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Fiction Middle School Adventure

Day 1:

Dear diary, I do not know how I got here. It is freezing. The place is small but looks cozy, though. There is a warm, cushy bed and a fully functioning bathroom. I have tried calling mum through my phone but there is no phone line here. Nor is there any internet. Shame. For such a cozy place, this would have been complete if I had had a phone line, internet and electricity. Sadly, I have been abandoned here. There is barely enough food for today.

Oh, and yes, there isn't a house in sight for miles and miles around here.

Day 2:

I slept like a rock yesterday. To my amazement, food has appeared near my doorstep. So that's what I heard last night when I woke up suddenly. I showered and put on some new clothes that had appeared last night along with my food. It is kinda boring here. All I have to do is stare out my window.

I now have ample time to panic and wonder who put me here. To help with matters, I think back to when I had blacked out but to my horror, I realise I can't remember anything that happened before me waking up.

Day 3:

I'm bored. My phone battery is about to die now. I suppose I could just stare out the window and enjoy nature. Oh, wait. I have a few movies downloaded in my phone. Time to watch them, I guess.

Oh, damn. My battery has gone out. Now what do I do? I shouldn't have watched those movies.

I pass the time by staring out the window. This is the time where I fully get to enjoy nature, stare at the snowflakes falling down softly, the animals frolicking around as the winter sun gently beats it's rays down upon us. I kind of like this, although I don't want to be stuck here forever.

Day 4:

It is time to investigate. Who has put me here? What do they want? I snoop around the house, cautiously pruning around for clues. A ziploc bag has magically appeared in my backpack. It is almost as if the unknown person is spying on me, watching my every move. This makes my a little panicky, but I guess things will turn out all right. I hope.

Today's food was delicious. It wasn't like any I had ever seen before as well. It was a round ball (of sorts). I just had to break it into edible pieces and well, eat it. It tasted of fried chicken and rice.

Day 5:

I'm beginning to worry. I haven't collected any clues yet (not that I had the tools) nor have I figured out why people put me here.

Talk about jumping from the frying pan into the fire.

Day 6:

Someone is watching me, I just know it. Every time I look at the window, I see a silhouette lurking in the shadows. It disappears every time I look it straight in the eye. It is strange and makes me panic. Talk about more trouble. Trouble is piling up and I'm not sure my plate can hold it any longer.

Day 7:

This is it. I'm venturing out. I now feel the crisp, fresh air beating onto my face. The snow is so white, so pure. I'm sure I would've enjoyed myself here if I hadn't been panicking about losing my memories and about who put me here.

To my astonishment and joy, it brings back memories of who I was before. I was a girl named Laura Brooke and I lived in California. I had 2 elder sisters, Catherine and Wanda Brooke, and both study in Green Meadows School for Girls. I studied in Mountainview Institute and would be going to Green Meadows next year.

I had signed up for a government programme to test the new vaccine for cancer. Which was why they had removed my memories and put me in this cabin.

Cool. My first discovery. Now what?

Day 8:

It is 3 am and someone is knocking my door. I look outside and see the silhouette of mum, Catherine and Wanda. I jump for joy and open the door, only to have them inject me with a type of serum. I immediately fall to the floor, out cold. Well, that was unpleasant. Kudos to you for acting along so well, mum. And Wanda. And Catherine.

Now I wake up in an annoyingly hot cabin. OH NO. My memories are starting to blur again. Balloons are floating in front of me and I am seeing spots.

Who am I, really? What is this government programme? This seems like they are planting fake memories in my brain. The very thought that people are getting access to my memories is driving me mad. My brain was supposed to be private, you know. This makes me hate PEOPLE more. I just hate people.

Day 9:

Someone is coming to get me. It is a woman, with long black hair. She is extremely pretty and has perfect skin. Wow. When I think about my pimply face, the thought embarrasses me. Damn.

The tiny little problem here? It is 5am. Hey, I like my beauty sleep, you know.

She is going to escort me to another place. She promises it will be safe and that my real memories will be restored. I decided to trust her. So we began to walk.

Day 10:

Trusting a pretty woman who comes to get you at 5am? Big mistake.

In the middle of the journey, her face began to distort. She turned into an old hag who demanded that I carry her for the rest of the way or else I don't get any food or water for the rest of the journey.

I reluctantly agreed. Fine. I needed my water and there was nothing in sight for the whole journey. Just nothingness for miles and miles, as far as the eye could see. It was also stiflingly HOT. Did I mention that I hate hot weather?

So on and on I trudged, carrying the heavy old hag and occasionally stopping for a rest or a drink. Eventually, due to exhausting conditions and an empty water bottle, I passed out. The last few days sure have involved a LOT of fainting. Whew.

Day 11:

I wake up, only to find myself surrounded in cheering people and a huge banner hanging over my head. It read, "WINNER".

Huh? What was this all about? My brain was fuzzy and I had my real memories back in my head. At least that was something. My real mum was cheering for me. When I woke up properly, only then did I realise that my real family lived in Ohio and I had taken part in a competition of endurance. The winner would be rewarded handsomely.

And my real name was Amy Woods and I had 3 siblings. An elder brother, Charlie, and two younger twins, Gary and Rita. I swore to myself never to take part in a competition like that ever again.

January 22, 2021 14:17

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00:51 Feb 18, 2021



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