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Fiction Historical Fiction Fantasy

Life In a Bunker of Archie Jeena & Alex was a married couple staying in britain. Alex by profession was a well known doctor and jeena was the owner of the flower boutique shop which was located in the town side. Alex he would often work in the city and sometimes he would returned when he has off. So this how jeena and alex met and started they are journey . Jeena and Alex was a lovely couple they were college lovers. they got married were Jeena was 28 and Alex was 32 and alex had already joined the job in the city. Alex home was in the city but jeena loved staying in the village so they brought a home in the village . Due to hectic work hours he have stay at city where jeena would stay in village. Jeena was very charming girl she would love to decor . Very often she would visit the flower boutique shop located in the village she was very fascinated by seeing the flowers of different colour. So once she headed the flower shop she was very close to the owner of the shop the flower owner was very distress so jeena asked her the reason she told that her other partner is shifting to different country any she won’t be able to pay rent or shop expenses so she told may be she have to close the shop listening to this jeena was also distress about it . so they talked about the issue for some more time than she took some flowers which she was looking consoled the owner and left the shop. When jeena went home she kept thinking of that for long time. She could not get the thoughts out of her mind. Suddenly her phone rang it was alex so they chatting alex was able to detect that something was wrong with jeena voice so he asked her and she narrated the issue to him listening to this alex told jeena why not she opt to become partner with the owner this she will able to do what she loves and also she can co- own the place. Listening to this jeena was very happy rejoiced she agreed with alex and told that tomorrow itself she will have a word with the owner . jeena slept very happily this day of imaging about tomorrow. The next day was very big for jeena and alex. both jeena got up early got dressed beautifully and headed to the shop. So she discussed everything with her and the owner had no boundaries for her happiness as she thanked jeena again and again for saving her and her beloved shop. Jeena after done with the paper work she co-owned the company so every morning she would open the shop take the deliver, Place the orders and continue with the daily routine work. Slowly the business was flourishing very well and both the owner and jeena was happy. Has time went by jeena was pregnant for 2 months and alex also shifted to village to take care of her. he would sometimes go to the hospital or else he had joined a near by hospital in local were he stared working. when everything was okay and life was going on smooth no one thought such a disaster thing would happen suddenly the war broke out in britain and other countries. All the city all was on a strict lock down no was allowed to travel go anywhere only for necessities only one member can go there was a strict curfew in many cities and villages and jeena village was one of that the village, and state which were near the border was on a very strict lockdown. Many times the villagers house was raided to check if there is any spy hiding or any illegal activities going on. Many of them had already migrated to some other state. Were jeena was leaving currently that Life In a Bunker of Archie house had a bunker because that house first was owned by a police officer so in order if something happen the bunker was made. Everything was closed TV newspaper, radio channels there no connection and no communication with outside world. No one was aware that whats was happening. So Alex decided that has jeena was pregnant it would be better they moved in bunker. So alex hurried outside there were guards who stopped him to enquire and he informed them has all the grocery have finished and her wife was pregnant he is going outside after making him wait for more that half- hour he was granted permission has alex headed to the store. the storeman informed him that he should hurry and take whatever he wants has he don’t know when next he will be able to open the store. Alex listening to that told the store person that he wants to buy everything has the shop was small the items would last them for a year or half , so the shopkeeper was astonished first and was reluctant to sell first but after listening to alex and about jeena pregnancy he was ready to sell him the foods items . they packed everything in the van has the storekeeper had the pass there were no one stopping them. Both shopkeeper and alex headed the alex house alex told him to load all the things in his house and he paid him. After he had went alex called jeena and both of them carried the items 1 by 1 in the bunker and started keeping it. It was nearly 2 more months and the situation had worsned and the situation was not very good , and jeena who was 4 month pregnant now. alex would take care of her and do all the chores also little bit oh her check-up. Due to the lockdown it was not safe to go outside and jeena had do deliver the baby in the bunker. The baby delivered was a boy name archie. Baby Archie had already turned 5months old were the lockdown had still continued as days went by it was nearly 2 years had passed and archie was now 2 years. he did not went outside so he did not know how the outside world looked like. he only saw the outside world through book which jeena would read him. Now the food items was also at the verge of finishing so alex was forced to leave. Jeena and archie were home alone he was also afraid to leave the alone , but he did not had any options. Jeena and archie would play in the bunker and than they slept and alex returned home. And he brought the necessities for the house has the person who had sold him the items last was his friend, and he lived nearby so it was not a difficult task for him to buy the food items . Years went by now it was almost 5 yrs now , and due to worsening of the situation and attack in they are house jeena, archie and alex never went outside of the bunker. nor they knew the the lockdown was end and also the war. But due to they are fear they stayed in the bunker for almost 5 years, and the food they consume very little like only 1 meal they would have, and rest was always served to archie. The neighbours thought that during the attack at they are house jeena and alex have lost they are lives even alex family living in the city thought that. Has the war was over alex family visited the alex and jeena house but no one was found the house was covered with dust and blood stains.they thought they had lost they are life along with the baby. Life In a Bunker of Archie It was almost 6 yrs starting and foods items was nearly over even archie had to starve. Archie was now a 6 yrs old boys with the brown hair round face and blue eyes same like jeena. Archie did not know how the world looked like he only saw pictures in the book which jeena would often read her and archie how much possible was home schooled has jeena and alex thought they dont know whats going to happen .so at least they can teach him often alex would teach him science and medical related things, and jeena would teach him how the world looks outside and history. Archie was a very smart boy for his age he was close to both his parents, and he never knew other people existed he thought all the word is the bunker and his family. Archie was addicted to books and he would keep reading it. Due to the situation demand alex was force to go outside of the house he was left with no money all his money and jeena money was spend in buying the grocery for 2 - 3 yrs. With no money left in his hand alex went out fearing. Has he stepped outside he was astonished to find that it was snowing and all the people was already back in they are ritual seeing this alex was not able to believe he went inside rushing and told jeena about it jeena was so astonished has she accompanied alex and took archie with her to the room up she could not believe her eyes that everything was normal .war was over and it was snowing when they are neighbours saw them they first taught seeing them that whether it is real or its the ghost has no one would believe that they were still alive. Archie seeing the snow outside world was very excited, and the same time afraid .he hid behind jeena seeing they are neighbours has alex saw them he greeted them and they were surprised and they went towards jeena and alex hugged them and they were so astonished to see little archie hiding behind jeena. The news spread to all the village and the city that a couple with a child lived in the bunker for 6 yrs and was cut off from the world . Most difficulty it was archie has he never has seen so many people around. It was very hard for him to adapt to the surroundings and people. Hearing the news alex father and mother rushed to the village, and they decided no matter what happens but alex, jeena and archie would stay with them in the city. Leaving the village was very hard for jeena , alex and archie has due to living in the bunker they were not used to people surrounded them. may be due to staying in the bunker they just taught they are whole world consist of only they three and now adapting to things was very difficult for them . has they left the village and shifted to city archie was very afraid of his own grandparents, and often would hide in the room. has days went by jeena and alex started to adapt the surroundings and archie was also admitted to school he would be very reluctant to go but slowly he is starting to adapt to the surroundings and this is archie 18yrs old now who is giving his project in the college on the topic life in a bunker of Archie.

March 12, 2021 18:27

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Diana Amon
17:16 Mar 13, 2021

This is 1st completed story submitted. hope people will find it interesting. and would welcome feedback for the same so i can improve


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