Fiction Inspirational Teens & Young Adult

I never thought I could change the world; never thought I could even impact it.

And I mean can you really blame me?

Blame me for having dreams so big, that I figured they would never come true?

This world is filled with billions of people, and I am just one of them, how could I make a difference?

If you looked in a sky of billions upon billions of fireflies, and one of them was different, one of them glowed brighter, acted differently. Would you notice?

Notice that single Firefly?

You wouldn’t, and that’s ok, I wouldn’t either. After all, there are billions of others, how could you notice just one.

How could anyone notice just me?

In a world of billions.

Yet here I stand.


I grew up as normal, as any child next to me. I did not have a lot of money or social media stans. I was just a kid with both feet planted firmly on the ground, trying to make my way in the world. I was not popular in school, and I was not even a part of any big sports teams or events. I wasn't special to the outside world, I went unnoticed.

For I wasn't anything more than me.

And little did I know that simply being myself, was the best thing I could possibly be.

Just me.

And at the time, I was only focused on just trying to get through my life in the best way I could. I knew I got to play a role in my fate, I knew I got to make decisions that would make a difference to me.

I never thought I could make a difference to others.

But we can always make a difference to others, remember that, and you will move more than mountains.

Here I stand.


I was quiet until I decided one day I did not need to be. I had so many words inside of me, bundled up under what everyone called bossiness and emotional. I had strong opinions, screaming inside of me to be let out. And so I stopped hiding in the background, and I started making my voice be heard.

 I started in the smallest ways, speaking up in conversations, speaking out against things I disagreed with. One day, one of my teachers asked me to share my viewpoint on humankind as a society in a paragraph. It was part of a school assignment no different than any other.

But when I sat down to write it, I realized I had so much to say.

So much more than a paragraph.

So much more.

And so, a week after I handed the assignment in, my teacher took me aside and asked me to present it in front of the class.

I was terrified, how could I not be?

I almost flat out told them no, I was so close to telling them I could not do it.

But something, something inside me, told me I needed to stop hiding.

I had been silent long enough.

And here I stand.


My hands had been shaking and my voice even more so. A couple of my classmates were snickering, and I almost stopped, almost gave up, but I didn’t. Instead, I cleared my throat, I wanted to be heard as everyone does, and for the first, I had a chance.

And that is where it all began. Because everything has to begin somewhere.

The time, where I was no longer silent.

I would never be silent again.

So here I stand.


And by simply deciding I was done staying silent, I realized how I was given a voice for a reason, and I would be dammed if I was not going to use it.

 I started speaking up at school events and then began my journey in public speaking. And every time Someone asked me what my opinion is. I would laugh and then I would tell them. Hard and true, exactly what I believed, nothing less. Taking that part of myself I had shut out for so long, and instead, bringing it high in my chest, not like a weight, but like a purpose.

I was still one in billions, but somehow, I was managing to impact a couple of people, and that is all it takes.

Here I stand.


You see none of us would notice one different firefly in billions.

However, if the fireflies next to that one firefly noticed; they might change too. And then other fireflies might see those, and change as well. And suddenly everything would be different, because of one.

And that you would notice, we all would.

And here I stand.


Here I stand, I can hear the crowd out there. Shouting loud, there many unique voices. All those people ready to simply hear mine. And I know if you want to change the world, you go on and change it.

Nothing is stopping you, but yourself. You have been given a voice for a reason. We were not meant to be quiet creatures. We were meant to shout at the top of our lungs what needs to be heard. Pour everything out of our souls, and maybe impact those who need to hear what we have to say.

And trust me when I tell you, someone out there needs to hear what you have to say.

And if your afraid that is ok. I am too.

But remember,

here you stand.


Clear your throat, take a deep breath, bear your fists, lift your head and speak.

And never stay silent for anyone, never again.

Instead speak for you, and for all those who have been silent for far too long.

And so, I smile, my heart pounding in my chest, and I walk out onto that stage in front of thousands. Spotlights filling my vision as I make my way to the microphone and look over the crowd in front of me. Look to the world, just waiting to be changed.

And I cleared my throat.

February 12, 2021 20:38

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Valerie June
21:41 Mar 12, 2021

β€οΈπŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’œYOU ARE AN AWESOME AUTHOR β€οΈπŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’œβ€οΈπŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’œ Issac started this trend, but I really mean every word! And one more thing, I read this story awhile ago but now that I read it again it's as striking as the first time I read it. I also liked your reference to fireflies which further emphasizes how lucky it is to be the one person to make a huge difference in the world.


