Coming of Age Fiction High School


‘Mummy, how old were you when you went to Shebbear College?’

‘I was sixteen darling, but Uncle Jimmy went to Shebbear at the same age as you.’

‘Do they have lots of toys?’

‘yes, lots of lovely toys and lots of lovely fields for you to run around.’

‘yay.’ George then continued to play with his paw patrol toys in the back of the car.

Rebecca’s husband Glenn turned to her, ‘you're very quiet…for a change.’

‘Ha! Yes, my tummy feels a bit odd. I guess I feel a bit nervous which is strange. All those thoughts and feelings of being sixteen and the first time I came to do a tour of the school.’.

‘Do you remember much about it?’

‘I do actually. I remember everything. I was at St Joseph's convent school and as they didn’t have a sixth form, had to look around for sixth form options. Lots of my friends had mentioned Shebbear but what had really interested me was the thought of all those boys.

‘What a floosy’

‘Shhh. I know. I was desperate for a bit of male interaction after being in single sex education for 5 years. A friend at school, Sarah suggested I sit an entrance exam as at the time they were giving very generous discounts especially to girls as they had until recently been a boy's college.’

Before that mum took me over to have a tour of the school. I remember walking into the refectory and smelling something revolting but then being pleasantly surprised by the sea of boys sat down and having what looked like a raucous conversation.’

‘well I bet they were excited at the thought of fresh totty.’

‘Ha. Not at all. I was…how to put it. Not looking my finest. I was a bit plump and I think I was wearing something hideous and frumpy so I don’t think they even noticed.’

‘I'm sure you're just being hard on yourself.’

‘I'm really not. I met the headmaster, Mr. Buley who was lovely. He had a very kind face, and I was so impressed that he seemed to know everything about me.’

‘Good morning, Rebecca and Good morning Mrs. Vickerstaff. We are so pleased you are here. Our Thorne House Captain Dave is going to give you a tour and then I’ll make some coffee for your return. Enjoy.’

‘Hi’ Rebecca said very quietly to Dave who was very tall with a ruddy face.

‘Hi Rebecca. Where are you at school?’

‘St Jo’s convent school.’

‘Ooh the girl's convent. Gosh, I’ve heard some stories.’

Rebecca blushed and then showed her and her mum around the sixth form rooms. Rebecca loved the layout of the study room upstairs as each of the desks were positioned for quite a bit of privacy and she loved the communal area with a nice pool table, sofas and TV and music system.

‘We do actually do some work as well.’ Looking to Rebecca’s mum.

‘I believe you. Ha.’ Replied Rebecca’s mum. Nice to have a space to have a breather.

Dave was from a farming family and Rebecca couldn’t believe how confident he was throwing in the odd joke. ‘This is quad, it's called quad because there are four sides.

‘I’m glad you told me.’ Said Rebecca with a smirk.

At the end of the tour, Dave said ‘It was lovely to meet you both and hope to see you in September.’

‘Yes you too.’

‘Goodness what a lovely chap. He liked you.’ Said Rebecca’s mum.

‘oh, I doubt it mother.’

They returned to the headmaster’s study and enjoyed a cup of coffee and a chat with Mr Buley who did his sales pitch on the academic credence of the school but also the pastoral excellence.

‘You see when you’re looked at Oxford or Cambridge Rebecca, they will be looking at the whole person and I believe a school such as shebbear will arm you with opportunities and qualities that Cambridge or Oxford are looking for. I know, I'm biased being a Kings College Cambridge man.

Rebecca left her mum to discuss finances with Mr Buley and had a wonder around the school again looking intrigued by it all. The space felt so inviting and she felt so excited at the prospect of a fresh start at a new school. She had spent most of her five years at st josephs consumed by her academic studies and it had paid off. She finished up in the top three for each subject, but she felt this had come at a price. She hadn't

invested any energies in anything extra-curricular including friendships and she was ready for a fresh start.

Rebecca and Glenn drove into the reception car park. Ringing the bell they were greeted by a very perky school secretary. ‘hello I'm Emily. I spoke to you on the phone. How lovely to meet you.’

‘yes, and you’

‘And this must be gorgeous George.’

George shyly hid behind his mum.

‘He'll warm up in a bit.’

‘Well please do come in.’

‘May I get you both a coffee? The Head whom I believe you know is just on the phone and will be with you in a moment.’

‘No were fine thanks.’

‘Good morning Mr. and Mrs. McCaffrey and I understand this is George.’

A very familiar voice prompted Rebecca to turn her head immediately.

‘Dave! Aah darling how are you? Goodness what am I thinking I mean Mr. Beer.’

‘Am I allowed to hug parents?’

‘Oh yes come here!’

Rebecca and Dave were so excited to see each other.

‘And this is my husnand Glenn and our son, George.’

‘Good morning Mr McCaffrey. A pleasure to meet you both. Gosh aren't you the spit of your mum!'

‘How are you, Dave? How long has it been? Goodness Shebbear is lucky to have you.’

‘Yes, good thanks, my wife and our three boys moved back to Devon to help mum and dad on the farm and then this opportunity came up. It’s wonderful being back.’

‘I would usually stick with tradition and ask one of the house captains to give you a tour but as its you. There may be a few surprises along the way.’


‘And George, we may have a few surprises for you and a few toys to play with while mummy and daddy talk to the reception teacher.’

‘Yay toys.’ George said with such glee.

Dave and Glenn got on like a house on fire and they both enjoyed teasing Rebecca when they came across old netball photos or photos where she had taken the lead in several plays throughout the two years.

‘Did you actually do any work hun?’

‘A bit but I did have a lot of fun.’

‘you’re like Jason Schwartzman character in Rushmore.’ It was all about the extra-curriculars for him.'

‘There are a lot of extracurricular activities on offer for George.

‘And this is quad.’

‘Darling, did you know that it's because it has four sides?’ Rebecca gave Dave a wink, 'sorry Dave, I mean Mr. Beer. I ruined your punchline.'

‘Wow yes I can see all that private education really paid off?’ Glenn said cheekily.


 To be continued...

January 22, 2024 12:30

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Jody S
22:14 Jan 24, 2024

I like how the story moves on at a lovely clip and how the dialogue moves it forward. I see it's marked draft, so I won't bog you down with typos/cap/lc issues. A couple of things need clarified or perhaps they will be in pre-materials: 1. Our Thorne House Captain Dave --is he a student or adult--perhaps it is me not knowing the term House Captain 2. I don't get the joke and how it relates to Dave being from a farming family, so I am guessing it is a regional one: Dave was from a farming family and Rebecca couldn’t believe how confident h...


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Alexis Araneta
07:27 Jan 23, 2024

Another adorable one, Rebecca !


Rebecca Detti
14:03 Jan 23, 2024

oh thank you so much Stella!


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Mary Bendickson
20:16 Jan 22, 2024

Best of the new school to you.


Rebecca Detti
14:03 Jan 23, 2024

thanks so much Mary!


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Trudy Jas
20:04 Jan 22, 2024

Always love the way you write. So easy, so much fun. Almost (not quite, but almost) wish I could go back to "sixth form". No, actually, I don't want to do that again. LOL


Rebecca Detti
14:04 Jan 23, 2024

oh thank you Trudy, you are so kind. I know, I couldn't relive them either! too much angst!


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