Submitted to: Contest #48

From a Proud Father

Written in response to: "Write about someone who has a superpower."

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You were going to be special. I told everyone that listened.  Way back when you were born, I could sense greatness in you. Every father is going to say that, but I knew deep in my bones, blood and guts that the world was going to know your name. 

It was 1:00 A.M. in the morning before you came into this world. The doctor said it was the third longest labor period in the hospital. You didn’t want to leave. Too bad your mother thought otherwise.

It might surprise you to learn that despite the trouble you gave us, your mother and I thought there was nothing more precious in the world. I must have spent half an hour making sure your car seat was just right. Would’ve been longer had your mom not hollered at me to get going.  

Your powers didn’t start showing up until you were just knee high. I remember when you flipped over the car just to get your ball back. Boy, I had a hell of a time convincing the neighbors that it was me. 

And do you remember the time that boy shoved you? His mother chewed me out for his broken arm. Thank god you decided not to kick him in the balls.

You were a firebrand, but you had a good heart. You busted walls in our house, but you always try to fix what you broke.

It was when you started using the internet and watching the news that you found your calling. 

I remember you sat star-struck at those capes and costumes. I snorted and told you that those were just a bunch of yahoos thinking they’re better than everyone. Of course, that set off one of the hundreds of arguments we would have.

We would argue in circles, but you were dead set on becoming a heroine. So we made a deal. If you graduated from college, your mother and I wouldn’t get in your way. It was a long shot. We both thought that you would lose interest. You would have find a good job, have a kid, and live out your life in peace and happiness. 

For a while, we thought that was going to be the case. You went to parties, got a boyfriend, dumped him, aced exams, failed others, and generally just acted like a college student. I really thought that was the end of your ambition.

Graduation day for us all was a mixed bag as you may recall. I remember you handing over your degree to us before stating your intention to become a super heroine. The noise we raised throughout the night was enough to get the neighbors to call the cops.

I fought you tooth and nail and so did your mother. We both pleaded and cried and you relented. It was suppose to be the end of it, but I don’t think you know why your mother and I changed our minds.

It was seeing you sitting in your chair just staring out of the window. It was after that horrific business down in San Diego. Two heroes were dead and so were thousands of others. I knew that look. It was you taking on the weight of the world even though it was not your burden to carry. 

You see all these people lifting building and tossing boulders as if they were gods, and we’re all just play things just waiting to be smashed aside. They can raise the dead, bring clouds to drown a city, or crack the earth in two.  They forgot what it means to be human. They look at us and they probably see ants. Some of them are cruel and sadistic to the point where they’re more monster than human. And you wanted to stand in their way. It shames me to want you to run and hide.

But you’re not like that. Your mother and I always do the right thing and it makes me proud that you take after us. Sometimes the reward is pain, but this world has enough taken from it. 

Your mother, god rest her soul, would have wanted to you to be safe. To stay out of trouble and let others do all the work. But I know that feeling of helplessness.  You’re heart was cracking and your soul was dying cut by cut. To deny you this would be to deny everything that you are.

So, when you were away, your mother and I had a talk in the basement where the neighbors couldn’t hear us screaming. I’m pretty sure she came close to threatening me with divorce.

When you were recruited by the top association, I had mixed feelings. You were going to be taught by the best. You were also going to be fighting the worst. I was proud and deathly scared. More than once, I wanted to go back on my word, but I knew that you had set the course. There was no going back.

I think you can imagine the sleepless nights your mother and I had. I remember you fighting that walking slab of concrete and getting knocked out. We practically worn a groove in the kitchen floor just pacing back and forth waiting for that call on that gizmo you left us to let us know that you’re okay. 

And that time you got stranded on another world? I don’t think I ate anything for days. Your mother managed to at least get me to drink water. I was overjoyed when you found your way back. Less so when you your mom emptied out the fridge just to cook you your favorite meals.

Probably one of the worst things that happen to you was missing your mother’s funeral. I keep telling you she would understand and so would I. But with a heart as big as yours, I know you can’t help but blame yourself.

The day you were elevated to the command council was one of the proudest of my life. You were now a leader of these yahoos and I had to eat a lot of crow. 

And now that it’s your 10th anniversary as overall commander, I just like to say happy birthday. I just made shepherd’s pie. It’s a little over done, but I think it’s still good. I hope to see you soon.

Love Dad

Posted Jul 02, 2020

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11 likes 2 comments

Rita Janela
08:15 Jul 09, 2020

I absolutely loved reading this letter from top to bottom. It's so well-written and I felt all the emotions her father felt, I imagined every moment you described on the letter. Congratulations and I can't wait to read more from you =)


Eric M
15:09 Jul 10, 2020

Thank you for the kind comment :)


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