Adventure Drama Romance

"I don't want you to go fight this forest fire!" Rafe told his wife, Yvonne. "It's much too dangerous."

 "We've talked about this before," Yvonne reminded her husband. "I can't quit just because you want to protect me. Firefighting is my job, and it's a job that I love."

           "I restrained from complaining when you went into that burning house last year. I was apprehensive, but I didn't say anything. I worry in silence every day when you go to work, but I can't be silent anymore. Forest fires are too treacherous." Rafe explained as if Yvonne didn't know the hazards. "Trees can explode from the intense heat, and gusts of wind make the fire unpredictable. I'm afraid. What if you get trapped in the raging inferno?"

 "I've had excellent training. I know what I'm doing," Yvonne argued.

           "The fire might spread more rapidly than you expect," Rafe continued to argue.

           "I can't tell my fellow firefighters that this job is too dangerous for me," Yvonne reasoned. We trained as a team, and we count on each other. I know the strengths and limitations of everyone on my team, and they know mine. Rafe, you are right forest fires are dangerous. It would be even more dangerous if a new firefighter took my place. Don't ask me to betray my team."

           Rafe started pacing. His long strides quickly brought him to the large picture window of their living room. "I've always loved looking at the trees from this window," he said. The window framed a spectacular view of the National Forest. "Now, I realize how dangerous all this beauty can be."

 Yvonne knew the argument was over, at least this time. "Rafe, I will be careful, but I need you to promise me that you will be careful as well. The fire is over five miles away, but that can change quickly. Please evacuate if the fire gets any closer."

           Rafe turned away from the window and gave her a fierce hug. "I promise. Here's a kiss for luck."

Yvonne needed food, sleep, and a long shower. Her team had been fighting the fire for a week, and it still wasn't contained.

           "If the wind keeps blowing west, the fire will run out of fuel," Herman said. Herman was the most experienced firefighter on their team.

 "Wasn't there a huge fire west of here, two years ago?" Yvonne asked. They were resting beside a trailer with sandwiches, bottles of water, and coffee.

 "It's easy to get directions mixed up in the forest, but I'm sure Yvonne is right," Mick said. "The land to the west shouldn't have dead trees and dry underbrush." Mick had been on the team one year longer than Yvonne.

 Herman confirmed the supposition, "That's right. Two years ago, there was a huge fire west of here. Now that area should have young trees and fresh, green undergrowth. The new foliage won't guarantee that the fire will burn out, but it should slow the spread."

           "I hope it rains soon. Rain will help put out the fire more effectively than us," Mick added.

           "I suggest that we all close our eyes now," Herman announced. "We need to be ready to relieve the other team in four hours."

 Yvonne wished that she could call Rafe, but there wasn't any reception. She closed her eyes, knowing that he was safe. Their house was close to the forest, but there weren't trees within one hundred yards. Yvonne had insisted on a large buffer zone when they built the two-story home four years ago. So far, that strategy had worked.

"Get up now!" Herman tapped the feet of each member of the team. 

 Yvonne rubbed the sleep from her eyes, or was it soot? "What's wrong? I know I wasn't asleep for four hours."

 "The wind has shifted, causing the fire to change its course. There is a new housing development directly in the path of this inferno."

 "Where are we headed?" Yvonne asked as she strapped on her gear.

           "We're going to the expensive houses north of here. Those people haven't evacuated because they thought they were safe." Herman shook his head and added, "they were safe until the wind changed directions."

 Yvonne was anxious for the people in the new development, but she was also thankful that Rafe wasn't anywhere near the threat.

The forest fire was closing in on the new houses. Yvonne noticed that the builders had not set up a buffer zone. The forest was too close to the outermost homes.

 "A lot of people want to live in the woods and don't realize the danger," Mick echoed her thoughts.

           The development looked like a war zone. Some of the residents were trying to put out the flames with garden hoses and buckets of water. Other residents were screaming hysterically in the streets.

