Dare to loose , Love to live

Submitted into Contest #94 in response to: Start your story with someone accepting a dare.... view prompt


Friendship Romance Adventure

Rohan : Ok

Rina : “ what ok , its not a joke”

Rohan ; “ I will do it”

Rina : what are you talking about , have you lost your mind , it is matter of your life

Jitesh : hey Rina why are you coming between us , if he said he will do it let him do , don’t interfere in men’s matter.

Rina : Hey , why are you provoking him to do such task that will risk his life.

Jitesh : He is interested in doing it .

Jitesh challenged Rohan If he can jump from 100 feet height without any equipment’s. Rohan was a fitness geek so he accepted the challenge , he thought that there is nothing in the world that he can’t do . Rina who was very good friend of Rohan was always aware about evil mind of Jitesh who was their colleague. Jitesh always used to create problems in others life , and enjoys watching others in pain . but Rina was a very tough girl Jitesh tried so many times to get her away from his way but Rina every time came with an idea to solve problems of others.

Rohan was one of the most hard working employee of the company. For him work was worship , he just enjoys the duty he was given and due to these qualities he was going to get promotion . His seniors were very happy from his performance and they were looking to give him the position of marketing head.

Jitesh was very jealous from him because he was 4 years senior from him and he was at the same position were he joined the company. He was well aware that Rohan always looks for adventurous things in life . so he gave him challenge if he could jump from a 100 feet rock to the sand he will give him a grand party. Rohan said yes to him without thinking about that it could be very dangerous for his life. Rina was there when they were talking about all this , she has never told Rohan but she liked him when they joined the company . they joined the company at same day and got training together . They were from different cities and from different culture but they soon became very good friends . Rina liked Rohan from the day one when they met but she didn’t know that if Rohan also likes him or not and she never shared her feelings with Rohan because she was afraid that she will loose a good friend .

Rina was totally against the idea of doing this stunt, but Rohan was very excited to do this and he didn’t thought the consequences of it and Jitesh keeps on provoking him and he also told him that if you will not do this I will spread the word everywhere that how bog coward you are. Rina was helpless now she was thinking what she must do to stop this nonsense to happen. Their senior manager Mr. Swaminathan was very supportive to them , he always liked Rina and Rohan as a hard working employer. Rina thought I should talk about this to him , but she was feeling that it is junior employees personnel matter should she talk this matter to him.

But there was no other elders in that city with her to whom she can share her problem and get some valuable suggestions. She knew that Rohan was bit childish she need to act fast before he do some harm to himself in search of some fun. She went to Mr. Swaminathan and told him everything .

Mr . Swaminathan “ I knew that Idiot Jitesh is jealous of Rohan , he is the most useless person in our company who joined just because some of his relative is in the board of directors of the company. He always creates problems for others but this time he has gone too far. Wait I am coming I will talk to Rohan not do this “ . Mr. Swaminathan and Rina went to Rohan’s desk after sometime but he was not there then they looked for Jitesh but they didn’t find him too.

They went to security guard and asked him if he saw Rohan and Jitesh . Security guard said “ There shift was over so they went home. And yes Today I saw a weird thing that today Jitesh gave lift to Rohan in his car as they went together, Jitesh Sir never gives lift to anyone in his car. “

Rina became very worried about Rohan as were they have gone he just wished that Rohan safe till now. Mr . Swaminathan told her to keep calm he will call his fiend who is in traffic monitoring headquarters , he will help him find both of them with the cctv cameras records.

Cell phones of both Jitesh and Rohan was switch of , Rina was sure that Jitesh played some trick and made Rohan phone off. Soon Mr.  Swaminathan gets call from his friend that the no of car which he told went to the direction of Kailari hills . Mr.  Swaminathan rushed to his car with Rina and they also took security guard Nandu with them. Soon they reached the Kailari hills , Rohan was standing near the cliff , it was a sandy his about 100 feet high . Jitesh was shouting from behind jump, jump.

Rina got out of the car and rushed towards Rohan to stop him . She shouted “ Rohan please don’t jump wait a minute listen to me. Rohan looked at Rina and also saw Mr .  Swaminathan with her, she ran to Rohan and hugged him and said “ I love you Rohan I liked you from the first time when I saw you , Please don’t jump for the sake of our friendship.” Rohan was surprised to know that she loved him as he always looked for a girl like Rina to be his life partner.

Soon Mr . Swaminathan reached close to them and told him get back to the car and go home.

Jitesh was very afraid he never thought that Someone will tell this too seniors in the company , he thought that he will manage everything after the incident , but things were different now.

On the very next day It was decided in the company that Jitesh will be fired and won’t get any benefits from the company also he wouldn’t get any experience certificates after what he was going to do with an employee of the company.

After 1 month of this incident Rohan and Rina got engaged to each other. Sitting at a beach on evening Rohan asked Rina if Jitesh will not have asked me to do that dare would she accepted that she loves me.

 Rina just looked into eyes of Rohan and smiled; Rohan got his answer.

The sunset was beautiful it looked like sun was going inside deep water of Sea to get fresh and rise again next morning. Rina leaned on the shoulder of Rohan watching this beautiful moment.

May 20, 2021 11:34

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