Fantasy Mystery Romance

One afternoon it was raining really heavy outside. A mysterious man walked down the side walk with no umbrella and suddenly disappears. Later on as it began to get dark. It was a blue house on the corner of this reserved neighborhood. But she always kept her windows opened so you could see everything. Minutes later the guy from earlier appears in the shadows. In seconds the power goes out on the street. And he just stares up the road with a flashlight. In the darkness of the street. The lady yells help!! Very loudly we suddenly heard gun shots maybe two round offs. And it suddenly got really quiet and the lights came back on. So a little girl ran really fast down the street to see what happened and she picked up a letter the mysterious man left behind. It read '' Susie my love, I'm sorry I had to murder you, but you was going to leave me", So I had to be selfish and take your life while I take mines as I walk away from your bloody body. I used darkness so you wouldn't see my face but you felt it was me as I cut your throat open hearing the snap of your veins in your neck colasps the more thrill I became with taking you away from here we will meet again. By the time the cops come I'll be long gone and your body will have death fragrance in the air. I watched you every night in the shadows of your windows which you love being so open and freely which I always loved that about you. Until one day I heard you talk to a guy on the phone about meeting up. Rage build inside of me. So I had to get rid of you and me. Now we both are in the "Darkness." See for along time I've always felt like you never loved me. But you pretended to be in love with me. I was the guy you always wanted, but I guess I wasn't enough for you to love. Playing with the heart is very nasty. When my parents passed away you was there for me. I looked at you as my wife. But you only just seen me as your friend. You sold me false hopes. I been having a crush on you since grade school. I've always felt like we belong together. But the days before I took your life. I knew exactly what I wanted to do and how I wanted to do it. See I knew what you like I knew what you love to do around certain times at night. I knew when you ate. Took a warm bath with bubbles with your glass of wine. You loved soft music. I watched you from afar for along time. You said you love me and will always be there for me. I wanted to have a family. I didn't want it to end like this but you pushed me to this point. I was wondering if I would feel bad for doing this but I don't see I read this letter as I watched you die slowly reaching for me to help you to save you. I knew this would happen just like you reached to save you is like you used me to save you. But because I loved you, you didn't. See time has it's way of showing you patience. How fair would it be to watch you love someone else that wasn't me. Selfishly I was to take you like that but hey you took my heart and spit on it. So I took yours and stepped on it. See this is my plan I had for you "Susan" but you liked when I called you "Susie" I was going to wait until you take your warm bath and music without a care in the world on a day which I knew you would love and those are rainy days. ''giggles" perfect day it was raining and I was walking in the rain waiting for you to come home and I seen someone who was watching me from a distance so I disappeared until it gotten dark outside. The most beautiful magic happens at night. I thought of every move I was going to make out. I cut you on your ankles so you want walk. Watched you fall to your knees in tears. Begging me to stop and I cut you in your face where your tears fell to the ground. I removed my mask over my face so you could see me. The moment you looked surprised to scream. I deeply cut your throat. Moments away of your soul leaving your body. I cut your heart out of your chest. Suddenly I woke up from blacking out. You was yelling my name repeatedly and I respond yes dear? Susie said I was calling your name so many times you blacked out again. I said "I love you, my dear queen ." She said babe I have good news for you. She suddenly goes into her bag, grabs a pregnancy test "positive". We jumped for joy. Two weeks after the great news. I went to jewelry's to find a beautiful ring for my beloved Susie. I planned a good dinner date for us and her favorite food. By the water with candle lights. With soft music like she loves. I got down on both knees grabbed her hand. I asked " Susan will you marry me? And be my wife? She replied Yes! Yes! I will marry you. We both hugged each other and smooched. Weeks later we went to the doctor to see what we were having and the doctor said you're having twins. One girl, one boy we both were so happy. I finally was living my dream with my Susie, and with my soon to be children. I was so happy. A few months went by and we received a call from the doctor to come in he had to share news with us. He let us know that one of the twins wasn't mines. I looked at my soon to be wife with disbelief, my heart fell to the floor. I grabbed her hand took the ring back and walked away from her. I will take care of my child only. I was so sadden my dream was crushed. So I started to go into my darkness of shadows to end it all.

September 11, 2020 03:58

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