 Herman assessed the situation and spoke into the bull horn. "Get back, everyone. We need space for the fire trucks."

 Herman pointed to a house. "We will start with that one." There was a house on the very edge of the forest. Flames were already starting to lick up the outside wall. Yvonne hoped that no one was inside.

           Mick drove the fire truck as close to the house as safety would allow.

           "Hurry!" Herman shouted. "I think the roof is about to cave in!"

 That's when Yvonne saw someone move in front of the second-story window. She could tell that it was a man holding a baby.

 "Get the ladder and the trampoline!" Yvonne shouted as she hurried to help set up their equipment.

 "Can we get them to the other side of the house?" Mick asked as he hurried to help Yvonne.

 "I don't think they can hear us. The roar of the fire is too loud," Yvonne answered. She motioned the man to get down. Gratitude filled her when she saw him get to his knees and cover his nose and face with the jacket he wore.

           Yvonne scurried up the ladder and broke out the window without wasting a second. She reached in for the baby, relieved to see a blanket wrapped around the tiny face. Turning slightly, she handed the baby to Mick, who was right behind her.

 Satisfied that Mick would take the child to safety, Yvonne turned to the man.

           It was Rafe!

           She wasn't sure if it was panic or rage that filled her. Rafe was supposed to be safe in their own house. 

           Fortunately, her training tamped down her emotions. She climbed through the window so she could grab Rafe by his arm. She pulled him to the edge and looked down. The trampoline was in place.    

 "We are going to jump!" Yvonne shouted into Rafe's ear. "Do you see the trampoline below this window? That is our target."

 Rafe nodded, even though he looked uncertain.

 Yvonne helped him out of the window. He sat precariously on the window ledge. She heard the ceiling crash behind them; they had to jump now.

 Yvonne put her hand on Rafe's back and pushed. It didn't even take a second for her to jump after him.

"Explain to me why you were in that house instead of safe in our house," Yvonne demanded.    

 They were in a local emergency room. Paramedics examined them for smoke inhalation and other injuries. Luckily they were fine. Rafe had a few bruises, and Yvonne had stiff shoulders. The stiffness was partly due to the emotional shock of seeing Rafe in the burning building.

 "Our friend, Kyle, called me. His wife is out of town on business, and he was taking care of the baby. He was concerned about the fire. I tried to convince to bring the baby over to our house, but he was sure the fire wouldn't get to the new development." Rafe felt awkward explaining. He knew they made a mistake. "How are Kyle and the baby?"

 "Kyle was on the other side of the house, getting a rope ladder ready so you could climb out when the door to the nursery caught on fire. He was trying to get Herman to go inside when he saw that his baby was okay. Then he saw us on the trampoline and fainted from relief." Yvonne took Rafe's hand and held on tight.

           "Did anyone die?" Rafe was afraid of the answer, but he had to ask.

 "We were very fortunate; everyone is alive." Yvonne grew thoughtful. "Many of the homes, including Kyle's, are destroyed. Houses can be rebuilt, hopefully with a buffer zone."

 "I'm willing to bet that Kyle doesn't want to live in the forest anymore," Rafe said.

 "I'm willing to bet that many of the residents don't want to live in the forest anymore," Yvonne answered.

           Rafe was quiet before speaking, "thank you for saving my life and the life of Kyle's baby." Then he kissed her.

October 22, 2020 04:58

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Madison Hallett
00:19 Jul 26, 2022

this was a true inspiration and i am only 10! i loved this story so much and i think that you should write a sequel bc it wa that good!


Carille Durbin
04:35 Jul 31, 2022

Thank you Madison!! You have inspired me to write a sequel.


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Justin Bales
04:07 Nov 16, 2020

I don't usually like romances because they aren't usually realistic. I liked this story because you started with a fight between the two main characters. It was nice that Yvonne was the firefighter. What does Rafe do for a living?


Carille Durbin
16:51 Nov 16, 2020

He's a writer. I will include that if I rewrite it.


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