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I was nervous. My hands kept tensing up and my legs would go cold. This was my first job interview and I needed this job. I needed the money. I sat there for 15 minutes when a girl around my age, walked in and sat in the chair next to me. She had brown curly hair and was holding a black folder just like mine. She looked over at me and smiled, I simply nodded my head.

“Are you here for the job interview too?”


“This is my first job interview, I thought I would be nervous but i actually feel relaxed”.

I just nodded.

“My name is Jackie, by the way”.


A lady with long dark hair walked out and called for the girl.

“Well then Alexander, wish me luck”.

I saw the girl walk away as I sat in my chair, thinking about how I have never met a girl like her. I waited for about 20 minutes until I saw Jackie and the Lady walk out.

“We’ll give you a call when we make our decision”.

“Okay, Thank you very much”.

“Mr. McClain, Mr.Jefferson will see you now”.

I stood up from my chair and walked over to the door. Jackie tapped my shoulder and smiled at me.

“Goodluck Alex”.

I nodded and followed the lady to the interview. As I was walking to Mr. Jefferson’s office I thought about how I suddenly don't feel nervous anymore. It's like all the anxious and nervous feeling left my body out of nowhere. My hands weren’t tense anymore and I didn’t feel like I was going to vomit anymore.

“Just wait here for a bit, Mr. Jefferson needed a couple of minutes to set up again for another interview”.

I nodded and sat in the chair outside Mr. Jefferson’s office. As i sat there, i tried to think about all the reasons that could have made me calm down. The only thing that i could think of is Jackie.

“Mr. McClain, Mr. Jefferson is ready to see you”.

I nodded and walked into the large office. The office was grey and gloomy. I sat in the chair right in front of Mr. Jefferson’s desk. He looked at me and gave me a small smile. He stood up and offered me a hand shake. I took his offer and shook his hand.

“So Mr. McClain, what type of job are you looking for in this facility”.

“I was interested in having a profession in data work and i noticed that there was an opening in this position”. 

Mr. Jefferson nodded and wrote what I said down.

“What are you three best qualities?”.

“I am hardworking, I am focused, and I can type on a computer”.

Mr. Jefferson nodded and continued to write what I said on the sheet of paper on his desk. Mr. Jefferson continued to ask me questions for about 20 minutes until he stood up.

“Alright Mr. McClain, I think I have the information I need to make my decision. I will give you a call when my decision is made”.

“Okay thank you very much sir”.

Mr. Jefferson offered me another handshake and I accepted and shook his hand.

“I have to say Mr. McClain, your resume is very impressive. I only knew very few people who already knew how to type”.

“It's the 70’s, the world is continuing to evolve, I suppose we need to evolve as well”.

Mr. Jefferson chuckled and nodded his head.

“I suppose we do need to evolve Mr. McClain”.

Mr. Jefferson led me to the way out. When I got outside, it started to rain. I ran to my car and started the engine. I drove out of the parking lot and made my way to the stoplight. The stoplight changed to red, I stopped and looked over to my right. I saw a girl waiting at the bus stop for a bus. I looked closer and realized it was Jackie. She was standing there in the rain with no umbrella. The light turned green and I made a U-turn. I pulled up near the bus stop and rolled down my window. 

“Hey do you need a ride?”

“Oh hello Alexander, don’t worry I'm fine”.

“Are you sure, I don’t think the bus is coming anytime soon and your pouring wet”.

“No im fine, don't worry, thanks for the offer”.

“You are going to get sick if you stay out there in the rain”.

Jackie looked like she was debating trying to get in, but after a very short moment the look on her face implied that she gave in and decided to get in the car. She got in the car and told me where she lived at, It wasn’t very far away from where I lived. The drive there was nice, we talked and got know more about each other, It went on like that for about 7 minutes. I parked in front of her house when we got there.

“Thank you so much, I could never know how to repay you”.

“Don’t worry about”.

Jackie grabbed her stuff and opened the door. 

“Wait, Would you like to hangout another time”.

Jackie smiled and nodded.

“Sure, I would like to hang out with you. Here’s my number so that we can call each other and set up a date and other stuff”.

She wrote down her number on a piece of paper and handed it to me. 

“See you around Alexander, and thanks again for the ride to my house”.

A few days passed by and I finally decided to call Jackie. I called her and we set up everything we needed to meet up again. After our first date, we ended up going on many other dates. On each date, I learned more and more about Jackie. She has lived a pretty crazy life. After our seventh date, i finally got the courage to ask her to be my girlfriend. We dated for seven more years and eventually got married. I always think about how the most important person in life came into my life at a sucky waiting room. I fell in love for the first time because of a sucky interview.

March 13, 2020 17:23

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1 comment

Chantel Chamonix
02:36 Mar 20, 2020

Aww cute story! Was the magical realism element that Jackie has a calming touch? I really like that idea. It might've been nice to bring that back up later and confirm it through a date or a passing comment between the two of them or something. Just an idea. I'm not sure I got the 'pausing-time or reliving memories' part of the prompt in your story. Did you accidentally submit to the wrong prompt?


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