Tusks and Daggers Part Seven: The Mystic Heart and A Bit of Time Travel

Written in response to: Write about somebody looking for love on a reality TV show.... view prompt


Adventure Fantasy Romance

Confusion twisted my features, two witches were arguing with each other.  A sharp bell rang, a man in a tan Victorian suit with no details was holding a strange black object.  A blue light flickered from the front of it, a single wizard coming out of the grass hut.  The salty sea air relaxed my muscles, the long black hair of the wizard fluttering in the breeze.  Golden eyes sparkled excitedly in my direction, the two blonde haired witches shooting death glares in my direction.  Colorful bikinis covered their tiny cups, the wizard having some very serious abs.    

“Her, I want her!” He announced proudly, pointing in my direction. “What say you, you strange girl?  How do you feel about being a part of the reality love show ``Magical Hearts.”  Shaking my head no, red raged on his cheeks.  Boran stepped up next to me, the wizard not getting it.  

“We are already married.” I stammered oddly, anxiety poisoning my mind. “In fact we are expecting.”  Surprise widened Boran’s eyes, a pleasant smile dawned on his face.  Tilting his head, he rested his hand on my stomach.  The wizard marched right up to us, sniffing me.  A cruel grin darkened his face, a tortured look begging for help meeting me.  

“It appears that you are right.” He admitted rudely, a cloud of dust choking me as he spun around on his heels. “Congrats, baby mama.  Open up your eyes!”  Black energy curled off of everybody, my eyes scanning for the source of the curse.  Boran grazed his lips on the nape of my neck, a single black light floating in the sky.  A tiny fairy floated in the center, several more gathering around it.  They must be living off of the dark energy of green envy, everyone turning to face me.  Inky blackness dyed their eyes, silver weapons glistening in their hands.  The wizard was the only one behaving normally, a polite smile dimming his face.  Chills ran up my spine, his hand wrapping around mine.  

“I have been trapped in this damn show for months.” He whispered calmly, Boran slapped his hand out of mine. “I know that you aren’t pregnant, or at least it is too early for me to tell.  Help me out and I will help you out.  Those fairies are my people and they need to be released from the darkness.”  My brow cocked, wicked words sitting on the tip of my tongue. 

“Does anybody know how to cleanse them?” I inquired, looking around at my companions.  Dismay dimmed my eyes, no one answering.  King Orion was possessed, so how did they fix him?  Thinking to myself, an idea gripped my mind.  Turning around to the wizard, our eyes met.  All of the contestants charged at us, the wizard holding a black pocket watch.  

“Hands of time, spin around!” He chanted confidently, the hands spinning backwards. “Take me to when this all began.”  The world around me blurred, shock dropping my jaw to the ground.  The once dark fairies were little balls of white lights, a dark spirit lurking in the shadows.  Leaping out of the bushes, the dark spirit faded away.  The white balls of white light floated in front of me, angelic faces meeting mine.  

“Who might you be!” They chirped cheerfully, their golden wings tickling my face. “You are so pretty.  Come with us, and you will never have to worry about anything again.”  Following them, they fluttered deeper into the woods.  Stopping in the middle of an empty clearing, the light energy darkened.  A black force field hummed over me, the fairies lights changing to inky black balls.  

“Such a naughty girl.” A tiny voice chirped in my ear, the fluttering of wings causing me sheer terror. “How long have you been doing things with Boran?  How many months have you been late?”  Terror widened my eyes, my lips quivering.  Sure we had been fooling around, but what did that have to do with her question.  My friends were banging on the other side, my brain calculating the last time menstruated.  Cursing to myself, the ground quaking as Mina landed next to me.  Tears welled up in my eyes, panic gripping my brain.  Blue marks appeared on my arms, the inky blackness traveling  up to my elbow.  Blue flames floated over my palm, the fairy floating back.  My scythe slid into my eager palms, my focus officially shot.  Blue vines curled up the handle, blue flames licking the blade.  Maybe a gem was around here somewhere or a black heart.  Thump, Thump! The ground shook underneath my feet, the tiny little fairy protesting as I reached into the ground.  Ripping it out, a familiar icy voice stopped me.  Three fairies held up a mirror, the evil version of me waving at me.  

“I see you found my dark heart.  Go ahead and crush it.”  She dared playfully, a dark smirk curling on her lips. “I have them placed all over my kingdom.  You will never find them all.”  Cocking my brow, my friends were fighting the fairies behind me.  A sly grin danced across my face, confusion contorting her face. 

“Let me guess you have thirteen hearts, and once I destroy the last one you get to come back to life.” I grumbled irritably, the flames devouring the organ. “How original!”  Rolling her eyes, she crossed her arms across her chest.  Fury boiled in her veins, her eyebrow twitching.  

