, but what you need right now is some guy time. The rest of the boys and I are going to a football game later, you should come. I think it'll be good for you." Silence came from Rivers' end of the phone. "River?" Still silence. "Dude, you there??" Bryce was starting to get worried until Rivers' voice came across the other line again. "Huh? Oh sorry, I'm here. Got lost in thought. Um, yeah, I'll come to the game with you guys. You're right, it would get my mind off Blake." "Awesome! I'm so glad to hear that man! I'll see you soon, okay?" "For sure Bryce. I'll see you soon." The conversation ended there and River got out of bed. Maybe this will be good for me. I haven't been outside the house in weeks. With that thought, he starts getting ready for the football game. He puts on his Dolphins jersey to show his spirit, along with some jeans. His phone rings again, It's Blake. 

Shit, do I answer it? I can't just keep letting the phone ring. Aw, fuck it. "Hello?" "Um hey, River. It's-" "Yeah, I know who it is, Blake. I haven't deleted your contact." He replies, cutting her off. "Oh..." She doesn't speak for a moment. "Look, River, I'm sorry. I regret leaving you. I made a mistake." Suddenly another man's voice is heard in the background. "Babe, who you talking to?" He asks Blake while kissing her neck. "You are unbelievable, Blake. You regret leaving me, do you? Why don't you tell your new boyfriend that then?" River snaps. "No, River wait!" He could hear the pain in her voice, but he didn't know what to believe. Did she really miss him, or was she playing with his emotions? "What, Blake?" "Who's River?" Came the voice of the other guy. "Listen, Frankie, you and I aren't gonna work out. River is my ex and..." River goes quiet and the only sound is Blake and Frankie. "And what?! Do you still love him? Is that what you're telling me you little bitch?" Suddenly there's a loud bang. It sounds like Blake was pushed against something. River instantly reacts and asks, "Blake! Are you okay?!" "Stay out of this, punk. It doesn't concern you." Comes Frankie on the other side. "Answer me, whore! You wanna crawl back to your wannabe hero of an ex?" Blake gasps for air and barely manages to say, "L-let me go. I don't w-wanna be with you." River could tell she was crying. "Blake? Hold on, I'm coming to save you, okay?" Blake couldn't say anything anymore, but she knew River was coming for her. Fuck, where are my keys? They gotta be here somewhere. Damn it I don't have time for this! He bangs his fists on the table and suddenly everything freezes. Even time is still now. Woah, did I just do that? Holy shit! I just froze time! This is insane. Focus River, now you have more time to save Blake before that abusive bastard kills her. River, finally finding his keys, jumps in his car and slams the door shut. He begins rushing over to Blakes' house, knowing nothing and nobody can stop him. 

With time still frozen, River runs up to Blakes' door and busts it open, rushing up the stairs. One by one, he slams each door open looking for his first love. "BLAKE!" He yells, remembering she can't respond. Oh shit, I forgot everything and everyone is still frozen. He slams open one last door and right before his eyes Frankie stands, holding Frankie up against the wall by her throat. River nearly breaks into tears as he runs over to Blake and pushes Frankie off of her. He jumps on top of Frankie and starts punching him until he bleeds. How do you like it, huh? I hope you wake up in pain. You abusive piece of shit. You don't deserve anyone. River picks up Blake and brings her to his car, carefully laying her in the backseat of his car. Everything's gonna be okay, I promise my love. He sped home and laid Blake on the couch. Now I gotta unfreeze time. How'd I do it before? Oh, right! River bangs his fists on the counter again and time continues. "H-huh? W-where am I?" "Blake! You're okay!" River says in tears. Suddenly his phone rings. It's Bryce, but he ignores it. "River? How'd I get here? And who was that on the phone?" Blake asks slowly sitting up. River sits next to her. "It was just Bryce. If I told you how you got here, you wouldn't believe me." "Try me. Also, what did Bryce want?" "I was supposed to go to a football game with them earlier today. It was the same time you called me." "Oh okay. Now explain how I got here?" "Okay, okay. But I'm telling you, you're gonna think I'm crazy. I can freeze time by clapping, or banging my fists on something. I froze time, and I saved you from Frankie." Silence fills the room for a minute or two. "Thank you. Thank you so much, River. I truly am sorry for ever leaving you." Blake clings to River, crying into his shoulder. He comforts her by rubbing her back and holding her. "Hey, it's okay. I got you now. You're always safe with me, my love." She cries harder and he kisses the top of her head. "I got you, forever and always." She sits back as he wipes her tears and kisses her. "I love you, Blake. I always have, I always will, and that will never change." After a crazy day, River and Blake relax, cuddling on the couch. Bryce calls again and this time River answers it. "What Bryce?" "Woah, easy man. I was just calling to check up on you. Why'd you bail today?" He asks. "I didn't mean to bail, honest. Blake called and-" "Oh, Blake called. I see. You're so hung up on this girl that you'd rather be with her than with us. I see how it is, River." "Do you, Bryce. Did you know she was in an abusive relationship? Did you know she called me because she needed help? Did you really see how it was, Bryce?" Silence. Blake shuffles slightly in River's lap and mumbles. "I-I'm sorry. I had no idea. I-is she okay?" Bryce stutters. "It's fine, just don't assume what you don't know. Anyway, she's safe now and Frankie's in jail for being abusive." "Good, he deserves it." "Hell yeah, he does. Thanks for checking on me, I appreciate it." "Anytime. That's what friends are for, right?" "You know it, bro. I'll talk to you later. Gotta keep an eye on my girl." "Alright, peace out man."

From that point on, River became a hero and a happy guy. He used his time-freezing powers to his advantage, sending many abusive people to jail and saving many living things. He stopped fires from spreading, saved people from falling, stopped suicides. He became the hero of the world and Blakes' heart. Everybody loved him. He re-lived the memories of saving Blake and all the romantic things they did. River was never happier. He's with the love of his life, and the hero of the world, and that's the story of The Time Stopping Lover.

March 07, 2020 22:08

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