Fantasy Mystery Adventure

A gush of wind blasts by, "well... what is it?" asked a voice almost completely muted by the howling of the wind.

"I don't know. Is it some kind of animal?" asked another.

The wind continued to howl, and the sound of snow crunching, could be heard from a few feet away.

"What the hell are you guys doing outside in this weather?", said a deep voice.

"Hey, Dante. What is this thing?" asked the beginning voice.

"What is wha-," there was a pause, intentionally would never be known, "its a human," said the deep voce almost sounding scared.

"A what?" asked the beginning voice. With the calm of the wind, the voice could be heard more clearly, and from the sound of it, it was a woman speaking.

"Oh, a human. I've heard of those in History class. My teacher told me that they were dangerous and really violent. They uh- they destroyed their planet a couple hundred years back right?" This voice was different, it was obviously woman like, but no one could tell, even from looking at her, what age she was.

"Yeah. I though they went extinct. At least that's what I've been told," said Dante with a confused expression. "Maria, what's that in it's hand?"

The woman like voice, Maria, moved forward to get a closer look at a shiny object wrapped in the dark, ebony fingers of the human, and reached to pick it up.

At the touch of it's skin, to pry their fingers open, Maria jumped at the sight of their fading, brown eyes.

"What! What happened, why'd you jump?" asked Dante, who soon after followed with fear.

"Look!" yelled the beginning voice, Lily. They watched as the ebony human sat up, face frozen in a fearful expression. It's head turned towards Dante, and later towards Maria. The human's face changed, bearing a sinister look and once again back to agitation, but this change was followed with a deafening scream, that forced Lily, Maria, and Dante to cover their ears, with their mitted hands.

"Ugh, she's so loud!" yelled Lily over the wind's howl and the human's screech.

With a sudden stop in screaming, the snow stopped falling, the wind stopped howling and the human fell back to her original position.

"What in the world just happened?" asked Dante, backing up little by little.

"I- I don't know. Should we help it?" Maria asked, wiping tears from her eyes.

"Stop calling her an 'it'," argued Lily.

Maria and Dante looked at her in confusion.

"Why? Compared to our planet, she's an alien," chuckled Dante.

"Okay and your point is? She is obviously a woman. Look, her wooly like hair is long, and she has really soft skin."

"You just described Dante, Lily," and with that remark, Dante slapped her in the back of her head.

"Would both of you stop? Look," Lily picked up the shiny object they noticed earlier. It was a locket.

She opened it and a whole batch of light shot out, almost blinding the trio.

"Ugh, close it!" Yelled Dante, rubbing his eyes along with Maria.

"Sorry, but didn't you hear what it was saying?" Asked Lily.

"No. I was too busy protecting my eyesight from being taken," scolded Maria.

"I'm gonna open it again. Cover your eyes, and just listen," pleaded Lily, and Maria shrugged, giving Dante the okay to follow.

Lily first closed her eyes and once again opened the locket. It was still bright even with the darkness behind the eyelid, but now they could hear the voices singing from the locket:

Become blind to our light,

And heed these words

The new moon is her beginning,

It was because of the curse.

The color in her eyes fade as

Her connection to the moon grows


Bring her to the woman making,

The path to a whole new turn,

For she cannot wait for revenge any


The singing stopped and the locket suddenly shut.

The trio opened their eyes and Lily suddenly gasped. "Where'd it go?!" She dropped down into the snow, and began digging through it. Her hands becoming pale, she touched something hard. Almost metal-like.

She knew it wasn't the locket, but she still was curious to know what it was after all. She wrapped her palm around the round, metal object and tried to pull up but she struggled indefinitely, since her arms were extremely small and slim.

"Oh move, you weakling," said Dante, pushing Lily out of the way.

Watching in the snow, Lily and Maria made a face in awe at the fact that Dante pulled the object up so easily, but were more intrigued by what came up with the metal.

It was a box. The handle, mentioned as metal but looked rusted. The outer layer, was dark brown, with a silver lining around the opening and leading into the back.