“Whatever!” She snapped bitterly, the force field cracking. “I will get you, just you wait!”  The heart turned to ash in my palm, the mirror shattering.  A blue light bathed the land, screeches coming from the sky, three giant bat creatures flying down towards us.  The light died down, the fairies creating a golden shield over me.  Boran leapt into the air, his spiked club smashing into one of their heads.  Black chains whipped in my direction, my vision blurring.  The creatures screeched, spikes growing from their chains.  Blood and guts rained down over us, Kara and Mary’s robes fluttered as they both stabbed the last creature.  Mouthing words at the same time, white rose petals floated all around as they landed gracefully next to me.  Seeing that everything was taken care of, the wizard gazed over at me.  

“Time to see if it worked.” He laughed nervously, snapping his finger. “Hands of time, take me back home.”  The forest swirled around, purple energy spinning all around me.  Nausea wracked me, my breakfast threatening to come back up.  Boran wrapped his arms around me, a fever burning on my cheek.  The swirling stopped, his feet landing firmly on the ground.  Antler was waiting for us, Mina the last thing crashing through.  His black robes fluttered in the wind, his gloved hands hovering over my stomach.  A wide grin danced across his face, Sir Acorn’s tail twitched irritably.  Glancing around, fairies floated around.  Their golden light reminded me of fireflies, millions of them floating around. 

“You are with child, my dear.” He uttered in disbelief, joy bleeding from his voice. “Congratulations, but do be careful from now on.  That means that we have to speed up our mission.  How about we party to celebrate the new life growing inside of you.  Come on my little fairies, let us celebrate.”  Music began to play, the dirt crunching as I leapt onto the ground.  Sprinting into the trees, Boran chased after me.  Leaves and branches crunched underneath my boots, my green sweater dress barely covering the black creeping up my arm.  My blonde hair flew behind me, rocks tumbling as I skidded to a stop.  My heart skipped a beat, the dirt crumbling beneath me.  Strong arms caught me, the scent of Boran relaxing me.  However that didn’t last long, the ground giving way underneath us.  Chilly air rushed around us, his body shielding me from the brunt of the rocks and branches.  Groaning in pain, an old decaying cathedral loomed in front of us.  Struggling to our feet, the worn wooden door was barely hanging on its hinges.  Pushing through, pews sat nailed to the floor. Thud! A book slid to my feet, the blank black leather book opening to a page.  Picking it up, childlike joy lit up my eyes.  It was a spell to break my current curse, all of the ingredients in my bag upstairs.  Stepping out, I whistled.  Mina scooped us up, the moonlight now bathing the party.  Snatching my bag, no one saw us as we ran into the empty magical circle.  Drawing the symbols, Boran mashing up all of the ingredients.  Cutting my palm, blood drops moistened the dry ingredients.  Smearing the mixture in the ingredients, a blue circle formed around me. 

“Mystic force of light, dark force of evil combine to permit me to rid myself of this curse.” I chanted desperately, blue light glowing around my arm.  The light died down, relief washing over me.  My skin was no longer black, a blue rose tattoo covering my forearm.  Boran traced my arm, his lips kissing mine sweetly.  Sliding his hand down to my stomach, he kissed the top of my head.  

“We will make it through whatever gets tossed our way.” He comforted me, dusting the dirt off of my outfit. “You will make an amazing mother, the curse of the dagger is gone.  I love you two with all of my heart.  Don’t you ever forget about that?”  Tears welled up in my eyes, a single tear gliding down my cheek.  Wiping away my one tear, he kissed my stomach.  Wrapping my arms around his neck, the wizard stepped out of the bushes.  His navy blue wool shirt with golden embroidery swayed in the gentle night breeze, a polite smile on his face.  

“I am Merlin De Morgana, the son of Merlin and Morgana.” He introduced himself, bowing in my direction. “I would love to join you on your journey to freeing the kingdom.  May I become one of your companions?”  Sitting up, my breakfast threatened to visit again.  Boran sat me on his lap, shooting me an okay look.  Smiling warmly, my lips parted to speak.  

“Sure, the more the merrier.” I chirped cheerfully, a fever coloring my cheek. “I am in awe of your time traveling skills.  They amaze me.  I think that you are amazing.”  Sitting down next to us, his eyes fell on my arm. 

“Yeah, I cured my curse again.” I answered tiredly, my fingers tracing every petal. “Do you not like parties, either?”  Chuckling to himself, he gazed up at the starry night sky.  Smiling to himself, he leaned back on his hands.  

“I was living in a permanent party for months.” He exclaimed jokingly, crossing his legs. “This is more my speed.  Am I interrupting something?”  Shaking our heads we all looked up at the night sky.     

August 02, 2022 14:43

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Corey Melin
19:49 Oct 09, 2022

Very well done once again. The question is do you have your entire story planned out from beginning to end or ideas pop into your head as you write?


Yvette Francaise
13:17 Oct 14, 2022

I start out with a basic plan, then I change halfway through. Thank you for liking it. I just wanted to highlight Sir Acorn.


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