Party at the graveyard

Submitted into Contest #65 in response to: Write about someone’s first Halloween as a ghost.... view prompt


Fantasy Mystery Suspense

"I've never been to a graveyard before, I'm so curious. Can we go with them? Please!". She was staring at me with those big brown eyes. Her skin was as perfect as porcelain, she looked even paler under the moonlight. She knew I would never say no to her, and she liked that. She wasn't supposed to stay for long and it was her first Halloween back on earth, I just wanted to give her the opportunity to live like a normal person of the 21st century. 

"I mean, yes, we could, but maybe... okay, we're coming." I didn't want to go, but everyone started walking so I just followed them, I obviously couldn't leave her alone with my schoolmates. She didn't know how to behave properly around humans anymore. They were not my friends, we got along well but I couldn't call it a "friendship". That party was the only fun option we had. The alternative was staying at home, watching horrible old movies and eating burnt popcorn with my grandparents. Even though nobody told me that the party was at the graveyard, that seemed like the best way to spend the night. 

I hated the road leading there, it was completely deserted, not even a house. The giant gloomy Oaks on the sides of the street blocked out the moon, the light was so weak we could barely see the ground we were walking on. That road reminded me of the first time I met Eleonor. I've always been able to communicate with her, but I had never seen her before that night. It was traumatizing at first, she didn't even bother to show up in human form. I still remember the next day's newspaper: "Teenager attacked by a bear in the woods inexplicably survives.". I have such a vivid memory of her holding me in her arms and lifting me from the ground. It felt as if I was in the middle of a hurricane, but I knew I was safe as long as I was in her arms. 

"Michelle you're such a coward! Our new friend is much funnier than you! I can't wait to spend some time with the new girl in town." said Nicholas, putting his arm around her shoulders. She laughed, turned around and winked at me. The fact that he was flirting with her was insanely irritating, but I had to pretend it didn't bother me. He was mesmerized by her beauty, everyone was. Humans are not used to be around her yet. Nicholas continued, "Or maybe you're afraid you'll see one of your ghost friends again. Guys, do you remember when in middle school she used to say she could communicate with spirits? That was pathetic! She even told us that a spirit saved her last summer. It's hilarious, isn't it? Do you believe in spirits, Eleonor?" 

We finally arrived at the entrance of the graveyard. The ground was muddier and the fog covered everything around us. I had slowed my pace because I was starting to get tired of walking. I could hear them giggle a few meters in front of me, her voice was like a melody. The others seemed to like her a lot. I knew Lia and Emily, the girls that were with us, they were in the cheerleaders team, I used to train with them before the bear broke my leg, and two of the boys, Ryan and Marco, were my classmates. I had no idea who the guy with the white sweatshirt was, probably he and Nicholas were friends. 

"Of course I do! The great existential question of what happens after death is so intriguing! I hope there's an afterlife so I can still get drunk even when I'm dead!". Everyone laughed. Honestly, she was breath-taking, even for me. If I didn't know that was impossible, I could have bet that I was falling for her. But humans can't fall in love with spirits, it's the law number one. Even though the prophecy says I will become one of the immortals, I have to die for that to happen, and I can't fall in love with a spirit when I'm still a mortal. How can I pretend to respect the rules if I'm breaking one right now? She shouldn't be here, I know, but I don't want her to go away, not yet. I wish we could live a normal life together, who knows, maybe if we met when she was still alive we could have been friends or...

"Here we are! Welcome to the best Halloween party of this year!" announced Nicholas. I'm not going to lie, it was slightly disappointing. There was a Halloween themed festoon hanged on some antiquated gravestones and loads of black and orange balloons. The names engraved on the marble were barely legible. Ryan, Marco and Emily opened their backpacks and started getting out all kinds of alcoholic beverages, placing them on the doorstep of the mausoleum. Lia started decorating the massive Oak near the building with fairy lights. 

"So, where were we? Oh yes, spirits. I imagine them as old creepy people, with putrefied bodies that smell horribly!" said Lia, opening a bottle of beer with her teeth. "I used to have nightmares about a ghost when I was a child, his name was Gerald. He was 98 years old and he used to wear old pajamas with mayonnaise stains on it, and he stank a lot. He kinda looked like you history teacher Marco, Mr. Harris, right? He always complained about how his marriage ruined his life and he cried because he didn't say goodbye to his daughters Angelina and Karen. Gerald told me that he died in my house before I moved in with my family five years ago. He was so creepy and disgusting, I still haven't figured out how my mind created such a nightmare.".

"I think that the majority of ghosts are ravishing. I like to imagine ghosts as young beautiful ladies with splendid features that randomly show up wearing an expensive red dress with a glass of wine in their hands. They talk to you about their lives and all the lovers they had, they tell you stories about those days when they were still alive. In my opinion, ghosts are not scary at all.". I smiled, I was the only one that knew that she was actually describing herself. Our eyes met and I started blushing. 

"There's something magical about you, Eleonor. I really wish I met you earlier, I'm so happy you moved here. I hope you'll like this town as much as I like it, maybe I could show you some cool places. What about dinner, just the two of us, this Monday?" Nicholas put his arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him. She clearly noticed that I was not comfortable with the situation. 