Aww thanks, Jose, I really appreciate that. I am so glad you enjoyed this story! I think everyone has the power to make a difference, and maybe the biggest thing that stands in our way is simply self-doubt. I was hoping writing this could really show people how big of a difference just one person can make. Thanks so much for the comment, this is a great trend and means a lot to me that you took the time to comment on my story.β™₯ ~Alainna


Valerie June
17:25 Mar 13, 2021

I saw that you're working on your first novel; I wish you the best of luck. I'm also starting to write my first novel as well, and I know just how frustrating it can be most times. :)


Yes, I am, Im currently working on my revisons. Thank you it's been amazing and also like you said frustrating, but I guess that's how writing anything pretty much is:) That's awesome, good for you. I think writing the first book is such a daunting task but Im sure will be so rewarding in the long run. I wish you all the best with your novel as well, Im sure it will be amazing! ~Alainna


Valerie June
17:44 Mar 13, 2021

Wow, you’ve gotten really far. I’m still working on my first rough draft, but I know that if I stick with it the end result will be incredible. The first time you commit to writing a novel is probably the hardest task a writer can face. So glad that you stuck with your idea until the end, that’s takes pure dedication!


Thank you, Jose, and Im sure your right about your story being incredible once you've finished. I agree I think before you have actually written your first book it seems so impossible until you've done it. ~Alainna


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Kate Rucker
07:57 Mar 01, 2021

"But when I sat down to write it, I realized I had so much to say. So much more than a paragraph." This. Was. Beautiful. My goodness Alainna, you have a way of making my heart get stuck in my throat after I read one of your stories! This was inspiring, motivating, and socially correcting, as all of your stories are. Each idea flowed smoothly with the next and the threaded idea of 'here I stand' really allowed everything to come full circle. Thank you for always making your stories meaningful. They radiate a genuine want for change and a bur...


Lizzy, I can't even put into words how much your comment means to me. I don't think I have smiled so big while reading one of the comments on my stories before. I am so beyond thrilled that my stories make you feel those things, because it is all I want to do while writing them.β™₯ Thank you so much for this, I really really appreciate it.β™₯ ~Alainna


Kate Rucker
17:30 Mar 01, 2021

Yay!! Always always always!! You make me so so happy! I’m so glad I could make you smile 😊. It’s all true!! πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•


Thank you so much!!! You always make me so happy too.πŸ’• ~Alainna


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Devin Carrier
15:17 Feb 19, 2021

Well I was going to say what a strong voice you have in this work, but I think you know that already. Now I just want to say thank you. This firefly, and I mean this sincerely, was moved by your words.


Thank you so much, Devin! You have no idea how much your comment means to me.β™₯ Im so glad it moved you, that's what I was hoping to do while writing this. Help move all those who need to hear this. ~Alainna


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Eddie Thawne
08:40 Feb 17, 2021

Truly inspirational. Loved it, right from the title. Great Job.


Eddie Thawne
16:08 Feb 17, 2021

You're welcome


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Yolanda Wu
05:04 Feb 13, 2021

What an inspirational story! I loved the little snippets showing the progression of the protagonist. The firefly metaphor is definitely one that will stay with me. The repetition of of 'here I stand' is so powerful and I really like the way it's emphasised throughout the story. That last part honestly gave me goosebumps. This is such an important little piece for everyone! Amazing work, Alainna!


Thank you so much, Yolanda. Your kind words mean alot to me. I am so glad you liked this.β™₯️ ~Alainna


Yolanda Wu
23:43 Feb 13, 2021

You're welcome, Alainna!


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18:53 Apr 20, 2021

Heyo!! Can you read my story "Sign of a Haunt"? It was the first story last week that I threw out because I had HORRIBLE Writer's Block😭. I think it turned out pretty great and I'd love to get feedback :DD


13:46 Apr 26, 2021



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Palak Shah
10:12 Apr 15, 2021

I think the title just put it all together and this was a wonderful story. Great job !!! Could you please read my latest story . Thanks :)) ~Palak Shah


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Oh my gosh...this is such a powerful and inspiring story! Keep up the good work. =)


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Nancy Drayce
18:04 Feb 16, 2021

Unique and beautiful! I love the concept of the story, the message... everything was truly beautiful. I hope that anyone who reads this feels empowered afterwards because it really can lift someone's spirit. Amazing story!! πŸ’™πŸŒŸ


Thank you, Nancy. I am so glad you liked it. Yes! I hope so too, I wrote this story in hopes that it could inspire those who are afraid to make their voices be heard. ~Alainna


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Palak Shah
12:11 Feb 16, 2021

Great story. I loved the use of repetition in it and made your story so powerful. The message in this story is one that everyone should know. Great job !!! Can you please read my story and share your feedback on it. It would be appreciated a lot. Thanks :))


Thank you so much, and of course, I'll check out your story. ~Alainna


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