"Where did you pull that from?" Asked Maria, walking towards the box.

"Right he-, hey where'd the hole go!?" Yelled Dante surprised.

"It's like nothing was even there," the trio looked at where a hole should be, but only say a box like outline in the snow.

"Wait, guys come look at this," Lily announced as she lifted the box and saw a light brown cutout of what, she thought the be some kind of message, but was soon disappointed to find out they were simply scratch marks.

"Can we go now?" Asked Dante, "I don't want my dad, getting suspicious of where I am. You guys, already know how he is." Dante gave Maria a pleading look, but Lily ignored it and went back to the human.

Bending down, she reached to touch the woman again.

"STOP! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?" Yelled Maria. "Don't you remember what happened last time I touched her?".

Ignoring her words, Lily once again touched the woman, but this time more carefully. The human's eyes once again opened but they did not scare Lily, like they did Maria.

"Take me to her," in a raspy, almost inaudible voice, the ebony human spoke.

"Wait, say that again?" Lily moved her ears closer, and watching in fear, Maria and Dante began to back away slowly.

"Take me to the woman, the one that can make a new path for me."

The human was shaking in her laying position, for she had on no coat, no pants, no shoes. The only cover she had was a worn out shirt, that was meant to cover her breasts, but failed. For the sides could still be seen.

"Lily, let's go," demanded Dante.

"Why?" Asked Lily.

"Because it's talking about my mother. The one who makes paths is my mother. She doesn't make paths anymore, sorry," Dante began to walk off and grabbed Maria to follow.

"You liar." Said Lily, glaring at Dante with a guilty look on his face. "our mother left you father in order to help more humans and you're just bitter because that other human girl that was found, didn't like you the way you liked her, and suddenly disappeared," Lily finger quoted.

"She did disappear," Dante scolded, with a mean look on his face.

"Oh shut up, everyone in the village knows that you sent you father's guards to kill her," Lily dramatically made gestures with her arms. "You have no right in this. Go ahead and tell your father about the human, I will take this human to your mother and there is no way you can stop me," Lily responded, helping the human sit up, who was now feeling the snow in her right palm, while still intensely gripping Lily's hand.

"I did not," Dante walked towards Lily, "Listen you brat, Ferra was everything to me and I respected her decision about not wanting to be with me. But you're just jealous because you liked her as well, and she saw nothing in you!" Shouted Dante, grabbing Lily by her coat's collar.

"Guys stop!" Yelled Maria, she began quivering and held back tears.

"Shut up Maria!" Said Lily, "If you call respect murder, then I SHOULD MURDER YOUR FATHER RIGHT?!" Yelled Lily, and Dante raised a hand to slap Lily, but before he could get any power to throw it, a hand grabbed his wrist and he froze.

He turned his head to the left and shock ran through his body, "Let go of me, you vile human!"

"Let go of Lily," she whispered, but even with her soft spoken words, Dante still trembled at her presence.

"Who are you? Do you know who I am? I'm-"

"Dante Forene. The son of Ruther a.k.a "Ruthless" Forene, the murderer of my people."

"Let me go!" Dante snatched his hand away, at this point he had let go of Lily, "My father is no murderer, you liar. I will have you killed," Dante raged, not even realizing he's proving their point.

"Dante what is she talking about?" Asked Maria concerned.

"I don- I don't know. She's lying! My father never killed anyone!"

"Who are you?" Lily asked the human, now recognizing how tall she truly is.

"The beginning of something revolutionary," said the tall human relaxing.

"Let's get out of here. You better hope I don't see your face ever again or else I'll have you killed, you hear me?" Dante demanded. "Humans aren't welcome on our planet, that's why we endanger your existence," Dante whispered under his breath, grabbing Maria once again, who innocently followed.

"Grab that box Lily." The woman softly said, gesturing to the dark color in the snow.

The human watched as Dante and Maria were out of sight.

"What even is it?" Asked Lily, curiously watching the human's every move.