"Maybe I'll think about it. Guys do you want to play truth or dare?" she said, . Everyone agreed and we started playing. After a couple of rounds everyone was having fun and half of the alcohol was already gone. We were having so much fun. I looked at her and I admired her. Her laughter was so sweet, I felt like my heart was about to melt. Eleonor saw that the only person that was not having fun was that guy I didn't know. "Hey, you, the one with the white sweatshirt, what's your name?" she asked. 

"I'm Nathaniel" he answered. "At first I didn't recognize you Eleonor, it's a pleasure to see you again after all those years. Don't you remember me? I'm surprised, I expected you to be more... dead, if you know what I mean. You shouldn't be here." She was speechless. She was almost sober, but everyone else was so drunk they barely understood what was happening. She pretended to take it as a joke. "Excuse me, what? I would remember you if I met you, trust me."

I was terrified. I grabbed Eleonor by the shirt and dragged her away from the others. We hid in a bush behind the mausoleum. I looked left and right before speaking to make sure that nobody was hearing us. "Who is he? How does he know who you are?" I asked nervously. My hands started shaking and I felt like I was about to faint. "This is not real, this has to be a nightmare!"

"I have no clue, love. I have never seen him before, I swear, don't worry everything is okay." said Eleonor, playing with her hair. "No, it's not, Eleonor. It's enough, I'm glad you're having fun with your little human toys, but you need to go. Now. You even lied to me! How is it possible that you've never been to a graveyard? What if you're also lying about this?" Tears were about to start falling down my cheeks. I didn't want to let her go, I wanted her to stay with me, but deep down I knew it was not possible.

"It's not my fault that humans love me, sweetheart! They are just obsessed with my energy, did you see how Nicholas was staring at me? Poor guy, he doesn't even imagine how old I am. It's not that big of a deal Michelle, I'm just having fun! And, just so you know, I sometimes like watching people grieving their dead relatives to comfort them, but I have never been to a graveyard in human form, so technically it doesn't count as lying, and I'm not lying about this either.". 

"I'm aware of the fact that you could never be a menace to people, but it's cruel to play with them like this, don't you think Eleonor? You came here so that we could spend some time together, I didn't think you'll start playing with other humans.".

"The last time I've been in a human body was in the 19th century. It feels good to be here again, you'll understand this feeling one day, when you'll be like us. They have no clue about who I am, and about what I can do. If only they knew that I can see their hearts... maybe I should tell them, they won't even remember it, that would be extremely amusing!".

"Are you completely out of your mind? Maybe you forgot that if someone finds out you're here I'll become a human lantern? They will burn me alive with fire from my own heart! And what about you? Do you want to go to that terrible place? I don't think so! We have to discover who Nathaniel is and why he knows you, this is a disaster..." I was suddenly interrupted. "If you want to know anything you can just ask, Michelle." 

Nathaniel got closer to Eleonor, to kiss her hand. She was staring at him with dead eyes, lost in her memories. Then she smiled. "Of course, now I remember you, Nathaniel. Paris, 22 October 1875. You saved me during the train accident. We spent two days together because you wanted to be sure I was fine, I even had to pretend that I was hurt so you wouldn't suspect anything! After that, we never saw each other again. You didn't know I was immortal, did you?".

"Obviously I didn't, that's why I was so worried. Michelle is right, Eleonor you need to go before it's too late. I am blocked on earth because I spent too much time here and they found out so they closed my gate, the only way to come back, yours might still be open. Please go, I don't want you to suffer as I did.". He held both her hands and kissed her on the cheek. 

"Thank you, Nathaniel, you are saving me again." She said to him, then she turned around and looked at me. I saw her eyes starting to get teary. "And thank you, Michelle, for everything." She hugged me and caressed my hair. She smelled like flowers and bourbon. "I love you.".

"I love you too Eleonor, I don't want to lose you." I said, sobbing uncontrollably. She wiped the tears on my cheeks with the sleeve of the blouse. 

"You never will, you know we'll meet again sooner or later. Let's not make this even more difficult, okay? Goodbye, sweetheart." She said as she started walking away. She moved her hand and a portal opened in front of her. Before getting in, she turned around for the last time and she smiled at me. I smiled back, being sure that it was going to be the last time I saw her in human form. The portal closed, Nathaniel put his arm around me and I put my head on his shoulder, trying to calm down and stop crying.

We were about to come back to the party when a blinding light illuminated the entire graveyard. Eleonor fell on the ground and started laughing. 

"I guess I'm sticking around for some time."

October 30, 2020 23:53

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Asha Cole
02:08 Nov 05, 2020

Hi Maria! Your story was suggested to me as part of the critique co for on here. I want to know more surrounding this story! Eleanor seems to have a life of stories, and she is more of the main character. A prophecy was mentioned but I don't understand what it was, this would be the main thing I feel is missing out. I enjoyed this piece though 😊


20:45 Nov 09, 2020

Thank you very much for your feedback! We will discover more about the prophecy and Eleonor soon, I will be mentioning her a lot in my future stories. I'm glad you liked the story, English is not my first language and to be honest I was kinda nervous to post it, knowing that someone liked it makes me extremely happy:)


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