I Can Feel It

Submitted into Contest #48 in response to: Write about someone who has a superpower.... view prompt



Prompt: Write about someone who has a superpower.

it is 7am and we need to get up, we always get up at 7am. I make sure of that. Then we take a walk and when we come back, we eat breakfast, or I eat breakfast, she usually just drink something while I eat. After that, she will go to the bathroom and do her thing. I try to follow her, but she insists that I wait outside the door, so I do just that, every day since she took me home. I like to sit and wait for her because I know that she will be safe. When she is done in the bathroom, I take a quick look to make sure that everything is as it is supposed to be. After this, she will go back to bed. Not to sleep but to work, or that is what she says that she is doing but usually she just watches movies. I spend a lot of my time by her side when she is in bed and I can feel that she is tense, even though she tries to suppress it I can feel it. I guess that is my superpower, I can feel how other people feel even if they cannot or chooses not to. And that is why I am with her; I am here to make sure that everything is as it is supposed to be. It is my job and I take pride in that. Some days are worse than others and our morning walk will be shorter, but she makes sure that I get out and I make sure that we both get exercise. I can feel that she is better after a walk, even if she will not admit it, I can feel it and that is what is important. She will spend many hours in bed and seemingly do nothing, but I can feel her energy slowly charging up, and around midday, we take another walk. She uses this walk to pick up food for us, even though I am the one eating most of it. When we get back it is playtime. That is my favourite time of the day because I know that she is her happiest and that makes me happy. I have a lot of toys because she always brings me new toys so I can be happy. I never see her bring home toys for herself, so I try to share my toys with her. I can feel that that makes her happy, so I do it often. I even sometimes share my favourite toy with her. After playtime, she will make food for herself self and it always smells so good. I have learned not to beg for food, but she will share a little bit with me anyway, but not too much because I will “get fat”. That is what she tells me at least. When she is done eating, she will either go back to bed or lay on the couch and watch more movies and scratch me behind the ears. That is my favourite spot to be scratched and she knows that because she can feel it makes me happy. This will go on for hours, with the occasional bathroom break. I will go out into the small yard and she will use the bathroom. When it is 6pm she will prepare dinner for me and I will eat while she prepares dinner for herself. Dinner is great because she will give me the rest of her dinner as well. After dinner, we will go on the last walk of the day. This is her favourite time of the day. I can feel that because she is so calm on this walk and sometimes, she even smiles. When we get back from our last walk of the day, she will take off her clothes and go to bed, this is when I will push her to go to the bathroom because I know that she needs to do her evening routine, just like I need to do mine. It is important because it keeps us healthy, I can feel that. When we are done with our own routines we will go to bed and she will scratch me behind the ears, and she will talk to me about her thoughts. They are often dark and sad and sometimes they are just not there at all, and sometimes, but not often, she will tell me about a happy thought that she had that day. It makes her relax to talk to me and even though I cannot answer her, I can feel that it helps her that I am there to listen. And the good days she will talk to me for a short time and then go to sleep and on the bad days, she will talk to me for hours until she cannot stay awake anymore. When she is finally sleeping, I curl up to her and try to sleep as well but I know that it is my job to keep her safe, so I will always stay alert, even in the night. Almost every day is like this, but this day was different, it always is. I get to use that garden instead of the usual walk and she will stay in bed shaking and crying for most of the day. This is my job, my moment. This is why I am here. I am here to save her. I could feel it, as I curled up close to her, that she was thinking about it, she was ready to say goodbye. But she never did it. Year after year on this particular day, she would feel the worst and I knew because I could feel it too. But I also knew how to make it better because that is what I am here for, that is what I was trained to do, to help her. To make sure that she would wake up at 7am the next day so we could go on a walk and I knew that for every day that I was here, she felt a tiny bit better. I knew because I could feel it. 

June 29, 2020 20:00

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14:35 Jul 11, 2020

A very interesting take on the prompt! I love the stream of consciousness. I can feel the rush of energy as I read it, even getting almost overwhelmed with the subject jumps. Nice work.


18:10 Jul 11, 2020

Thank you!


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