"Everything I need," she took her finger and placed it in her mouth, and within the same second, bit down and blood sprayed everywhere, with a little landing on Lily's coat.

"What the hell! Why'd you do that?" Yelled Lily.

"The only way to open the box is with the connector's blood," the human took her red stained finger and slid it across a rough patch, Lily only noticed after bringing the box to the human.

"Woah," Lily said astonished at everything inside the box.

The box was filled with many things, that seemed really important to the human. Clothes to cover her body, shoes to wear on her feet, but what really made Lily think everything going on was a dream, was the sight of a knife, that looked similar to the one's sold at their local weapon shop.

"Is that a human's knife?" Asked Lily intrigued.

"Is that what they call it?" The human scoffed, "this is a Vendetta knife." She picked it up, and to Lily's surprise, it was larger than she had anticipated it to be.

"Vendetta? You have a vendetta against someone?" Lily began to back up terrified.

"Lily, it's not against you, this is for Ruthless, the man that destroyed my planet."


"Your King Ruther."

"I- I-" Lily stuttered but then sighed. "I'm not even surprised. There have been a lot of murders lately involving innocent humans. The last one to live here was me and Dante's age, but she mysteriously disappeared," Lily once again finger quoted.

"Ha, yeah that's why I'm here. That human was my sister, Ferra. We lived here in the snow for some time but then she met that boy Dante and never came back until I found her blood and locket in the snow a couple years back. I didn't want to but I went into the village to avenge her the first time but Ruthless fought against me and set a bounty for my head." She paused for a second, looking down at the locket Lily dropped.

"What happened? How come you were laying there in the middle of the snow with no clothes?" Asked Lily.

"A witch found me, and cursed me. But I don't think she wanted me to die, she negotiated with me. She allowed me to live if I did not come back to reek havoc on the village. I agreed and gave up. But I sensed she still didn't trust my word and I was right," finished the human.

"What did she do?"

"She ripped my clothes from my body, and then she set a curse on me to lay like the dead, until someone found me again, then made the weather dangerous so that no one would find me. I screamed while the curse stiffened my body, which is why I screeched after your friend touched me. Sorry about that," she chuckled.

Lily chuckled along with her but soon stopped.

"What's wrong?" asked the human.

"Can I stay with you?"

"Why would you ask that? Do you not have parents?"

"No, they died in the crossfire of the war between our planets."

"I'm sorry that happened to you, but why would you want to stay with me? Have you not realized I'm going to murder your king?"

"I want to help, he is the reason for my parent's death, and I will never forgive him."

"Well then okay," the human smiled, "But I need you to go back to your village and pack your stuff to leave, so that after we can go see the woman that creates paths."

"Why? Can't I just stay with you?" Asked Lily, wiping blood off her coat.

"Well, that would be the easiest way, but your little murderer of a friend is gong to tell his dad about me, so if they don't see you back, they will assume I killed or kidnaped you, and we don't want that do we?" Said the human with a convincing look on her face.

The point the human made, made Lily nod her head in agreement.

"Okay so then, I'll pack and say I'm moving to the next village. I'll have to get fired from my job at the restaurant first to really sell it though."

The human nodded her head and got up after finishing with the box.

"What now?" Asked Lily looking up to the human.

"You go now," the human took what looked like a key and wiped her blood across it and threw it into the snow. " When you finish convincing everyone you're leaving, you need to come back here and find the frosted flower. Pick it and wipe your blood across one of it's petals."

A door appeared and she opened it, along with a frosted pink flower now growing in the snow.


The human turned around.

"What's your name?" Asked Lily.

"Nemoa." The human smiled and turned back towards the door, the golden light almost blinding Lily. The light made Lily feel warmer than she did her entire time in the snow, and relaxed her. It felt welcoming and safe, like a mother's hug to her crying child. The door closed and Lily turned to walk back to the village with a new sight in life.

"New moon. Is that what the king meant by 'under the new moon, will be a revolution'?"

August 26, 2020 23:54

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