“A journey through a magical portal”

Submitted into Contest #38 in response to: Write a story about someone who finds a magical portal in their home. ... view prompt



      During the World War 2, a family of Mackivers sends their only 12 years old son Jon Mackiver far from their country. There Jon was staying with a group of children. The owner of that house was an old man. The old man had a wife and was a bit scary. So, all the children used to fear the old lady.

     Jon never got along with other children. So, he used to roam here and there. One day some of the children asked Jon to play with them. Jon got a little bit surprised. But he decided to play with them. While they were playing, he accidently broke a vas, which was very dear to the old lady. He got scared and decided to hide from the old lady. The house had a big attic. He decided to hide in the there. The room was dark. There he saw a weird mirror.

    It was very big. He wanted to find more about it. So, he started holding it in many ways. Suddenly, the mirror started glowing, he became scared but due to his enthusiasm he came close to the mirror. He saw something strange in that mirror. He saw a forest in the mirror. He thought it was his imagination. Being enthusiastic he touched the mirror and something unexpected happened. The mirror was none other than a portal. The mirror took Jon to a world which he never knew before. It was both amazing and surprising to Jon!

     He had no idea what was happening. After a while he came to another world he that had never seen before. It was a BIG FOREST! A few moments later he got himself together. He started to find out more. He started to look around and saw some beautiful flowers beside a beautiful river. “BUT HOW?” he asked himself. He had no idea where he was going. There he saw a girl singing. She had a very beautiful voice. He got curious to see the girl. So, he went near the girl but being hidden behind a tree. The girl noticed him. She got afraid and was about to run away.

     In that moment, Jon stopped her. He convinced her that he was no other than a traveler. He asked the girl, “What is your name and where did you come from?” The girl got a little bit suspicious but still told him her name. She said, “My name is Revia and what is your name, where did you come from?” He replied “My name is Jon. I came from a distant place.” It was getting late. She wanted to return to her village. Jon asked her if he could go with her because he had no place to spend the night. Revia told Jon that she could take him but he needs the permission of the village chief. Jon insisted her to take him to the village chief. Revia took him to the village chief.

     Seeing Jon, the village chief got a little bit surprised. The village chief asked, “Where did you come from? You don’t seem to be familiar.” Jon said that his name is Jon and he came from a distant place. While, talking with the village chief he somehow managed to pursue him. The village chief said, “It’s late. We should talk tomorrow.” The next day when Jon got up from his bed he was totally surprised as he was seeing something unusual. He saw some men who were not really men but some weird people. Some of them had long ears, some had big foots and some were normal people.

    He was really astonished to see that. He asked Revia about it. Revia said that they were ‘Envirils’. “ENVIRILS! I never knew someone like that really exists.” While talking with Revia, the village chief came and told Jon to come with him. Jon went with the village chief. After getting a little bit far from the village he asked Jon, “WHERE DID YOU REALLY COME FROM?” Jon got startled. He said “I know you didn’t come from anywhere here. You’re not even from this world, are you?” Jon understood that it was better to say the truth to him. So, he told everything to the chief. The village chief was surprised. He told Jon that it would be better if he had return to his world.

    Jon also thought that it would be better to be off. He said to the village chief, “Okay, I’ll return but I would like to stay here for a while, if it’s okay with you.” The village chief said he was okay with it but he has to keep his identity a secret. Then both of them returned to village. The next day was a sunny day. Revia took Jon to the river. The river was so beautiful that Jon couldn’t move his eyes from it. There were crystals beside the river. They were mesmerizing. Jon asked Revia, “What are these stones?” Revia said it was ‘Geminine’. While talking about the stone they felt someone’s presence. Jon asked Revia if she could feel the same. Revia told him, “That might be a mystical creature. There often seen in this forest.”

   After that they went to a mountain. It was named as ‘The mountain of Ignis Grando’ (Which means the mountain of fire and ice). The mountain had two completely different portions. One side was full of snow and other one was so volcanic. On each side, he saw different kind of birds. On the side of the cold, had beautiful blue ice birds and the fiery side had red glittering birds. He was so amazed to see these unusual things. While moving up, the weather got a bit hazy. He wasn’t able to see things properly. All on a sudden Jon and Revia got separated. Because everywhere was hazy they couldn’t find each other. He didn’t stop moving forward (Though he could barely see a thing). He was going on and on. Suddenly he slipped and somehow fell down from the mountain.

     When he got back his consciousness, he found himself lying on a bed. He was feeling a bit headache. He realized that he was at the old man’s house. “Did I come back to my world?” Jon said. Then the old man came in the room. He asked Jon what he was doing in the attic. He also said that he was there the whole night. By looking at Jon’s face, the old man said what you did was wrong (The old man was referring to the vase that Jon had broken) but you didn’t have to hide yourself there. “I saw a dream last night” Jon said (Though he thought that all the things that happened to him, was real). “A dream, what did you see?” the old man said. “You wouldn’t believe me if I even say it to you” Jon said. “Tell me, I’ll listen to you” the old man said (Though it seemed Jon was dreaming but the whole journey would always be a mystery to him because he would never know whether he could go back to his dream again).


                                                                                                                                       THE END      


April 22, 2020 10:48

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